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little else than an improved edition of the former, that there is a ftudied rejection


"rough-hewn ftakes, that were firft built as a shelter against the inclemencies of the air." Motteux.


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"La beaute n'étoit point un avantage dangereux aux jeunes filles; elles alloient librement partout, eta«lant fans artifice et fans deffein tous les présents que "leur avoit fait la Nature, fans fe cacher davantage, qu'autant que l'honnêteté commune à tous les fiecles "l'a toujours demandé."

"Then was the time, when innocent beautiful young "fhepherdeffes went tripping over the hills and vales, "their lovely hair fometimes plaited, fometimes loofe " and flowing, clad in no other veftment but what was "neceffary to cover decently what modefty would al66 ways have concealed." Motteux.

It will not, I believe, be afferted, that this verfion of Motteux bears any traces of being copied from the French, which is quite licentious and paraphraftical. But when we fubjoin the original, we fhall perceive, that he has given a very just and easy translation of the Spanish.

Los valientes alcornoques defpedian de si fin otro artifi cio que el de fu cortefia, fus anchas y livianas cortezas, fin


of the phrafeology of Motteux. Now, Motteux, though he has frequently affumed too great a licence, both in adding to and retrenching from the ideas of his original, has upon the whole a very high degree of merit as a tranflator. In the adoption of corresponding idioms he has been eminently fortunate, and, as in these there is no great latitude, he has in general preoccupied the appropriated phrases; fo that a fucceeding translator, who proceeded on the rule of invariably rejecting his phraseology, must have, in general, altered for the worse. Such, I


que fe commençaron á cubrir las cafas, fobre rufticas eftacas fuftentadas, no mas que para defenfa de las inclemencias del cielo.

ENTONCES sí, que andaban las fimples y hermofas zagalejas de valle en valle, y de otero en otero, en trenza y en cabello, fin mas vestidos de aquellos que eran menefter para cubrir honeftamente lo que la honeftidad quiere.

have faid, was the rule laid down by Jarvis, and by his copyift and improver, Smollet, who by thus abfurdly rejecting what his own judgement and taste must have approved, has produced a compofition decidedly inferior, on the whole, to that of Motteux. While I justify the opinion I have now given, by comparing feveral paffages of both translations, I fhall readily allow full credit to the performance of Smollet, where-ever I find that there is a real fuperiority to the work of his rival tranflator.

AFTER Don Quixote's unfortunate encounter with the Yanguefian carriers, in which the Knight, Sancho, and Rozinante, were all most grievoufly mauled, his faithful fquire lays his master across his afs, and conducts him to the nearest inn,

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inn, where a miserable bed is made up

for him in a cock-loft.

proceeds as follows:

Cervantes then

En efla maldita cama fe accoftó Don Quixote: y luego la ventera y fu bija le emplaftáron de arriba abaxo, alumbrandoles Maritornes: que afi fe llamaba la Afturiana. Y como al vizmalle, viefe la ventera tan acardenalado á partes á Don Quixote, dixo que aquello mas parecian golpes que caida. No fuéron golpes, dixo Sancho, fino que la peña tenia muchos picos y tropezones, y que cada uno habia becho fu cardinal, y tambien le dixo: baga vueftra merced, feñora, de manera que queden algunas eftopas, que no faltará quien las haya menester, que tambien me duelen á mí un poco los lomos. Defa manera, refpondió la ventera, tambien debiftes vos de caer? No caí, dico Sancho Panza, fino

fino que

del fobrefalto que tome de ver caer

á mí amo, de tal manera me duele á mí el

cuerpo, que me parece que me han dado mil palos.



Tranflation by Motteux.

"IN this ungracious bed was the "Knight laid to rest his belaboured car"cafe; and prefently the hostess and her

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daughter anointed and plastered him "all over, while Maritornes (for that

was the name of the Afturian wench) "held the candle. The hoftefs, while "she greased him, wondering to see him "fo bruised all over, I fancy, faid fhe, "those bumps look much more like a "dry beating than a fall. 'Twas no

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dry beating, miftrefs, I promise you,

quoth Sancho; but the rock had I

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4. Part. 1. book 111. Ch.11..


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