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adoucir, to temper; to soften; to sweeten (47)

adoucissement, m. softening, attenuation (53)

adresse, f. dexterity (31); skill (26, 57, 80)

adresser, to send to address; s'-à, to address oneself to adulé, spoiled, adulated (82) adversaire, m. opponent aération, f. ventilation aérostat, m. balloon

affaiblir, to weaken; s'-, to grow weak; affaibli, weakened, impaired

affaire, (f.) matter (8, 74); business (12)

affecter, to affect, to move (34); to have a liking for (29) affectueux, kind, affectionate (52) affermir(s'), to grow strong (35) affiche, f. poster, placard

afficher, to post; to make parade of (57)

affilié, m. member (affiliated) (36) affluence, f. concourse, crowd affolement, m. panic (59); state of being unnerved (80)

affoler, to madden (60); être affolé, to be at one's wits' end (62)

affranchir, to set free (71); to stamp (91)



affreux, frightful

affront, m. insult

m. liberation

affût (à l'), m. on the watch, lookout

afin que, in order that, so that agent, m. policeman

aggraver, to increase (a penalty) (76)

agir, to act; il s'agit, it is a matter (87) (as if it were a matter of); il ne s'agit pas de, the question, the object is not (49), it is no use, it is not a question of (67) agiter (s'), to move about (23) agrandir, to make larger;

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ailleurs (d'), besides, moreover aimer, to like (1), love; mieux, to prefer (66); aîné, eldest


aînesse, f. (droit d'), birthright ainsi, thus (43); therefore (93) air, m. tune (47); manner, air, appearance (2); look (13); avoir 1, to look like (6); vous m'avez l'-, you seem to me (13); en l'—, up in the air (19); grand, open air

aise (à son), ƒ. at his ease (43); être fort, to be very glad (58) aisé, easy

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ajouter, to add; - foi à, to accept as true (61)

ajustement, m. attire (19) alarme, f. fright, fear (56) alcée, f. hollyhock

alcoolique, m. drunkard (11); adj. alcoholic

alcoolisé, containing alcohol (11) alène, f. awl

alerte, smart (72)

aligné, aligned, in line (6)

aliment, m. dish (13); food (94); prendre un-, to take (13) alinéa, m. indentation at the beginning of a paragraph (40) alité, in bed, sick abed (20, 45) Allemagne, f. Germany aller, to walk, to go along (2); to

be going to (75); — trouver, to go to see (11); s'en, to go away (66); - jusqu'à, to go as far as (85); — à cheval, to ride (48); —

en traîneau, to ride in a sleigh (48); - faire, to be going to do (14); bien, to be becoming (18); to be well (1); — mal, to be ill (1)

alliance, f. relation, alliance (57) allié, m. kinsman (57)

allonger, to lengthen (25); s'-, to lengthen out, to grow longer (31); to stretch out (79)

allumer, to light (8)

allumette chimique, f. match

allure, f. appearance (3)

même que, even if

alors, then;

altérer, to weaken (45)

amande (en), f. almond-shaped amarrer, to make fast (89) ambitionner, to aspire to

ambulant, moving, rolling (5); itinerant (47)

âme, f. soul; being (17)

vivante, human

améliorer, to better (73); to im

prove (20)

aménagement, m. fitting up aménager, to fit up

amende, f. fine

amener, to bring; to lead (50) ameublement, m. furniture, set of furniture

amiral, m. admiral; contre-—, rear admiral

amnistier, to forgive by an amnesty

amollir (s'), to slacken; to unbend (53)

amorcer, to bait; to allure (27) amour, m. love;

pride (83)

ampoule, f. bulb

-propre, self

amusement, m. amusement; fad (1)

amuser, to amuse; to entertain ancien, old (36); former (57); ancient (42, 63)

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angoisse, f. anguish (60) anguille, f. eel

animé, lively, animated; image—e, living image (34) anneau, m. ring (62)

annoncer (s'), to announce one's coming (9)

anthropophage, m. cannibal (13) anti-hygiénique, unhygienic août, m. August

apercevoir, to perceive (4); to see (35, 99); être aperçu, to be noticed (2); s'-, to become aware (97)

apéritif, m. appetizer (glass of bitters)

aplatir, to flatten, smooth (27); s', to flatten out (90)

aplomb, m. self-possession (37) appareil, m. apparatus appareiller, to get under way apparence (selon l'), f. to all appearance (47)

appartenir à, to belong to appât, m. bait (27); lure (36) appâter, to bait

appelé á, bound to (32)

appeler, to call (11, 38); to chal lenge (80); s'-, to be called (75) appesantir, to make felt (69) appétissant, tempting, appetizing applaudir, to clap applaudissement, clapping

m. applause,

appliquer (s') à, to apply oneself to (22); carefully to set oneself to (85)

appliqué, applied (38, 49,); painstaking (53)

apporter, to bring

apprécier, to appreciate (17, 52); to give a judgment upon (82) apprendre, to learn; to teach (4, 11); to hear (11)

apprenti, m. apprentice


état d'-, state of apprenticeship (71)

apprentissage, m. apprenticeship apprivoiser, to tame, domesticate approfondir, to go deep into (54)

appui de (à l'), m. in support of appuyer, to lean, press (31); to support (68); s'-, to be supported (6)

après (d'), according to (40) arbitre, m. umpire, arbitrator (12) arc, m. cross-bow archet, m. bow

ardeur, f. eagerness, passion (56); heat (94)

ardent, burning, fiery (23) ardu, hard (16)

arène, f. sand, arena (31) argent, m. money (6, 30, etc.); silver (17, 42, etc.)

