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577 padius and Myconius, by Hagenbach; Calvin, by Stähelin; Capito and Bucer, by Baum; Bullinger, Haller, and Leo Judä, by Pestalozzi; Capito and Beza, by Heppe; Peter Martyr, by Schmidt, 1859; Olevanius and Ursinus, by Südhoff, 1858; Farel and Viret, by C. Schmidt; Vadian and Blaurer, by Pressel; Knox, by Brandes.

Lives of Calvin, by BEZA, translated by Gibson, Phila., 1836; by Waterman, London, 1813; by T. Smyth, Phil., 1835; by DYER, London, 1849, 8vo; by Audin, 5th ed., Paris, 1851; by Henry, 3 vols., Hamburg, 1835-1844, translated into English by Stebbing, 1844; by Stähelin, 1863; by Bungener, 2d ed., 12mo, 1863; by Guizot (St. Louis and Calvin); by KampschuLTE (Roman Catholic), vol. i., 1869.

THE REFORMATION IN DENMARK, NORWAY, AND SWEDEN. In Heeren u. Ukert's Staatengeschichte: Dänemark, by Dahlmann. Harald Hurtfeld: Dänische Chronik. Copenhagen, 1604. J. Baez : Inventarium Eccl. Sueco-Gothor. Lincop., 1642. 4to. Celsius : Gsch. Gustav. I., from the Swedish. Copenhagen and Leipzig, 1754. PONTOPPIDAN: Annales Ecclesiæ Danicæ. Copenhagen, 1741. Also, Reformationshistorie d. dän. Kirche, 1734. Münter: Kirchengsch. v. Dän. u. Norw. 1823-33. Also, Danske Reformationshistorie. Copenhagen, 1802. Schinmeier: Lebensbeschreib. d. drei schwed. Reformatoren. Lüb., 1783. Troil: Skrifter och Handlingar till uplisning i. Svenska Kyrko och Reformations-Historia. Upsala, 1790. Thyselius: Handlingar till Sverges Reformations och Kyrkohistoria under Konung Gustaf I. (1523-61). Stockholm, 1841-45. By the same author: Einführung d. Ref. in Schweden bis 1527 (in Zeitschr. f. hist. Theol. 1846). Römer: De Gustavo I. rer. sacr. in Sueciâ instauratore. Ultraj, 1840. A. Theiner: Versuche d. heilig. Stuhls in d. letzten drei Jahrh., den Norden wieder mit d. Kirche zu vereinen. Augsburg, 1838. Münter: Symbolæ ad illustrand. Bugenhagii in Dania Commorationem. Havn., 1836. By the same: De Confutatione latina quæ Apologia Evangelicor. in Comitiis Havemensib. anno 1530, traditæ opposita est. Havn., 1847. L. Helvig: Danske Kirkeshistorie after Reformationen. Copenhag., 1851. Dunham: Hist. of Denmark, Sweden, and Nor way (in Lardner's Cab. Cycl., 1840). J. Finnius: Hist. Eccles. Islandiæ, 1772-8. 4 vols. 4to. G. L. Baden: Hist. of Denmark. 5 vols. Copenhagen, 1829-32. GEIJER: History of Sweden, translated by Turner. 8vo. 1845. Anders Tryxell: Hist. of Sweden, translated and edited by Mary Howitt. London, 1844.


1857 seq.

A. Gindely: Böhmen u. Mähren im Zeitalt. d. Reformation (2 vols.). Prague, 1837. Gsch. d. böhmischen Brüder. Prague (2 vols.), CZERWENKA: Gsch. d. evangel. Kirche in Böhmen. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869-70. PESCHECK: Gsch. d. Gegenreformat. in Böhmen (2 vols.), 2d ed. Leipzig, 1850. The Reformation and Anti-Reformation in Bohemia. 2 vols. London, 1845. Ehwalt: Die alte u. neue Lehre d. böhm. Brüder. Dantzig, 1756. K. A. Müller: Fünf Bücher vom böhmisch. Kriege. Dresden, 1840. Tomek: Geschichte Böhmens. PALACKY: Böhmens Geschichte. Vols. 1-5. 1836-67. 8vo. NIEMEYER: Collectio Confessionum, pp. 771-851.


