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Monetary Commission, Work of, 264.

Panama scandal charges, President's special
message on, 17-18.

President Roosevelt's annual message to, 14-15.
Secret service discussion, 15-16, 136-137.
Senate, Higher standards for, 138.
Senate system, 262.

Senators, New, 138-139.

Sixtieth Congress, Comments on, 262.

Sixtieth Congress, Some of the work of, 399.
Tariff bill, The new, 265, 397-398.

Tariff bill introduced by Senator Aldrich, 520.
Tariff, Democratic position on, 522.
Tariff discussion, 519-521.

Fine Arts, National Council of, 146.
Fire-losses in the United States, 752.
Fisher, John C. The Emmanuel movement fr
the physician's viewpoint, 583.

Fitzgerald, Edward, Personality of, 616.
Foster, Paul P. Plotting the upper air, 433.

A nation of little savers, 574.
Automobilism in, Spread of, 629.
Birth-rate increasing in, 149.
Income tax in, 409-410.

Labor problems and strikes in, 409, 534-53

Forest reserves, Eastern, Need of, 10.

Tennessee Coal and Iron Company matter in Forest taxation, 477.
Congress, 139-140.

Conservation movement, National, 11-12.
Conservation of natural resources for all North
America, 405.

Consolidated Gas Company decision in New
York, 144.

Conventions and expositions of the year, 528.
Copper industry at low ebb, 404.

Coquelin, greatest of French comedians, 367.
Corset, The, and alcohol as plagues, 621.
Crete, Conditions in, 623.

Cuba, Affairs in, 148.

[blocks in formation]

lections of public men, 555.

Dyer, Francis John. Improved methods of fruit-
handling, 305.

Earthquake predictions and safeguards, 490.
Earthquakes, Causes of, 152-153.

Emigrants, returned, Americanizing Europe, 701.
Emmanuel movement, The, 577.

"Emmanuel movement in a New England town,"
by Lyman P. Powell, reviewed, 582.
Emmanuel work viewed by a physician, 583.
England: See under Great Britain.

Estep, E. R. The motor car and its owner, 336.

Farm products of 1908, Statistics of, 18.
Farming, dry, Truth about, 449.
Feminist movement in China, 101.
Ferrero, Guglielmo, Rome's new historian, 104.
Financial articles:

A higher interest rate, 376.

Bond advice from a bond appraiser, 245.
Bonds, The best, 116.

Finances, National, 143.

Forests, Loss of our, 9-11.

Fruit-handling, Improved methods of, 305.

Garfield, James R., President Roosevelt's
mendation of, 388.

Gary, Pittsburg's future rival, 236.


Gas: New York Consolidated Co. decision, 144
Geneva and John Calvin, 696.
Georgian Bay canal project, 747.
German invasion of Italy, 373.

German university, Past and present of the, 368

Financial difficulties of, 537.

Home problems of, 284.

Modern Germany, Decadence of, 110.
Naval situation in, 612.

Gilder, J. B. "Ik Marvel," man and writer, 200.
Reichstag, Affairs in, 24-25.
Gold-field of Terra del Fuego, 223.
Girls, city, Recreation of, 115.

Gold production and accumulation, 660.
Great Britain:

Airships and war scares in, 407, 656.

"An Englishman's Home," Guy du Maurier's
play, 283.

[blocks in formation]

Haiti, Revolution in, 21-22.

Harger, Charles Moreau. Truth about dry farm-
ing, 449.

Hartzell, Bishop Joseph C., and his work in
Africa, 326.

Harvard's new

Lowell, 196.

president, Abbott Lawrence

Haydn, Centennial of birth of, 228.

Hays, Willet M.: Exponent of the new agricul-
ture, 689.

Helena, Queen, heroine of the Italian people, 205.
Hepburn Railway act: Decision of Supreme
Court on "Commodities Clause," 659.
Hitchcock, Frank H., Postmaster-General, 271.

Financial Leading Articles of the Month, 116, Holland: Birth of a princess in, 662.

244, 376, 503, 631, 755.

France; a nation of little savers, 574.

French and American savings, 504.

Invest, Learning when to, 506.

Mexico's experiments in finance, 503.

New York Stock Exchange, Light on, 377.
Railways, Valuing the, 379.

Taxes, An income from, 244.

Union Pacific, Harriman and, 245.

