Reports of the Deputy Keeper of the Reports of the Royal Commission on Rice, James, 'Relativity,' allusion to, Riepin, on Icons, 146. Ritchie, Governor Albert G., of Mary- Robertson, Field-Marshal Sir 'duel' with Sir Henry Wilson, 39-40. Robinson, Prof., of Bangor Univer- Rome, Archæological and Topo- Ronaldshay, Rt Hon. the Earl of, Roosevelt, President of the United Root, Elihu, on democracy, 223-224. Rowe, Reginald, 'The Slum Problem,' Rublev, Andrew, a great Russian Russia, religion in, at the present Russian Icon, The, 144-159. S. St Pancras House Improvement 'Salisbury, Poetical Tributes to the Salvemini, Prof. Gaetano, 'Fascist Sargeaunt, G. M., The Substance of Scott, Sir Walter, his essay on Shaw, Bernard, on Bunyan, 103. Sindha, Lord, the late, on an ideal of the future of India, 180. Smith, Mrs A. L., Arthur Lionel Soldier's Faith, The, 55-69. Some Recent Books, 195-204, 403- South America, British Trade South America, history of British Southey, Robert, 'Life of John Bun- Stebbing, Dr, on Bunyan, 97. Steele, Robert, 'The Russian Icon,' • 144. Stone, Dr, 'The Cult of Santiago,' Stroganov, a style of Icon painting, Substance of Greek Tragedy, The, Sunlight Knowledge, Recent Pro- Supreme War Council, constitution Swinton, Alan A. Campbell, on the Sydmont, Theodore, The Sacred т. Taft, President of the United States, Tanzer, H. H., translator of 'The Tedder, Henry, 80. Temperley, Dr Harold, editor of Ward, Sir Adolphus, 80. Webb, Mr and Mrs Sidney, 79-80. Williams, Blanche Colton, 'Great Wilson, Sir Henry, possible harm Wilson, the late President, of the Winchester, the Dean of, the Very Z. Zachrisson, Prof. R. E., 'Romans, Van Deman, Prof. Esther B., 288- 290. Venables, Edmund, 'Bunyan, The Vitaglass, satisfactory results ob- W. Walle, Paul, Le Péron économique,' Walpole, Hugh, 'Anthony Trollope,' Walter, L. B., translator of 'The END OF THE TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIRST VOLUME. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. |