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following account, which Shakespeare seems to have more closely followed, from the life of Julius Cæsar :

"And one Artemidorus also born in the Ile of GNIDOS, a doctor of Rhetorick in the Greeke tongue, who by means of his profession was very familiar with certaine of Brutus confederates; and therefore knew the most part of al their practises against Cesar, came and brought him a litle bill written with his owne hand, of all that he meant to tel him. He marking how Cesar received all the supplications that were offered him, & that he gave them straight to his men that were about him, pressed nearer to him, and said: Cæsar, reade this memoriall to your selfe, and that quickly, for they be matters of great weight, and touch you nearely. Cæsar took it of him, but could never reade it, though he many times attempted it, for the number of people that did salute him. but holding it still in his hand, keeping it to himselfe, went on withall into the Senate house. Howbeit other are of opinion, that it was some man else that gave him that memorial, & not Artemidorus, who did what he could all the way as he went to give it Cæsar, but he was alwayes repulsed by the people. For these things, they may seeme to come by chance; but the place where the murther was prepared, & where the Senate were assembled, and where also there stood up an image of Pompey dedicated by himselfe amongst other ornaments which he gave unto the Theater, all these were manifest proofes, that it was the ordinance of some god, that made this treason to be executed, specially in that very place. It is also reported, that Cassius (though otherwise he did favour the doctrine of Epicurus) beholding the image of Pompey, before they entred into the action of their traiterous enterprise, he did softly call upon it, to aide him but the instant danger of the present time, taking away his former reason, did sodainly put him into a furious passion, and made him like a man halfe besides himselfe. Now Antonius that was a faithfull friend to Casar, and a valiant man besides of his hands, him Decius Brutus Albinus entertained out of the Senate house, hauing begunne a long tale of set purpose. So Cæsar comming into the house, all the Senate stood up on their feete to do him honour. Then part of Brutus companie and confederates stood round about Caesars chaire, and part of them also came, towards him, as though they made suite with Metellus Cimber, to call home his brother againe from banishment: and thus prosecuting still their suite, they followed Cæsar till he was set in his chaire. Who denying their petitions, and being offended with them one after another, because the more they were denied, the more they pressed upon him, and were the earnester with him, Metellus at length, taking his gowne with both his hands, pulled it over his necke, which was the signe given the confederates to set upon him. Then Casca behind him, strake him in the necke with his sword; howbeit the wond was not great nor mortall, because it seemed, the feare of such a divellish attempt did amaze him, & take his strength from him, that he killed him not at the first blow. But Cesar turning straight unto him, caught hold of his sword, and held it hard, & they both cried out, Caesar in latin: O vile traitor Casca, what doest thou? And Casca in Greek to his brother: Brother, help me, At ye beginning of this stir, they that were present, not knowing of the conspiracie, were so amazed with the horrible sight they saw, they had no power to flie, neither to help him, nor so much as once to make an outerie. They on ye other side that had conspired his death, compassed him in on every side with their swords drawn in their hands, that Cæsar turned him no where, but he was stricken at by some, and stil had naked swords in his face, & was hackled & mangled among them, as a wild beast taken of hunters. For it was agreed among them, that every man should give him a wound, because al their parts shold be in this murther: and then Brutus himself gave him one wound about his privities. Men report also, that Cæsar did stil defend himself against ye rest, running every way with his body: but when he saw Brutus with his sword drawne in his hand, then he pulled his gowne over his head, and made no more resistance, & was driven either casually or purposedly, by the counsel of the conspirators, against the base, whereupon Pompeys image stood which ran all of a goare bloud till he was slaine. Thus it seemed that the image tooke iust revenge of Pompeys enemie, being throwne down on the ground at his feet, & yeelding up the ghost there, for the number of wounds he had upon him. For it is reported, that he had three & twentie wounds upon his bodie: and divers of the conspirators did hurt themselves, striking one body with so many blowes. When Casar was slaine, the Senate (though Brutus stood in the middest amongst them, as though he would have said something touching this fact) presently ranne out of the house, and flying, filled all the citie with marvellous feare and tumult. Insomuch as some did shut too the doores, others forsooke their shops and ware-houses, and others ranne to the place to see what the matter was: and others also that had seene it, ran home to their houses againe."

