engagement which lafted the whole day, the French were driven beyond Straßbourg. Bruffels, Dec. 1o. The particulars of the frequent actions which General Wurmfer and the Duke of Brunswick had with the French army on the 29th and 30th of November, and the 1ft and 2d of December, have not yet been received here, further than that the French were repulfed with confiderable lofs on thofe feveral days. The number of French killed, wounded and taken prisoners, according to the beft accounts, appearing not to be lefs than Fifteen Thousand Men Philadelphia, Nov. 10. The diforder which has fo long prevailed in Philadelphia is gradually abating, and though fome small remains of the contagion ftill exift, there is a reafonable ground of expectation that it will be effectually eradicated in the course of two or three weeks. Admiralty-Office, Dec. 0. Captain Pafley, of his Majefty's fhip Bellerophon, in his letter to Mr Stephens, dated the 28th of November, mentions, that the fhips under his command had, on the preceding day, captured near Ufhant the National corvette La Blonde, mounting 28 guns, manned with 210 men, and commanded by Citizen Gueria. And Sir Edward Pellew, Captain of his Majefty's fhip La Nymphe, in his letter of the 3d inftant, gives an account of his having, in company with the Circe, taken on the 30th ult. between Breft and Ufhant, the National floop of war L'Efpiegle, pierced for 16 guns, manned with 100 men, and commanded by Monf. Pierre Biller; Enfeign de Vaiffeau. SCOTLAND. High Court of Justiciary,-Dec. 9. This day, came on before the High Court of Jufticiary, the trial of Robert Adam, thatcher in Auchtermuchty, indicted at the inftance of his Majefty's Advocate for the crime of murder. The indictment in this cafe ftates; That on the night betwixt Thursday the 20th, and Friday the 21ft day of June, about one in the morning of the faid Friday, he having met at the back of the houfe of John Mitchel weaver in Auchtermuchty aforefaid, with the deceased Thomas Greig, late fervant to John Thomson of Stevenfon Beath, in the parish of Beath, and county of Fife, who was then near to the back of faid houfe with a horfe and cart, which he had brought there with the intention of removing fome furniture which belonged to Margaret Wilfon his wife; or which at leift, he had reason to believe was the property of the faid Margaret Wilson, the faid Robert Adam immediately conceived a groundlefs refentment against the deceafed Thomas Greig for attempt ing to remove faid furniture; and without any further provocation on his part, the faid Robert Adam, above complained upon, did, with a flinging-board, or inftrument ufed by thatchers in thatching, which he then had in his poffeffion, ceafed Thomas Greig a violent blow on barbaroufly and felonioufly frike the de the head, which immediately felled him to the ground; That, upon his recovering a little, and getting to his feet, after whole furniture, and let him alone, he intreating Robert Adam to keep the made an attempt to make off from Robert Adam, upon which he followed Thomas Greig a few yards, and again inhumanly ftruck him another blow on the head with the faid ftinging-board, or thatching inftrument, which brought him a fecond time to the ground: That, in confequence of thefe blows, fo'inhuman, ly given by Robert Adam, above complained upon, to the deceafed Thomas Greig, his fkull was fractured in two places; and, after continuing in a flate of ftupor, or almoft total infenfibility, till the afternoon of the Saturday following, Thomas Greig, notwithstanding of every medical affiance that could be given him, then expired, his death having been occafioned by the barbarous treatment Robert Adam had given him, as above defcribed. After the proof was concluded, the Lord Advocate addreffed the Jury on the part of the Crown, as did Mr Allan Macconnochie for the pannel. The Lord Juftice Clerk then fummed up the evidence, and the Jury returned their verdict finding the libel not proven; upon which the pannel was difmiffed from the bar. BIRTHS. Nov. 19. At Balnabeath, the Hon. Mrs Ogilvie, of Clova, a fon. 25. Mrs Chriftie, of Durie, a fon. Dec. 6. Mrs Ferrier, of Somerford, a fon. 11. Mrs Marjoribanks, a daughter. 14. Mrs Orrock, of Orrock, a daughter. Dec. winner. 