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229. The name or title forming the first line of the address is set in caps and small caps, but Mr., Mrs., or other title preceding a name is set in caps and lower-case roman; the matter following is set in italic. The words United States Army or United States Navy immediately following a name are set in roman caps and lower-case, in the same line as the name.

Maj. Gen. EDWARD M. MARKHAM, United States Army,

Chief of Engineers.



☐☐Chief of Engineers, United States Army, Washington, D. C.

[blocks in formation]

230. General addresses (not to a particular person) are set in italic, flush, with overruns indented 2 ems.

To Collectors of Customs and Internal Revenue:

To the Congress of the United States:

[blocks in formation]

231. Signatures, preceded by an em dash, are sometimes run in with last line of text.


232. Signatures are set at the right side of the page. They are indented 1 em for a single line, 3 ems and 1 em successively for two lines, and 5 ems, 3 ems, and 1 em successively for three lines. wider than document measure these indentions are increased by 1 em. 233. The name or names are set in caps and small caps; Mr., Mrs., and all other titles preceding a name, and Esq., Jr., and Sr. following a name are set in caps and lower-case roman; the title following name is set in italic. In signatures the form of the personal name of signer must be retained.

234. If name and title make more than half a line, they are set as two lines.

235. Two to eight independent signatures, with or without titles, are alined on the left, and the longest name is indented 1 em from the

right if no title follows. More than eight signatures, with or without titles, are set full measure, caps and lower-case, run in, indented 5 and 7 ems in document or wider measure; in less than document measure indent 3 and 5 ems.


Brown, Shipley & Co.; Denniston, Cross & Co.; Fruhling & Groschen,
Dattorneys; C. J. Hambro & Sons; Hardy, Nathan & Co.; Heilbut,
Symons & Co.; Harrison Bros. & Co., by George Harrison;
☐☐Hoare, Miller & Co.

A long title following a signature is set in italic caps and lower-case and is indented 3 and 4 ems on the left and 1 em on the right. [SEAL] (Signed) THOMAS E. RHODES, ☐ ☐ ☐ Special Assistant to the Attorney General, Attorney for Howard Sutherland,☐ Alien Property Custodian, and H. T. Tate, Acting Treasurer. 236. The punctuation of closing phrases is governed by the sense. A detached complimentary close is made a new paragraph. Examples of various kinds of signatures:

[blocks in formation]

Hoping to hear from you soon, I have the honor to be, ☐☐☐Very respectfully, your obedient servant,




Notary Public.☐



In presence of—
☐☐☐A. B. BROWN.

By the Governor:

RICHARD ROE, Notary Public. ☐

NATHANIEL Cox, Secretary of State. ■

JOHN SMITH, Governor.

[blocks in formation]


(See also Court Work; Symbols)

Italic letters stand out prominently in a page of roman type and therefore are commonly used for words and phrases which for any purpose are to be differentiated from other text. However, as an undue amount of italic actually defeats its purpose, its use in general work is restricted as indicated.

Emphasis, foreign words, titles of publications.

237. Italic is not used for mere emphasis, foreign words, or the titles of publications unless it is specially requested and the copy is edited therefor.

Names of vessels and aircraft.

238. The names of vessels and aircraft are italicized unless otherwise provided, but in lists set in columns and in stubs and reading columns of tables consisting entirely of names of vessels or aircraft they will be set in roman.

[blocks in formation]

(a) Such names are quoted in matter printed in other than lower

case roman.

Names of legal cases.

Sinking of the "Lusitania"

Sinking of the "Lusitania"

239. The names of legal cases are italicized, except the v.

De Jager, appellant, v. Attorney General of Natal, respondent
Smith v. Brown et al.

but SMITH V. BROWN ET AL. (heading)

SMITH v. BROWN ET AL. (heading)

Scientific names.

240. The scientific names of genera, subgenera, species, and subspecies (varieties) are italicized; the names of groups of higher rank than genera (phyla, classes, orders, families, tribes, etc.) are printed in roman.

Tsuga canadensis

Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens
the genera Quercus and Liriodendron
the family Leguminosae

Words and letters.

241. The words Resolved, Resolved further, Provided, Provided further, and ordered, in bills, acts, resolutions, and formal contracts

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