(3) SCENE II.-I pause for a reply.] Steevens observes that "the speech of Brutus may be regarded rather as an imitation of the false eloquence then [Shakespeare's day] in vogue, than as a specimen of a laconick brevity." Surely not. Shakespeare here adopts the very style which the historian tells us Brutus affected:-"He was properly learned in the Latin tong, and was able to make long discourse in it: beside that he

could also pleade very well in Latine. But for the Greek tong, they do note in some of his Epistles, that he counterfeited that briefe compendious maner of speech of the LACEDEMONIANS. As when the war was begun, he wrot unto the PERGAMENIANS in this sort I understand you have given Dolabella money: if you have done it willingly, you confesse you have offended me; if against your wils, shew it then by giving me willingly. Another time againe unto the ŠAMIANS: Your councels be long, your doings be slow, consider the end. And in another Epistle he wrote unto the PATAREIANS: The XANTHIANS, despising my goodwil, have made their country a grave of despaire, and the PATAREIANS that put themselves into my protection, have lost no iot of their liberty and therefore whilest you have liberty, either chuse the judgement of the PATAREIANS, or the fortune of the XANTHIANS. These were Brutus maner of letters, which were honored for their briefnesse."

(4) SCENE II.-Pluck down forms, windows, anything !] "Then Antonius thinking good his testament should be read openly, and also that his bodie should be honourably buried, and not in hugger mugger, lest the people might thereby take occasion to be worse offended if they did otherwise; Cassius stoutly spake against it. But Brutus went with the motion, and agreed unto it: wherein it seemeth he committed a second fault. For the first fault he did, was when he would not consent to his fellow conspirators, that Antonius should be slaine: and therefore he was iustly accused, that therby he had saved and strengthened a strong and grievous enemie of their conspiracy. The second fault was, when he agreed that Caesars funerals should be as Antonius would have them, the which indeed marred all. For first of all, when Cæsars testament was openly read among them, wherby it appeared that he bequeathed unto every citizen of ROME, 75 Drachmaes a man; and that he left his gardens and arbors unto the people, which he had on this side of the river Tyber, in the place where now the temple of Fortune is built: the people then loved him, and were marvellous sorie for him. Afterwards, when Casars bodie was brought into the market place, Antonius making his funeral oration in praise of the dead, according to the ancient custome of ROME, and perceiving that his words moved the common people to compassion, he framed his eloquence to make their hearts yearne the more; and taking Caesars gowne all bloodie in his hand, he layd it open to the sight of them all, shewing what a number of cuts and holes it had upon it. Therewithall the people fell presently into such a rage and mutinie, that there was no more order kept amongst the common people. For some of them cried out, Kill the murtherers: others plucked up formes, tables, and stalles about the market place, as they had done before at the funerals of Clodius, and having laid them all on a heap together, they set them on fire, and thereupon did put the bodie of Cesar, and burnt it in the mids of the most holy places. And furthermore, when the fire was throughly kindled, some here, some there, tooke burning firebrands, and ranne with them to the murtherers houses that killed him, to set them on fire. Howbeit, the conspirators foreseeing the danger before had wisely provided for themselves, and fledde."


(1) SCENE III-You have condemn'd and noted Lucius Pilla.] "The next day after, Brutus, upon complaint of the SARDIANS, did condemne and note Lucius Pella for a defamed person, that had beene a Prætor of the ROMAINES, and whom Brutus had given charge unto: for that he was accused and convicted of robbery, and pilferie in his office. This iudgement much misliked Cassius, because he himselfe had secretly (not many daies before) warned two of his friends, attainted and convicted of the like offences, and openly had cleared them but yet he did not therefore leave to employ them in any manner of service as he did before. And therefore he greatly reproved Brutus, for that he would shew himselfe so straight and severe, in such a time as was meeter to beare a little, then to take things at the worst. Brutus in contrarie manner answered, that he should remember the Ides of march, at which time they slue Iulius Cesar, who neither pilled nor polled the country, but onely was a favourer and suborner of all them that did rob and spoile, by his countenance and authoritie. And if there were any occasion whereby they might honestly set aside iustice and equitie, ther should have had more reason to have suffered Cæsars friends to have robbed and dont what wrong and iniurie they had would, then to beare with their owne men. For then said he, they could but have said they had been cowards, but now they may accuse us of iniustice, beside the paines we take, and the danger we put our selves into."

