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" Its entrance is very fpacious, and there is fomewhat of a defcent towards the other extremity ; infomuch that I fuppofe the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the cave.. The upper part is like an arched roof, of folid lime-ftone... "
The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany - Page 332
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volume 35

History - 1793
...and there is fomewhat ot a defcent towards the other extremity; infomuch that I fuppofe the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the...perhaps twenty feet thick. On entering, are found many apartment-, fome of them very high, like ike choir of a church. There is, asi'. were, a continual rain...
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Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Volume 2

American Philosophical Society - Electronic journals - 1786 - 460 pages
...and there is fomewhat of a defcent towards the other extremity ; infomuch that I fuppofe the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the...continual rain within the cave, for the water drops inceflantly from the roof upon the floor; by which, and the water petrifying as it falls, pillars are...
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An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of ..., Volume 2

William Winterbotham - America - 1796 - 580 pages
...wide, and from feven to ten in height. You enter, by a gradual defcent, fo low, as that the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the cave, and in your prngrcfs pafs through a number of paflagcs and apartments of vjrious dimenfions, iome low...
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Miscellanea Perthensis

Miscellanea Perthensis - 1801 - 242 pages
...wide, and from feven to ten in height. Its entrance is by a gradual deicent, fo low as that the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the cave, and in going through is a number of paffages and apartments of various dimenfions, fome low and narrow,...
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The New Wonderful Museum, and Extraordinary Magazine:: Being a Complete ...

William Granger - Characters and characteristics - 1805 - 648 pages
...and there is fotnewhat of a defcent towards the other extremity; infomuch that I fuppofe the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the...upper part is like an arched roof, of folid lime-ftone rockj perhaps twenty feet thick. On entering, are found many apartments, fome of them very high, like...
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Encyclopaedia Perthensis; Or Universal Dictionary of the Arts ..., Volume 17

Encyclopedias and dictionaries - 1816 - 764 pages
...XVIJ. PA&T I. with the Sofq'uehannah. Its entrance is fpaciotm and defcends fo much as that the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the cave. The vault of this cave is of folid limeftone rock, perhaps ao feet thick. It contains feveral apartments,...
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Annual Register, Volume 35

Edmund Burke - History - 1821 - 754 pages
...and there is somewhat of a descent towards the other extremity ; insomuch that I suppose the surface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the cave. The upper part is like an arched roof, of solid lime-stone rock, perhaps twenty feet thick. On entering, are found many apartments, some of them...
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Transactions, American Philosophical Society (Old Series, vol. 1, 1769-71)

950 pages
...and there is fomewhat of a defcent towards the other extremity ; infomuch that I fuppofe the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the...continual rain within the cave, for the water drops inceflantly from the roof upon the floor; by which, and the water petrifying as it falls, pillars are...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Volume 24

English literature - 1793 - 552 pages
...and there is fomewhat of a dclccnt towards the other extremity ; infomuch that I fuppofc the furface of the river is rather higher than the bottom of the...cave. The upper part is like an arched roof, of folid limc-ftone rock, perhaps twenty feet thick. On entering, arc found many apartments, fomc of them very...
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