REGENVOLSCIUS: Syst. hist. Chron. Eccl. Slavonicarum. Ultraj, 1652. 4to. Lubienicius: Hist. Ref. Polon. Freist. 1685. Schicksale d. pol. Dissidentium (3 vols.). 1768 seq. Salig: Historie d. Augsb. Confession, ii. 515. Friese: Kirchengeschichte d. Königreichs Polen (2 Th.). Breslau, 1786. 8vo. KRASINSKI: History of the Reformation in Poland (2 vols.). 8vo. London, 1840; by the same: Sketch of the Religious History of the Slavonic Nations. Edinburgh, 1851. Dunham: History of Poland (in Lardner's Cab. Cycl.). 1841. N. A. de Salvandy: Hist. de Pologne avant et sous J. Sobieski. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. J. Fletcher: History of Poland, London. 1831. J. Lelevel: Histoire de Pologne. 2 vols. Paris, 1844. 8vo. R. Roepell: Gsch. von Polen. Hamburg, 1841. Fasti Polonici, 1624 seq., Breslau, 1854.

THE REFORMATION IN HUNGARY AND TRANSYLVANIA. Ribinus: Memorab. Aug. Conf. in Hungaria. 2 vols. Presb., 1787. J. Burius: Hist. Dipl. de Statu Relig. evang. in Hung. 1710. Fol. Salig: Gsch. d. Augsb. Conf., ii. 803. [P. EMBER]: Hist. Eccl. Ref. in Hung. et Transyl., ED LAMPE, Traj. 1728. 4to. Péterffy: Sacra Concil. Eccl. Romano-Cathol. in Regno Hung. celebrata, MXVI. usque ad. a. MDCCXXXIV. 2 vols. Fol. Vienna, 1742. Schmal: Monumenta Evangel. Aug. Confessionis in Hungaria historica. 8vo. Pesth. 1861. Memorab. August. Confessionis in Regno Hung. de Ferdinando I. usque ad Carolum VI. 2 vols. 1786-9. 8vo. Kurze Gsch. d. evang. luther. Kirche in Ungarn vom Aufange d. Ref. bis Leopold II. Göttingen, 1794. 8vo. Die wichtigsten Schicksale d. evang. Kirche Augsb. Bekennt. in Ungarn von J. 1522 bis 1608. Leipzig, 1828. Hist. Eccl. Evang. Aug. Confessioni addic



torum in Hung., etc. Halberstadt, 1830. Mailath: Gsch d. Magjaren. 5 vols. 8vo. 1820-30; 2d ed., 1852-55. L. Szalay: Hist. Hungar. (to 1690). 5 vols. 8vo. Gsch. d. evang. Kirche in Ungarn, mit Rücksicht auf Siebenbürgen, Berlin, 1854. History of Protestantism in Hungary, with Preface by Dr. M. d'Aubigne, London, 1854. M. Horvath: Gsch. Ungarns. 2 vols. 8vo. Pesth, 1854. J. Paget: Hungary and Transylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. J. A. Fessler: Gsch. d. Ungarn. 10 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1815-25. De Sary: Hist. Générale de Hongrie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1778. G. Haner: Hist. Eccless. Transylvan., 1694. 12mo. I. Benko: Transylvania, P. I., Tom. ii. (Vindob. 1778. 8vo), p. 121 (lib. iv., c. 12, De Statu Ecclesiastico).


Documents and Contemporary Works. BEZA: Hist. Eccl. des Églises Réf. au Royaume de France (to 1563). 3 vols. Antwerp, 1580. 8vo.