(2) SCENE III.-Companion, hence !] "Then they began to powre out their complaints one to the other, and grew hot and loud, earnestly accusing one another, and at length fell both a weeping. Their friends that were without the chamber, hearing them loud within, and angry betweene themselves, they were both amazed & afraid also, lest it wold grow to further matter: but yet they were commanded, that no man should come to them. Notwithstanding one Marcus Phaonius, that had been a friend and follower of Cato while he lived, and tooke upon him to counterfeit a Philosopher, not with wisedome & discretion, but with a certaine bedlem and franticke motion: he would needs come into the chamber, though the men offered to keepe him out. But it was no boote to let Phaonius, when a mad moode or toy tooke him in the head: for he was a hote hastie man, and sudden in all his doings, and cared for never a Senator of them all. Now, though he used this bold manner of speech after the profession of the Cynicke Phylosophers (as who would say, Dogs) yet his boldnesse did no hurt many times, because they did but laugh at him to see him so mad. This Phaonius at that time, in despite of the doore-keepers, came into the chamber, and with a certaine scoffing and mocking gesture, which he counterfeited of purpose, he rehearsed the verses which old Nestor said in Homer:

My Lords, I pray you hearken both to me,
For I have seene moe yeares then suchie three.

Cassius fell a laughing at him; but Brutus thrust him out of the chamber, and called him dogge, and counterfeit Cynicke."

(3) SCENE III.—Well: then I shall see thee again ?] “But as they both prepared to passe over againe out of ASIA into EUROPE, there went a rumour that there appeared a wonderfull signe unto him. Brutus was a carefull man, and slept very little, both for that his diet was moderate, as also because he was continually occupied. He never slept in the day time, and in the night no longer then the time he was driven to be alone, and when every body else tooke their rest. But now whilest he was in warre, and his head over busily occupied to thinke of his affaires, and what would happen, after he had slumbered a little after supper, he spent all the rest of the night in dispatching of his weightiest causes; and after he had taken order for them, if he had any leisure left him, he would read some booke till the third watch of the night, at what time the Captains, pettie Captaines and Colonels, did use to come to him. So, being readie to goe into EUROPE, one night very late (when all the campe tooke quiet rest) as he was in his tent with a litle light, thinking of weighty matters, he thought he heard one come in to him, and casting his eye towards the doore of his tent, that he saw a wonderfull strange and monstrous shape of a bodie coming towards him, and said never a word. So Brutus boldly asked what he was, a god or a man, and what cause brought him thither. The spirit answered him, I am thy evill spirit, Brutus; and thou shalt see me by the citie of PHILIPPES. Brutus being no otherwise affraid, replyed againe unto it well, then I shall see thee agayne. The spirit presently vanished away; and Brutus called his men unto him, who tolde him that they heard no noise, nor sawe any thing at all."


(1) SCENE I.-This morning are they fled away and gone.] "Whey they raised their campe, there came two Eagles that flying with a marvellous force, lighted upon two of the foremost ensignes, and alwaies followed the souldiers, which gave them meate, and fed them, untill they came neare to the citie of PHILIPPES: and there one day onely before the battell, they both flew away. ** Notwithstanding, being busily occupied about the ceremonies of this purgation, it is reported that there chanced certaine unluckie signes unto Cassius. For one of his Sergeants that caried the rods before him, brought him the garland of flowers turned backward, the which he should have worne on his head in the time of sacrificing. Moreover it is reported also, that another time before, in certaine sports & triumph where they caried an image of Cassius victorie, of cleane gold, it fell by chance, the man stumbling that caried it. And yet further there was seene a marvellous number of fowles of prey, that feed upon dead earcasses: & Bee hives also were found where Bees were gathered together in a certain place within the trenches of the camp: the which place the Soothsayers thought good to shut out of the precinct of the campe, for to take away the superstitious feare and mistrust men would have of it. The which began somewhat to alter Cassius mind from Epicurus opinions,