Argien, m. Argive, man of Argos argile, f. clay

argot, m. slang

arlequin, m. harlequin

arme, f. weapon (42, 78); branch of the service, (79); armes, war (83); arms, coat of arms (65) armoire, f. wardrobe (15)

armure, f. armor (16)

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arrêter, to order, enact (69); to stop. (43); s', to stop (13, 68) arrière, (en) backward (31); d'— en avant, forward (87) arriver, to happen (15, 58); —à, to arrive at, succeed in (38, 56, 64, etc.)

art, m. science (1); art (7); militaire, war, science of war (70); — mécanique, mechanical art (70)

articulation, f. joint

articuler, to articulate, enunciate artilleur, m. artilleryman ascension, f. ascent

aspect, m. appearance (5, 6, 97);

à l'de, in the sight of (83) aspirant, m. midshipman (79) assaisonnement, m. seasoning assassinat, m. murder

assaut, m. (prendre d'), to storm assemblée, f. party (28)

asséner, to strike (31) asservir, to reduce, reduce to servitude (69); to subject (19) assiéger, to besiege

assiette, f. plate; (old use) course (12)

assistance, f. help, relief

assister, to be present at, to attend (12, 30, 52); to help, relieve (67)

associé, m. associate, fellow (64) associer (s'), to unite, form an association (64)

assouvir, to satiate; to satisfy (56) assujettir, to subdue (69) assurance, f. insurance (100): sur la vie, life-insurance assurément, certainly

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assurer, to insure (58, 100); to secure, guarantee (58); to assure. assert (84)

astre, m. star

astreint à (être), to be obliged to

atelier, m. workshop (50, 71)
atmosphère, f. weather (94)
atout, m. trump (30)
âtre, m. hearth

attachant, pleasant, attractive (98) attacher, to fix (15); to fasten, tie (25); to bind, draw together (69); à, to bind to (69); s’— à, to follow (20); to conceive an affection for (93)

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averse, f. shower


avertir, to warn (52); averti, wide awake (72)

avertissement, m. warning (52) aveugle, m. blind person; adj. blind

aveuglement, m. blindness, delusion (51); blind admiration (82)

aveugler, to blind (23) avide de, keen on (40) avidité, f. greediness (21) avilissement, m. abasement (33) avion, m. aëroplane

avis, m. opinion (1); je suis de votre I agree with you (26); changer d'-, to change one's mind (32)

avisé, prudent (58)

aviser de (s'), to think of (77) aviver, to revive, to strengthen (10)

avocat, m. lawyer (22); counsel (74) avoir (du plaisir à), to find (pleasure in) (66); de la peine à, to have difficulty in (67); quelque idée de, be tempted to (75); beau, to do something in vain (67) avouer, to confess (49)

babiller, to prattle, babble (43) babiole, f. trifle, trinket

bagnard, m. convict

bagne, m. convict settlement, convict ship

baguette, f. baton (47)
baie, f. bay (6)
bain, m. bath

baisser, to lower (19); to droop.

weaken; (le pouce), to turn down (31); se, to lean over (7)

bal, m. dance

balancé, swinging (66) balancer, se, to swing balbutier, to stammer (43) baleine, f. whale

ballerine, f. ballet-dancer

ban (mettre au), m. to ban (33) banc, m. seat (64); bench (7); shoal (27)

bandé, bound; yeux -s, blindfolded (36)

bannir, to banish banquier, m. banker

baptême, m. christening

baptiser, to christen

barbouilleur, m. whitewasher baril, m. barrel

barrer, to cross out

barrette, f. biretta (18); strap (16)

bas, low (15); weak; vile (8 ); in a whisper (2); tout —, in a whisper (55); à voix basse, in a low voice (68); en -, below, down below (23); basse classe, lower class (65)

basané, swarthy

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bête, f. animal, beast

bibliophile, m. booklover, connoisseur in books

bibliothèque, f. library, book-case bien, m. right conduct (39); property, fortune (21); adv. cordially (44); possibly (55); · des, many a; fort, quite right (83); faire du - to do good (83); grand vous fasse, may it do

you good (13)

bien que, although bien que (si), so that

bien-être, m. well being, welfare bienfaisance, f. charity, beneficence

bienfaisant, kind, charitable

bienfait, m. benefit, (53); advantage (38); good thing (23); good (64)

bienfaiteur, m. benefactor bienséance, f. decorum (14); de la, proper, the proper thing (84) bientôt, soon

bienveillance, f. kindness, good will

bienveillant, kind, kindly, benevolent bière, f. beer bille, f. ball

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