23. George Fergufon, Efq. Advocate, to Mils Grame M'Dowall, daughter of the deceafed W. M Dowall, late of Caftle Sempill, Efq. DEATHS. July 22. On the coaft of Africa, Capt. Archibald Forreft, of the Robust of Liverpool. Sept. 16. At St Vincents, in the 24th year of his age, Lieut. W. H. Mackenzie, of the 60th regiment, in four days illnels, of the fatal yellow fever. Oct. 1. At Poplar Grove, near Wilmington, South Carolina, Thomas Clayton, Efq. of Potterhill by Paisley. Nov. 17. At Balcarras Houfe, Mifs Elizabeth Balcarras Lindsay, daughter of Henry Bethune, Efq. of Kilconquhar.. 18. At Culloden houfe, Mrs Forbes, of Culloden. 2. At Invermorifton, Patrick Grant, Efq, of Glenmorifton, fifter of the late Mr William Hattie, fur3. At Edinburgh, Mifs Janet Haftie, geon in Edinburgh. 4. At the manfe of Fernell, the Rev. David Ferguffon of Loch-lands, in the70th year of his age, and 43d of his ministry. -~. At Dumfries, Mr Peter Macdow. all, fon of the late Peter Macdowall, Efq. Advocate. 5. At Cultermains, Mifs Euphemia Brown, daughter of the deceated Rev. Mr Brown, of that place. - At Forres, Mr James Fraser, senior, merchant. 8. At Bristol Hot-Wells, Samuel Mitchelfon, Efq, one of the principal Clerks of Seffion. 9. Ac Gogar, Mr R. Kirkland, furgeon. 10. At Arbroath, David Frafer, Efq of Kirkton. 11. At Spylaw, Mr John Gillefpie, late Tobacconist in Edinburgh. 12. At the manfe of Southend, the Rev. Mr David Campbell, in the 79th year of his age, and gift of his miniftry. At Edinubrgh, Mr. William Gordon, author of the Univerfal Accountant, &c. in the 754 year of his age. 13. At Kello, Mrs Pringle, widow of Robert Pringle, late writer there. 14. At Edinburgh, James Clerk, Efq. fon of the late Sir George Clerk, Bart. of Pennycuick. -, At Kirkinnan, aged 81, Mrs Janet Reid. ! 15 The Rev. Mr John Jamiefon, minifter of the affociate congregation in Glasgow. 16. At Banks, in the parish of Fendergarth, Register of the Weather for December 1793. State of the BAROMETER in inches and decimals, and of Farenheit's THERMOMETER in the open air, taken in the morning before fun-rife, and at noon; and the quantity of rain-water fallen, in inches and decimals, from the 30th of Nov. to the 30th Dec. 1793, within one mile of the Caftle of Edinburgh. Rain. 13 14 19 20 9 11 45 12 45 43 42 15 38 16 Thermom. 4I 17 43 18 42 25 26 38 28 39 32 30 39 43 41 39 4I 40 4I 44 59 50 46 42 44 35 41 21 39 45 23 43 43 38 42 41 32 31 38 37 27 37 39 41 333 33 33 45 48 45 45 43 41 46 0.04 Quantity of Rain 2.38 Weather. Rain Clear Rain Showers Clear Ditto Ditto Rain Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Cloudy Showers Rain Clear Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Rain Clear Ditto Ditto Ditto Showers Of the EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, New Series. LITERATURE, SCIENCE, ARTS, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, POLITICKs, &c. VOLUME II. RCHITECTURE, differtation on thic, Arts in India, reflections on the State Painter, PAGE Anecdotes, biographical, of eminent 108 25, 135 -, new, of Dr Goldsmith, FOR of John Agecroft, Auchtertyre, in Perthshire, defcription 204 210 236, 368 Aurora, or the Apparition, 20 Anecdotes, additional, of Dr Johnson, more, 345, 433 264 348 --- Curiofities and anecdotes, local, 9 361 Differtation on the ancient carved ftone 478 4 E 129 Gipfeys, remarks on, Grotto at Swatara, déscription of the, 144 H Hottentots, particulars concerning the, 294 152 PAGE 7 I Inverary, (county of Argyle,) statistical 29 lands of Spitzberg, defcription of the, 202 2721 97 Journey thro' the defart of Sahara, ab- 214 Letters, Original, of David Mallet, Efq. 1 Lucknow, defcription of the city of, 207 Logan Rock, or Rocking Stone in Corn- 177 110- 121 172 P 39 Perth, defcription of the town of, Wales, Portrait of Mrs Sheridan, Proper employment of time, on the, ry the Seventh, on the, 443 Procefs of making Eyes in enamel, ac- 277 Puins of Vindoniffa, meditations on the, 198 118 137 200 Rain, theory of, 455 eminent, P. 25, 133 38 96 Sacrifice, annual, in India, ceremony of, 106 of a, · Stiles of Mufic, on the different, T defcription of the view of, S Scotfalen, biographical Anecdotes of of Mr F. Palmer, 35 243 170 291 Tyrolefe, general character of the, Trial of the late Queen of France, Chamois Chafer, Choice of a Husband, 339 377 473 150 234 64 Dalkeith, Lord, on his birth-day, Monody to the memory of Sir Joshua Ode to Melancholy, Ruins of Dunkefwell Abbey, in Devon- 233 487 488 234 65 Swifs Peafant, Sketches of eminent novellis, charac- teriftic, 148 233 |