and had put the souldiers also in a marvellous feare. Thereupon Cassius was of opinion not to trie this warre at one battell, but rather to delay time, and to draw it out in length, considering that they were the stronger in money, and the weaker in men and armor. But Brutus in contrary maner, did alway before and at that time also, desire nothing more, then to put all to the hazard of battell, as soone as might be possible: to the end he might either quickly restore his countrey to her former liberty, or rid him forthwith of this miserable world, being still troubled in following and maintaining of such great armies together. But touching Cassius, Messala reporteth that he supped by himselfe in his tent with a few of his friends, & that all supper time he looked very sadly, & was ful of thoughts, although it was against his nature and that after supper he tooke him by the hand, & holding him fast (in token of kindnesse, as his maner was) told him in Greek: Messala, I protest unto thee, & make thee my witnesse, that I am compelled against my mind & wil (as Pompey the great was) to leopard the liberty of our country to the hazard of a battel. And yet we must be lively, & of good courage, considering our good fortune, whom we should wrong too much to mistrust her, although we follow evill counsell. Messala writeth, that Cassius having spoken these last words unto him, he bad him farewel, and willed him to come to supper to him the next night following, because it was his birth day."

(2) SCENE I.

But this same day

Must end that work the ides of March begun.]

"There Cassius began to speake first, and said: The gods grant us O Brutus, that this day we may win the field, and ever after to live all the rest of our life quietly one with another. But sith the gods have so ordained it, that the greatest and chiefest things amongst men are most uncertaine, and that if the battell fall out otherwise to day then we wish or looke for, we shall hardly meet againe, what art thou then determined to doe, to flie, or die? Brutus answered him, being yet but a yong man, and not over greatly experienced in the world: I trust (I know not how) a certain rule of Philosophy, by the which I did greatly blame and reprove Cato for killing himselfe, as being no lawfull nor godly act, touching the gods: nor concerning men, valiant; not to give place and yeeld to divine providence, & not constantly and patiently to take whatsoever it pleaseth him to send us, but to draw backe and flie: but being now in the midst of the danger, I am of a contrary mind. For if it be not the will of God that this battel fall out fortunate for us, I will looke no more for hope, neither seeke to make any new supply for war againe, but will rid me of this miserable world, and content me with my fortune. For, I gave up my life for my countrey in the Ides of March, for the which I shall live in another more glorious world."


Cesar, thou art reveng'd,
Even with the sword that kill'd thee.]

"First of all he was marvellous angrie to see how Brutus men ran to give charge upon their enemies, and taried not for the word of the battell, nor commandement to give charge and it grieved him beside, that after he had overcome them, his men fell straight to spoile, and were not carefull to compasse in the rest of ye enemies behind: but with tarying too long also, more then through the valiantnesse or foresight of the Captaines his enemies, Cassius found himselfe compassed in with the right wing of his enemies armie. Wherupon his horsmen brake immediatly, and fled for life towards the sea. Furthermore perceiving his footmen to give ground, he did what he could to keepe them from flying, and tooke an ensigne from one of the ensigne-bearers that fled, and stucke it fast at his feet: although with much ado he could scant keepe his owne guard together. So Cassius himselfe was at length compelled to flie, with a few about him, unto a litle hill, from whence they might easily see what was done in all the plaine: howbeit Cassius himselfe saw nothing, for his sight was very bad, saving that he saw (and yet with much ado) how the enemies spoiled his campe before his eyes. He saw also a great troupe of horsemen, whom Brutus sent to aid him, and thought that they were his enemies that followed him: but yet he sent Titinnius, one of them that was with him, to go and know what they were. Brutus horsemen saw him coming a farre off, whom when they knew that he was one of Cassius chieftest friends, they shouted out for ioy, and they that were familiarly acquainted with him, lighted from their horses, and went and embraced him. The rest compassed him in round about on horsback, with songs of victory & great rushing of their harnesse, so that they made all the field ring againe for ioy. But this marred all. For Cassius thinking indeed that Titinnius was taken of the enemies, he then spake these words: Desiring too much to live, I have lived to see one of my best friends taken, for my sake, before my face. After that, he got into a tent where no body was, and tooke Pindarus with him, one of

