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Character of the Papacy at Avignon; Petrarch's testimony
Opposition from Germany and England

The Monarchists against the Papists


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The Gallican or constitutional theory; the Reforming Councils


Increasing sway of national and secular, in the room of ecclesias-

tical feelings, in the fifteenth century

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Consolidation of monarchies; England, France, Spain
Secular and worldly character of the Popes

Sixtus IV. (1471-84); Innocent VIII. (1484–92); Alexander VI.
(1492-1503); Julius II. (1503-13)

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Character of Leo X. (1513–21); judgment of Sarpi, Pallavicini,
Muratori, Guicciardini .

The importance of the Popes, chiefly political

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Medieval Christianity characterized by legalism
Forms of reaction against it: dissent from dogmas; attacks on
the usurpations and abuses of the clergy; opposition to the
excessive esteem of ceremonies and austerities

Consequences of a possible increase of intelligence.

Two classes of forerunners of the Reformation

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The conservative or Gallican Reformers

Radical Reformers; John Wickliffe (1324-1384) and his opin-


How he was protected

The Lollards

John Huss (1373-1415); his predecessors; Matthias of Janow

The character and principles of Huss


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His chastisement of ecclesiastical follies and abuses
His editions of the Fathers and of the New Testament
Diffusion of his writings .

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Discontent and disorder; complaints by the knights, the cities,

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Rivalship of Charles V. and Francis I. (1515-1547); its
grounds, the strength of the rivals respectively.
Character of Charles V.: his conduct in the affair of the Refor-

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Luther summoned to the Diet of Worms (1521); his journey
Appears before the Diet; refuses to recant

Placed under the ban of the Empire

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The Diet at Nuremberg (1524); remands the subject of the

Worms decree to the several princes

Union of Catholic princes and bishops; division of the Nation

Protestant League of Torgau (1526)

Battle of Pavia (1525); confederacy against Charles .

The Diet of Spires (1526) refuses to enforce the Worms Edict
Sack of Rome and triumph of the Emperor (1527)

Repressive action of the Diet of Spires (1529); the Protest
Opposition of Luther to armed resistance

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Luther at Coburg (1530); his correspondence

His marriage with Catharine von Bora (1525)

His controversy with King Henry VIII. (1522).

His motives; effect of his example

The intemperance of Luther's langauge, how explained
His apologetic letter to Henry VIII. (1525)

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The position of Erasmus in relation to the Lutheran move-

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His gradual estrangement from Luther and his cause
Merits of the controversy

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Inability of Humanism to effect a Reform

The peasants' war (1525); how far owing to Protestantism
Luther supports the princes

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The character of the Swiss; they serve as mercenaries in the
armies of France and of the Pope

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Adopts the principle of the exclusive authority of the Bible
Preaches against indulgences; is established at Zurich (1519)
His qualities as a man and a preacher

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The result; subsequent revival of the controversy (1543)
Catastrophe of the Swiss Reformation; war between the Cath-

olic and Protestant Cantons

Death of Zwingle (1531)

The Treaty of Peace; Protestantism checked
Formation of the League of Smalcald (1531).

The Emperor disabled for ten years (1532-42) from carrying

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