Serrarius (or De Serres): Comment. de Statu Relig. et Respubl. in Regno Galliæ (5 parts), 1570 seq.

F. Belcarius (Beaucaire de Peguillon, Bishop of Metz): Historia Gallica (1561-67). Lugd., 1625. Fol. THUANUS: Hist. sui Temporis, etc. (See above.)

THEOD. AGRIPPA D'AUBIGNÉ: Histoire Universelle (1550-1601). Maillé, 1616-20. 3 vols. Fol.

He was born in 1550, and died in 1630. The son of a devoted Huguenot, he fought in the siege of Orleans, when he was only thir teen years old. He was for a while an intimate associate of Henry IV. After writing this work, he resided in Geneva. He was a man of high-toned character, deeply imbued with the religious feelings peculiar to the Huguenots.

Mémoires d'Agrippa d'Aubigné. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1854.

A. L. HERMINJARD: Correspondance des Réformateurs dans les
Pays de la Langue Française. Vols. 1-3. 1866-68-70.
Bulletin de la Société pour l'Histoire du Prot. Français (since 1850
It includes many documents illustrative of this period.)
Du Plessis Mornay: Mémoires et Correspondance. Paris, 1824-5.
PETITOT Mémoires relatifs à l'Histoire de France (1st series, 1819-
26. 52 vols. 8vo. 2d series, 1820–29. 78 vols. 8vo.)

Among the works embraced in this collection are the Memoirs of Bouillon, vicomte de Turenne (from 1555–1584): He was grandson of the Const. Montmorenci; was converted to Calvinism, and was an adherent of Henry IV. Gamon (1560-86). Mergey (1556-89): he was born in 1536; he was at St. Quentin (1557), at Dreux

(1562), and at Moncontour; and barely escaped the massacre of St. Bartholomew. Philippi (1562-90). Rabutin (1551-59). Saint Aubat (1572 seq.). Tavannes (1560-96): he was born in 1555; fought for the League at Ivry; then served Henry IV. He died in 1633. Villeroi (1622-23). Du Bellay : L'Estoile (1589–1610). Sully Mémoires. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Sully, the Prime Minister of Henry IV., was born in 1559, and died in 1641. La Noue (1562-70): he was born in 1531; took Orleans in 1567; fought at St. Quentin, Jarnac, and Moncontour; served Henry IV. with distinction. Montluc: he was born about 1502; was at the battle of Pavia (1525); took Boulogne (1547); defended Sienna (in 1554, under Henry II.); took part in the siege of Rochelle (1572). He was noted for his vigor and cruelty. Castelnau (155970): he was born about 1520; was at the siege of Rouen and at Dreux; was employed by Henry II., Charles IX., and Henry III. He was several times ambassador in England. He accompanied Mary, Queen of Scots, to Scotland, and befriended her afterwards. Journal de Henri III. (1574-89).

Collection de Documents Inédits sur l'Histoire de France [published by order of Louis Philippe]. Paris, 1835 seq.

Recueil des Lettres Missives de Henry IV. 7 vols. 4to. [In the above collection.] Paris, 1843-58.

Buchon Collection des Chroniques et Mémoires sur l'Histoire de France, faisant partie de la Collection du Panthéon Litteraire. 1824 seq.

MICHAUD: Nouvelle Collection des Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire de France depuis le XIIIe siècle jusq'à la fin du XVIIIe. 3 Series. 34 vols. Paris, 1836 seq.

Archives Curieuses de l'Hist. de France depuis Louis XI. jusqu'à Louis XVIII. 27 vols. 8vo. En deux séries. Paris, 1834-40. Brantome: Œuvres Complètes. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822.

Brantome was born about 1527, and died in 1614. He was chamberlain of Charles IX. and Henry III. He is a gossiping chronicler; but his works present a vivid portraiture of his time. Among them are the "Vies des Hommes Illustres," "Dames Illustres Françaises et Étrangères," etc.