his bondmen whom he reserved ever for such a pinch, since the cursed battell of the PARTHIANS, where Crassus was slaine, though he notwithstanding scaped from that overthrow: but then casting his cloake over his head, and holding out his bare neck unto Pindarus, he gave him his head to be stricken off. So the head was found severed from the body but after that time Pindarus was never seene more. Whereupon, some tooke occasion to say that he had slaine his maister without his commandement. By & by they knew the horsmen that came towards them, and might see Titinnius crowned with a garland of triumph, who came before with great speed unto Cassius. But when he perceived by the cries & teares of his friends which tormented themselves, the misfortune that had chanced to his Captaine Cassius, by mistaking, he drew out his sword, cursing himself a thousand times that he had taried so long, & so slue himself presently in the field. Brutus in the meane time came forward still, and understood also that Cassius had bin overthrowne: but he knew nothing of his death, till he came very neare to his campe. So when he was come thither, after he had lamented the death of Cassius, calling him the last of all the ROMANES; being unpossible that ROME should ever breed againe so noble and valiant a man as he he caused his body to be buried, and sent it to the citie of THASSOS, fearing lest his funerals within his campe should cause great disorder."

(4) SCENE IV.—

I had rather have

Such men my friends than enemies.]

"There was the sonne of Marcus Cato slaine, valiantly fighting among the lustie youth. For notwithstanding that he was very wearie and over-harried, yet would he not therefore flie, but manfully fighting and laying about him, telling aloud his name, and also his father's name, at length he was beaten downe amongst many other dead bodies of his enemies, which he had slaine round about him. So there were slaine in the field, all the chiefest Gentlemen and Nobilitie that were in his armie, who valiantly ranne into any danger to save Brutus life: amongst whom there was one of Brutus friends called Lucilius, who seeing a troupe of barbarous men, making no reckoning of all men else they met in their way, but going altogether right against Brutus, he determined to stay them with the hazard of his life, and being left behind, told them that he was Brutus: and because they should beleeve him, he prayed them to bring him to Antonius, for he said he was afraid of Cæsar, and that he did trust Antonius better. These barbarous men being very glad of this good hap, and thinking them selves happie men, they caried him in the night, and sent some before unto Antonius, to tel him of their coming. He was marvellous glad of it, and went out to meete them that brought him. Others also understanding that they had brought Brutus prisoner, they came from all parts of the campe to see him, some pitying his hard fortune, and others saying, that it was not done like himselfe, so cowardly to be taken alive of the barbarous people, for feare of death. When they came neare together, Antonius staid awhile bethinking himselfe how he should use Brutus. In the meane time Lucilius was brought to him, who with a bold countenance said: Antonius, I dare assure thee, that no enemie hath taken or shall take Marcus Brutus alive: and I beseech God keepe him from that fortune: but wheresoever he be found, alive or dead, he will be found like himselfe and touching my selfe, I am come unto thee, having deceived these men of armes making them beleeve that I was Brutus, and do not refuse to suffer any torment thou wilt put me to. Lucilius words made them all amazed that heard him. Antonius on the other side, looking upon all them that had brought him, said unto them: My friends, I thinke ye are sorie you have failed of your purpose, and that you think this man hath done you great wrong: but I assure you, you have taken a better bootie then that you followed. For in stead of an enemy, you have brought me a friend: and for my part, if you had brought me Brutus alive, truly I can not tell what I should have done to him. For I had rather have such men as this my friends then mine enemies. Then he embraced Lucilius, and at that time delivered him to one of his friends in custodie ; and Lucilius ever after served him faithfully, even to his death."

(5) SCENE V.-Runs on his sword, and dies.] "Now the night being farre spent, Brutus, as he sat, bowed towards Clitus, one of his men, and told him somewhat in his eare: the other answered him not, but fell a weeping. Thereupon he proved Dardanus, and sayd somewhat also to him: at length he came to Tolumnius him selfe, and, speaking to him in Greeke, prayed him, for the studies sake which brought them acquainted together, that he would helpe him to put his hande to his sword, to thrust it in him to kill him. Volumnius denied his request, and so did many others; and amongest the rest, one of them sayd there was no tarying for them there, but that they must needes fly. Then Brutus, rising upp, we must flie in deede, said he, but it must be with our handes, not with our feete. Then taking every man by the hand, he sayd these words unto them with a cheerefull countenance. It rejoiceth my hart that not one

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