What the English investor expects, 376.

Housing, Co-operative, in England, 734.

Iglehart, Ferdinand Cowle. Another year of de-
feat for the American saloon, 601; Bishop
Hartzell and his work in Africa, 326.
"Ik Marvel," man and writer, 200.
Immigration, International regulation of, 411.
Inauguration ceremonies and weather at Wash-
ington, 390.

Income tax, Discussion of, 267, 652.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Labor and Socialism, 607.

Lakeman, Curtis E. State control of water-
power. 57.

Lambuth, David. The China that is, 209.
Latin-America, American sentiment toward, 526.
in-American affairs, 148.

Lett, Agnes C. The Salvation Army and Eng-
and's unemployed, 71.

ing Articles of the Month, 90, 217, 347, 475,
* 727.

ria, Commission to investigate, 400.
ria, Plight of, 287.

Lacoln centenary, 131.

Lincoln centennial celebration, 172.

Lincoln, Estimate of, 131-134.

Lacoln literature, Old and new, 249.

Lincoln, President Roosevelt's tribute to, 171.
Leon, Some new views of, 241.
Lindsay. Forbes. The situation at Panama, 454.

William, Jr., appointed Collector of the
Port of New York, 274: activities of, 660.
Lambroso, Cesare, on the happiness of the lunatic
and of the genius, 112.

Lowell, Abbott Lawrence, new president of Har-
ward, 196.

Lamber tariff:

See Tariff.

[blocks in formation]

Georgian Bay canal route (projected), 748.
Italy's earthquake-afflicted region, 150.
Korea, showing Japanese road-making, 413.
Panama Canal route, 455.

Petroleum and natural gas fields of the United
States, 51.

Pittsburg, Comparative mortality in, 79.
Prehistoric immigration routes from Asia, 509.
Public lands containing phosphate rock, 446.
Seattle in 1893 and 1908, 714-715.

Tramp colony at Merxplas, Belgium, Diagram
of grounds and buildings, 312-313.
Turkey, Scene of massacres in 1909, 539.
Masson, Jean. The Bahai revelation: Its West-
ern advance, 214.

Mendelssohn, Centennial of birth of, 228.
Mendelssohn's rank in the world of music, 366.
Mexico, Finances of, 503, 721.
Mexico, Prosperity of, 661.

Meyer, George V. L. The need of postal savings-
banks, 47.

Miles, Herbert E. The tariff, its revisers, and the
trusts, 82.

Milton, John, Tercentenary of, 107.
Mitchell, Donald G.: See "Ik Marvel."
Mitchell, Guy Elliott. Overcoming coal-mine dis-
asters, 567; Saving America's plant food, 444.
Modjeska, Helena, dramatic artist and patriot,
605; as an interpreter of Shakespeare, 753.
Moon, The, the tides, and the seasons, 733.
Morocco: Franco-German declaration on, 286.
Motor car and its owner, The, 336.
Municipal achievements of Buenos Aires, 353.
Municipal affairs: Pittsburg survey of social and
economic conditions, 77.

Municipal government, Value of comparative sta-
tistics and costs of, 94.

Music: An American theatre for opera in Eng-
lish, 493.

Myers, Gustavus. Colonizing the tramp, 311.

Nagel, Charles, selected as Secretary of Com-
merce and Labor, 272.

National resources, Chemistry and our, 224.
Natural resources, A new union of the States for
conservation of, 317.

Naval conference, International, 414.
Naval: Dreadnought, The day of the, 749.
Navy Department: Mr. Meyer takes hold of
naval problems, 525. Return of the fleet from
the world-cruise, 281. What the United States
Navy owes to President Roosevelt, 97.
Newfoundland fisheries dispute: Court of arbi-
tration appointed, 405.

Newfoundland ministry: Resignation of Sir Rob-
ert Bond as premier, 405.
New York City affairs, 400.

New York State insurance commissioner: Wil-
liam H. Hotchkiss appointed, 277.

New York State: Direct primary bill in, 400.
New York State legislation: Veto of Civil War
pension bill, 657.

New York State Legislature and its work, 529.
New York Stock Exchange, Light on, 377.
Nicaragua, American relations with, 407.
Northwestern progress and development, 643-646.
Norton, Charles Eliot, A tribute to, 102.
Novikov, Madame Olga, Reminiscences and cor-
respondence of, reviewed, 739.

