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The old conjugation-The new conjugation - Remarks about the 3rd conjugation,


86, 87

List of all the regular verbs of the 4th conjugation - List of verbs of the 4th conjuga-
tion having a circumflex accent over î and û of verbs Croître and Croire,

88, 89

Irregular Verbs of the 1st CLASS,

Servir model for irregular verbs of the 2nd conjugation, 1st Class,
List of verbs conjugated like Servir,

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Sortir and its compounds, Vêtir and its compounds, Offrir and its compounds, Ouvrir and
its compounds, Souffrir and its compounds,
Remarks about Répartir, Départir, Asservir, S'asservir, Réasservir, Assortir, Ressortir, .

Craindre model for irregular verbs of the 4th conjugation, 1st Class,

List of verbs conjugated like Craindre,

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Present Participle in gnant Verbs ending in the Infinitive by aindre - Verbs ending
in the Infinitive by eindre Verbs ending in the Infinitive by oindre,

Present Participle in sant - Verbs ending in the Infinitive by uire-Conduire,

Dire and its compounds, Maudire, Confire and Se confire, Suffire and Se suffire, Coudre
and its compounds, Lire and its compounds, Plaire and its compounds,

Taire and Se taire, Luire and Reluire,

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Present Participle in ssant Connaître and its compounds, Paraître and its compounds,
Naître and its compounds - Remark about Renaître,
Present Participle in ttant-Battre and its compounds, Mettre and its compounds, 99, 100
Present Participle in ant after u and i - Conclure and Se conclure, Exclure and S'ex-
clure, Inclure, Perclure, Rire and Se rire, Sourire and Se sourire,
Present Participle in lant, pant, quant, nant-Moudre and its compounds, Rompre
and its compounds, Vaincre and its compounds, Prendre and its compounds,

Present Participle in vant-Verbs ending in the Infinitive by crire, écrire - Résoudre

and Se résoudre, Vivre and its compounds, Suivre and its compounds - Remarks

about the Past Participle Résous - Remarks about Maudire - How to form the

feminine of Past Participles,

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