Historical Works.

General Histories of France, by Anquetil; by Sismondi; by MICHELET; by HENRI MARTIN; by Crowe. 5 vols. London, 1858-68. The Student's History of France, 8vo, 1862.

RANKE: Französische Geschichte vornehmlich im 16. u. 17. Jahrh. 6 vols. 8vo. 1868. Engl. trans. Hist. of Civil Wars and Monarchy in France. 8vo. London, 1852.



W. HAAG: La France Prot. ou Vies des Prot. Français. 10 tom. 8vo. 1847-59.

G. WEBER: Geschichtl. Darstellung d. Calvinism. im Verhältniss z. Staat in Genf u. Frankreich. Heidelb., 1836, 8vo.

Von Raumer: Gsch. Europas seit dem Ende d. 15. Jahrh. (See above.)

Capefigue: Hist. de la Réforme, de la Ligue, et du Règne de Henry IV. 8 tomes. Paris, 1834-5. 8vo.

Elie Benoist: Hist. de l'Édit de Nantes. 5 vols. 4to. Delft, 1693–5. Herrman: Frankreich's Religiös- u. Bürgerkriege im 16. Jahrh. Leipzig, 1828. 8vo.

DE FELICE: Hist. d. Protestants de France. 4th ed.

1861. 8vo. Engl. transl. by Lobdell, 1851. SOLDAN: Gsch. d. Protest. in Frankreich. 2 vols. 1855. 8vo. VON POLENZ: Gsch. d. franz. Protestantismus. 5 vols. 1858 seq. 8vo. W. S. BROWNING: History of the Huguenots in the 16th Century. 3 vols. 8vo. 1829-39. Smedley History of the Reformed Religion in France. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1832. (New York, 1834.) [MRS. MARSH :] History of the Huguenots. 2 vols. 1847. 8vo. Ch. Brion: Liste chronolog. de l'Histoire Protest. en France jusqu'à la Révocat. de l'Édit de Nantes. 2 vols. 12mo. 1855. Anquez: Hist. d. Assemblées Polit. des Réformées de France (1573 to 1622). 8vo. Paris, 1859. Aymon: Tous les Synodes nationaux des Églises réformés, etc. La Haye, 1710. 2 vols. 4to. Quick Synodicon in Gallia reformata, etc. 1682. 2 vols. Fol. W. Anderson: Hist. of France during the Reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX. 2 vols. London, 1769. Lacretelle: Hist. de France pendant les Guerres de Religion. 4 vols. 8vo. 1822. MORLEY: Clement Marot and other studies. 2 vols. 8vo. 1870. DUC D'AUMALE: Lives of the Princes of Condé. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. London, 1872. H. WHITE: Massacre of St. Bartholomew, preceded by a narrative of the religious wars. London, 1868. Klipffel: Le Colloque de Poissy. 12mo. Brussels and Paris, 1867. Villemain: Vie de Chancellor d' Hopital (in Études d'Histoire Moderne. 1 vol. 8vo. 1854.) Voltaire: Siècle de Louis XIV. (Œuvres, t. xxii.) Capefigue: Trois Siècles de l'Hist. de France, 1548-1848. 2 vols. 1852. 8vo. C. SCHMIDT: Gérard Roussel. 1845. 8vo. Puaux: Hist. de la Réforme Française. 2 tom. Paris, 1857-9. V. de Chalembert, Hist. de la Ligue, Henri III. et IV. 2 vols. 1854. 8vo. Aug. Theiner: Hist. de l'Abjuration de Henri IV. 2 vols. 1852. 8vo. C. Schmidt: La Vie et les Travaux de Jean Sturm. 1855. 8vo. F. W. Ebeling: Sieben Bücher d. franz. Gsch. Bd. i. 1855. Anquetil : L'Esprit de la Ligue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Davila : Storia delle

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