Obituary, 33, 161, 293, 418, 547, 677.
Ocean travel, Safety of, on modern liner, 330.
Ogg, Frederic Austin. Abbott Lawrence Lowell,
new president of Harvard, 196. Europe's tariff
laws and policies, 427.

Ostrich, Naturalizing the, 561.

Pan-American Scientific Congress, 283, 597.
Panama Canal charges: See under Congressional

Panama Canal. No fortifications for, 732.
Panama, Situation at, 454.

Paradise,-Was it at the North Pole? 99.

Parliamentarism,-Has it become bankrupt? 369.
Peace: Armies the real peace promoters, 347.
Peace Congress at Chicago, 655.

Peace movement and civilization, 90.
Peace: See also under Arbitration.
Peat resources, Our neglected, 628.

Persia, Anarchy in, 540.

Persia, Constitutional reform in, Progress of, 114.
Persia, Deplorable conditions in, 482.
Persia, What journalism has done for, 352.
l'eru, Progress of, 533.

Petroleum resources of the United States, 49.
Pinchot, Gifford, and his fight for our national
resources, 88.

Pittsburg: Arrest of councilmen on charges of
corruption, 144.

Pittsburg Survey, The, 77.

Pittsburg's army of wage-workers, 494.

Philippine Islands, Educational progress in, 531.
Philippines, America's ten-year record in, 357.
Phosphate beds on public lands, Saving the, 444.
Poe centenary, The, 146.

Poe, Some twentieth-century estimates of, 225.
Political: Direct nominations bill in New York,

Porto Rican affairs, 406, 531, 654.


Abdul Hamid II., of Turkey, 667.

Abruzzi, Duke of the, 252.

Ahmed Riza Bey, 155.

Aldrich, Nelson W., 515, 521.

Allen, Frank P., Jr., 645.

Allison, William B., 557.

Andreyev, Leonid, 763.

Angell, James B., 615.
Ayscough, John, 762.
Bacon, Robert, 289.

Ballinger, Richard A., 272, 647.
Barrett, John, 526.
Barthou, Léon, 535.
Bell, J. J., 762.
Betjeman, John A., 12.
Beveridge, Albert J., 651.
Biggs, Herman M., 187.
Bingham, Hiram, 599.
Brian Boru, 765.
Briand, Aristide, 535.

Brooks, John Graham, 125.
Brown, Alice, 761.

Brown, William C., 204.
Buchanan, William I., 283.
Burton, Theodore E., 139.

Caillaux. Joseph, 409.

Calvin, John, 697.

Canfield, James Hulme, 542.

Cannon, Joseph G., 7, 265.

Carnegie, Andrew, Mr. and Mrs., 13.

Carpenter, Fred. W.. 274.

Castro, Cipriano, 147.

Cervera, Admiral, 534.

Chamberlain, George E., 139.
Chevket Pasha, 664, 669.
Chilberg, J. E., 645.

Chopin, Frederic François, 228.
Clark, Champ, 8, 396.

Clémenceau, Georges, 105, 535.
Collier, Peter F., 677.
Coolidge, Archibald C., 599.
Coquelin, Benoit Constant, 368.
Corelli, Marie, 121.
Cox, George H., 12.
Crawford, Marion, 636.

Crazy Snake (Indian chief), 546.
Culberson, Charles A., 141.
Cuvier, Georges, 238.

Cuyler, Theodore L., 419.
D'Ache, Caran, 496.
Dalzell, John S., 5.

Darwin, Charles, 239, 485.
Davison, H. P., 143.
Dawe, G. Grosvenor, 12.
Desborough, Arthur, 569.
Dickinson, Jacob M., 273.

Dolliver, Jonathan P.. 653.
Enver Bey, Major, 665, 669.
Farwell, Arthur, 493.
Faunce, William H. P., 254.
Ferdinand, Czar, of Bulgaria, 26.
Ferrero, Guglielmo, 104.
Fitzgerald, Edward, 616.
Flexner, Simon, 185, 187.
Forbes, W. Cameron, 357.

Francis-Joseph, Emperor, 26.

Galloway, Charles B., 675.
Gannett, Henry, 321.

Garcia, Manuel Popola Vicente, 255.
Garfield, James R., 390.

