U. Unreasonableness of Disestab- V. Van Gogh, introducer of self-expres- Victoria, H.M. Queen, character- W. Walder, the Rev. Ernest, 'The God Waldman, Milton, 'Sir Walter Walkerdine, W. E., The Unreason- Washington, Mrs, 268. Wates, G. F., 'All for the Golden Weaver, Sir Lawrence, 'The Place Weekley, Prof. Ernest, 'The Oxford Wellard, James H., 'The Art of Wendell, Barrett, 'The Traditions of White House and its Occupants, END OF THE TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH VOLUME. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DONDON AND BECCLES, THE QUARTERLY REVIEW VOL. 251. COMPRISING Nos. 497, 498. PUBLISHED IN JULY & OCTOBER, 1928. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, W.1. NEW YORK: LEONARD SCOTT PUBLICATION COMPANY 1928 GENERAL INDEX TO THE QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. 482, forming Vol. 243, and containing a General Index to Volumes 223-242 inclusive, is published. THE QUARTERLY REVIEW is published on or about the Price Thirty-two Shillings per Annum, post free. Printed in Great Britain by WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limited, London and Beccles. |