Nor is it extinguished by any injuries, however cruel they may be. Ludlow, write as he would over his door at Vevey,* was still anxious to return home; and how striking is the testimony of Camillus, as it is recorded by Livy! "Equidem fatebor vobis," says he in his speech to the Roman people, " etsi minus injuriæ vestræ quam meæ calamitatis meminisse juvat; quum abessem, quotiescunque patria in mentem veniret, hæc omnia occurrebant, colles, campique, et Tiberis, et assueta oculis regio, et hoc cœlum, sub quo natus educatusque essem. Quæ vos, Quirites, nunc moveant potius caritate sua, ut maneatis in sede vestra, quam postea quum reliqueritis ea, macerent desiderio."-V. 54. P. 35, 1. 14. Say why VESPASIAN loved his Sabine farm; This emperor, according to Suetonius, constantly passed the summer in a small villa near Reate, where he was born, and to which he would never add any embellishment; ne quid 'scilicet oculorum consuetudini deperiret. SUET. in Vit. Vesp. cap. ii. A similar instance occurs in the life of the venerable Pertinax, as related by J. Capitolinus. "Posteaquam in Liguriam venit, multis agris coemptis, tabernam paternam, manente formâ priore, infinitis ædificiis circumdedit."-Hist. August. 54. And it is said of Cardinal Richelieu, that, when he built his * Omne solum forti patria est, quia Patris. magnificent palace on the site of the old family chateau at Richelieu, he sacrificed its symmetry to preserve the room in which he was born.-Mém. de Mlle. de Montpensier, i. 27. An attachment of this nature is generally the characteristic of a benevolent mind; and a long acquaintance with the world cannot always extinguish it. "To a friend," says John, Duke of Buckingham, "I will expose my weakness: I am oftener missing a pretty gallery in the old house I pulled down, than pleased with a saloon which I built in its stead, though a thousand times better in all respects." See his Letter to the D. of Sh. This is the language of the heart, and will remind the reader of that good-humoured remark in one of Pope's letters “ I should hardly care to have an old post pulled up, that I remembered ever since I was a child." The author of Telemachus has illustrated this subject with equal fancy and feeling, in the Story of Alibée Persan. P. 35, 1. 15. Why great NAVARRE, &c. That amiable and accomplished monarch, Henry the Fourth of France, made an excursion from his camp, during the long siege of Laon, to dine at a house in the forest of Folambray; where he had often been regaled, when a boy, with fruit, milk, and new cheese; and in revisiting which he promised himself great pleasure. Mém. de SULLY. P. 35, 1. 17. When DIOCLETIAN's self-corrected mind Diocletian retired into his native province, and there amused himself with building, planting, and gardening. His answer to Maximian is deservedly celebrated. "If," said he, "I could show him the cabbages which I have planted with my own hands at Salona, he would no longer solicit me to return to a throne." P. 35, 1. 21. Say, when contentious CHARLES, &c. When the Emperor Charles the Fifth had executed his memorable resolution, and had set out for the monastery of Justé, he stopped a few days at Ghent to indulge that tender and pleasant melancholy, which arises in the mind of every man in the decline of life, on visiting the place of his birth, and the objects familiar to him in his early youth. P. 35, 1. 22. To muse with monks, &c. Monjes solitarios del glorioso padre San Geronimo, says Sandova. In a corner of the Convent-garden there is this inscription. En esta santa casa de S. Geronimo de Justé se retiró à acabar su vida Carlos V. Emperador, &c.-Ponz. P. 36, 1. 21. Then did his horse the homeward track descry, The memory of the horse forms the ground-work of a pleasing little romance, entitled, "Lai du Palefroi vair." See Fabliaux du XII. Siècle. Ariosto likewise introduces it in a passage full of truth and nature. When Bayardo meets Angelica in the forest, Va mansueto a la Donzella, Ch'in Albracca il servia già di sua mano. P. 38, 1. 1. ORLANDO FURIOSO, i. 75. Sweet bird! thy truth shall Harlem's walls attest, During the siege of Harlem, when that city was reduced to the last extremity, and on the point of opening its gates to a base and barbarous enemy, a design was formed to relieve it; and the intelligence was conveyed to the citizens by a letter which was tied under the wing of a pigeon. -THUANUS, lv. 5. The same messenger was employed at the siege of Mutina, as we are informed by the elder Pliny. Nat. Hist. x. 37. P. 38, 1. 11. Hark! the bee, &c. This little animal, from the extreme convexity of her eye, cannot see many inches before her. NOTES ON THE SECOND PART. P. 43, 1. 11. They in their glorious course TRUE Glory, says one of the Ancients, is to be acquired by doing what deserves to be written, and writing what deserves to be read; and by making the world the happier and the better for our having lived in it. P. 43, 1. 15. These still exist, &c. There is a future Existence even in this world, an Existence in the hearts and minds of those who shall live after us. It is in reserve for every man, however obscure; and his portion, if he is diligent, must be equal to his desires. For in whose remembrance can we wish to hold a place, but such as know, and are known by us? These are within the sphere of our influence, and among these and their descendants we may live for ever more. * De tous les biens humains c'est le seul que la mort ne nous peut ravir. -BOSSUET. |