Gillett, James N., 279.
Giolitti, Giovanni, 410.
Glaspell, Susan, 760.
Goethals, George W., 461.
Gomez, Juan Vicente, 147.
Gompers, Samuel, 145.
Gorgas, William C., 599.
Goto, Baron, 365.

Guerra, Pino, Major-Gen., 282.
Haeckel, Ernst, 239.
Hale, Eugene, 264.

Hardie, James Keir, 149.

Hartzell, Joseph C., 327.

Harvey, William, 238.

Haydn, Joseph, 228.

Hays, Willet M., 690.

Hayward, William, 417.

Heaton, John Henniker, 607.

Helena, Queen, 205.

Heller, Edmund, 304.

Herter, Christian A., 187.

Hilles, Charles D., 524.

Hilmi Pasha, Grand Vizier, 285, 669.

Hine, Francis L., 143.

Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 543.

Holmes, Joseph A., 321, 569.

Holmes, W. H., 599.

Holt, L. Emmett, 187.
Hotchkiss, William H., 277.
Ide, Henry Clay, 527.

Ireland, John, 737, 738.

Isabella, Empress, of Spain, 765.

Italy, King and Queen of, and children, 2
Jacobs, W. W., 123.

John, Father, of Cronstadt, 362.

Johnson, Grove L., 278.

Joyce. Mr., 545.

Key, Ellen, 512.

Knox, Philander C., 20, 270.

Krehbiel, Henry Edward, 255.
Krishna Kumar Mitra, 355.

La Barra, Francisco Leon de, 545.
La Follette, Robert M., 263
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 238.
Las Casas, Bartholomew de, 506.
Lincoln, Abraham, 132, 133.
Linnæus, Jean Baptiste, 239.
Lloyd-George, David, 661.
Locy, William A., 256.

Loeb, William, Jr., 275.
Lombroso, Cesare, 112.
Loring, J. Alden, 304.

Lowell, A. Lawrence, 197.

Lowell, Percival, 253.

Lubin, David, 26.

McGee, W J, 321.

McHarg, Ormsby, 524.

Maclaurin, Richard C., 176.

MacVeagh, Franklin, 388.

May, Admiral Sir William Henry, 408.

Mearns, Edgar A., 303.

Mehmed V., Sultan of Turkey, 666.

Meissner, Carl, 569.

Mendel, Gregor Johann, 239.

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 228, 366.

Merriam, C. Hart, 299.

Meyer, George V. L., 415.

Milton. John, 108.

Mitchell, Donald G., 201.

Khell. John, 145.
idjeska, Helena, 605.
, Sir Thomas, 126.
rrison, Frank, 145.
Ms. George H., 527.
Vary, William A., 511.
Videau. I. A., 645.

Vgl. Charles, 272.

Newberry, Truman H., 21.

Nwlands, Francis G., 525.

Nicolas II., Czar of Russia, Children of, 481.

Norton, Charles D., 524.

Vrca, Charles Eliot, 103.

Vikov, Madame Olga, 740.

N-adsungian, Gabriel, Effendi, 668.

On, Robert C., 400.

tur, Louis, 238.

Paren, James A., 529.
Patten, John A., 12.
Payne, Sereno E., 5, 386.
Perkins, George C., 279.
Perkins, James B., 137.

Ees Samuel Henry. 648.

chot, Gifford, 2, 321.

sani, Alvise, 766.

Fiman, Isaac. 764.

[blocks in formation]

Rosevelt, Kermit, 300.

Rosevelt, President, and Mr. Taft, 391.

[blocks in formation]

Williams, S. B., 291.

Williams, William, 655.

Wilson, Huntington, 523.

Winthrop, Beekman, 417.

Woodruff, George W., 321.

Wright, Carroll D., 426.

Wright, Orville, Wilbur, and Katherine, 657.
Yuan-Shih-Kai, 231, 744.

Zelaya, José Santos, 407.

Zia-ed-Din, Syed Mohammed, 668.

Postage, Universal two-cent, 606.

Postal affairs: Reduction of rate between United
States and Germany, 29.

Postal savings-banks, Need of, 47.

Pouren extradition case, 532.

Powell, Lyman P. Emmanuel movement, 577.
Progress of the World, 3, 131, 259, 387, 515, 643.

Quarterly Review (London), Centenary of, 730.

Railroad earnings and extensions, 402.

sevelt, President, at the Lincoln Farm, 231. Railroad interests, Employees as partners in, 348.

Sevelt. Theodore, 301.

et. Elihu, 42, 599.

Eh, A. Lawrence, 435.

e. L. S., 599.

ster, W. B., 12.

thestvenski, Vice-Admiral, 161.

Sage. Russell, 610.

Sinte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 764.
Sardon, Victorien, 106.

Solla. Joaquin, 534.
Siner. Olive, 324.

Stroeder, Rear-Admiral Seaton, 414.
Sickleton, Lieutenant, 544.
Saraon, E. S., 12.

kul Islam, 668.

Sherd, William R., 599.
Sherrill. Charles H., 527.
p. Thomas R., 321.
Sly. Benjamin F., 140.
* George Otis, 569.
Sith, Goldwin, 608.

James E., 12.

th, Orlando J., 169.

th, Theobald, 187.

Railroads, Government must control, 524-525.
Railroads, Pleas for, 18-19.

Railways, Valuing the, 379.

Record of Current Events, 31, 157, 289, 543, 673.
Religious Meeting for the federation of Churches
at Philadelphia, 19.

Republic and the Florida, Collision between, 287.
Rivers and Harbors Congress, National, 12.
Robinson, Will. Naturalizing the ostrich, 561.
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 183.
Rogers, Henry H., brief sketch of, 684.
Roosevelt, Theodore:

African Expedition of, 259, 299, 532-533, 657.
Congressional attacks on, 134-135.
English view of, 475.

Epoch of (a review of President Roosevelt's
administration), 339.

Lincoln, Tribute to, 171.

Presidential message (annual), to Congress, 14.
Roosevelt administration, Oscar S. Straus on
the, 658.

Twenty years of executive work, 259.

What the United States Navy owes to, 97.
Root, Elihu: world statesman, 43.

thern Commercial Congress Committee, 12. Rosenthal, Herman. A phase of the Russian spy

Smetz, Charles P., 69.

Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle), 765.

Sts, Oscar S., 687.

aus, Mrs. Oscar S., 688.

Saburne, Algernon Charles, 637.

of President, and his cabinet, 389.

ft, President, and Mrs. Taft, 393.

Taft, William H., 15, 267, 391; at Panama, 269.
291; with his two sons, 271.

ft, Mrs. William H., and daughter, 258.

ing Shao-Yi, Prince, 28.

Dey. James A., 39.

try. Ellen, 381.

man, Benjamin R., 138.

Sir Frederick, 363.

rkey. Sultan of, (Abdul Hamid II.), 667.
rker, Sultan of, (Mehmed V.), 666.

Vanderlip, Frank A., 143.

Van Devanter, Willis, 273.

system, 463.

Rowe, L. S. The Pan-American Scientific Con-
gress, 597.

Russia at home and in the Balkans, 153.
Russia for the Russians, 242.

Russia, Problems of, 27.

Russia, Three years of parliament in, 372.
Russian Czar, The daughters of, 481.
Russian finances, 412.

Russian relations in the Balkans, 285.

[blocks in formation]

Salvation Army's work for England's unemployed, Tawney, James A., on tariff revision, 39. 71.

Sardou, as seen by his contemporaries, 106.
Schreiner, Olive. Native problem in South Africa,

Seattle, a metropolis built in a generation, 714.
Seattle as a Western focus, 643.

Servia, Economic development of, 741.
Servia in the Bosnia-Herzegovina affair, 537.
Shafer, Donald Cameron. Power from the farm
brook, 63.

Shakespeare, Modjeska as an interpreter of, 753.
Shaw, Albert. Orlando J. Smith, a great Amer-

ican editor, 169.
Silver question, Our, and its relation to the Far
East, 617.

Slavs, Future of the, 220.

Smith, Orlando J., a great American editor, 169.
Smoke problem, Government solves the, 192.
Socialism and labor, 607.

Socialists, Utopian, 609.

Soil erosion in the South, Waste from, 439.
South Africa, Native problem in, 324.
South, Solid, a national calamity, 217.
Southern Commercial Congress at Washington, 12.
Spain, Affairs in, 533.

Spanish-American literature, Influences on, 754.
Speare, Charles F. A nation of little savers
(France), 574.

Speare, Charles F. The finances of Mexico, 721. Standard Oil Case: The company adjudged not guilty, 402.

Steamship business during 1908, 530.

Steel industry in the panic year, 402-403.
Steiner, Edward A.
How returning emigrants
are Americanizing Europe, 701.
Stevens, E. A. Safety of travel on the modern
ocean liner, 330.

Stevens, Frederick A. Rules of the House of
Representatives: A defense, 470.

Stock market conditions during May, 659.
Straus, Oscar S., opinion of, on the Roosevelt
administration, 658.

Straus, Oscar S., United States Ambassador to
Turkey, 685.

Sugar and the tariff, 649.

Swanson, Claude A. Rules of the House of Representatives: A criticism, 465.

Switzerland, Relief of the unemployed in, 502.

Taft, President:

Inaugural address of, 392-395.

Opening months of administration, 522-523.
Probable cabinet appointments of, 20.
Sojourn in the South previous to inauguration,

Visit of, to Panama, 267-269.

Visit of, to Virginia and North Carolina, 654. Tariff agitation and hearings before Ways and Means Committee, 4-8.

Tariff commission, A, 518, 653; Indianapolis conference on, 266.

Tariff discussion, 646-654.

Tariff: "Free lists" and the revenue, 650.
Tariff, Juggling with the, 476.

Tariff laws and policies of Europe, 427.
Tariff, Maximum and minimum plan, 519.
Tariff on lumber, Discussion of, 646-648.
Tariff, Our. Canada and, 8-9, 85.
Tariff problems, World aspects of, 414.
Tariff revision, Representative Tawney on, 39.
Tariff revision, Progress of, 515-521.
Tariff: See also under Congressional affairs.
Tariff, The, its revisers, and the trusts, 82.
Tariffs, Present way of making, 264.

Telegraphy, Wireless, in the American republ 735.

Terra del Fuego, Gold-field of, 223.

Thomas, Hewitt. Gifford Pinchot and his fi
for our national resources, 88.
Tillman, Senator, and the public lands, 136-1
Tobacco taxes, 651.

Tramp, Colonizing the, 311.

Treves, Sir Frederick, surgeon to King Edwa

Tuberculosis Exhibition in New York City, 19
Turkey and the Bagdad Railway, 286.
Turkey, Cabinet changes in, 285.
Turkey: Parliament, Inauguration of, at C
stantinople, 27, 154, 350.

Turkey: Revolution in; deposition of Sult
Abdul Hamid; massacres in Asia Min
Mehmed V., the new Sultan; the new cabine
some Turkish leaders; Turkish history, 5

Turkey Turkish press on the new régime, 727
Turkey Young Turks, Women workers for, 7
Unemployed, Public relief of, in Switzerland, 5

United States Government:

Federal Department work, 655.

Federal office, New standards in, 389.

National budget committee, Need for, 611.
United States at the beginning of 1909, 3.

Van Devanter, Willis, Judge, Considered for
Taft's cabinet, 272.
Ambassador Straus, t
Van Norman, Louis E.
man for the emergency in Turkey, 685.
Venezuela: Castro sails for Europe, 22.
Venezuela deposes Castro, 147, 532.
Venezuela: Relations with Holland, 22-23.
Venezuela, Settling American differences wit

Verdi Retreat for Old Musicians, in Milan, 96.
Vincent, John Martin. Geneva and John Calvi

Wade, Herbert T. Rockefeller Institute for Me ical Research, 183.

War between the great powers,-what it wou
mean, 613.

War, Present aspects and prospects of, 500.
Washington as a national center, 14.
Water-power from the farm brook, 63.
Water-power, State control of, 57.

Welliver, Judson C. The epoch of Roosevelt, 33
Wellman, Walter. Elihu Root; world state
man, 43.

Weyl, Walter E. Italy's exhausting emigration 177.

[ocr errors]

Wheat at famine prices (Patten's corner

White Slaves, Trade in, 371.
Wickersham, George W., selected as Attorney
General, 271.

Wilhelmina, Queen of The Netherlands, Birth o
a daughter to, 662.

William II., Emperor. Materialism of, 219.
Woman problem, Ouida on, 624.

Woman suffrage in the United States, 626.
Woman suffrage, Progress of, 288 (see corred
tion of on page 408).

Wright Brothers, aeronauts, return of, to th
United States, 656.

Zionists, Mesopotamia offered to, by the Turkis government, 672.

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