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To them made common and divulg'd, if ought
Therein enjoy'd were worthy to subdue

The foul of man, or paffion in him move.
What high'er in her fociety thou find’st
Attractive, human, rational, love still;
In loving thou doft well, in paffion not,
Wherein true love confifts not; love refines
The thoughts, and heart inlarges, hath his feat
In rea'son, and is judicious, is the scale
By which to heav'nly love thou may'st ascend,
Not funk in carnal pleasure, for which cause
Among the beafts no mate for thee was found.

To whom thus half abash'd Adam reply'd.
Neither her outside form'd fo fair, nor ought
In procreation common to all kinds
(Though higher of the genial bed by far,
And with myfterious reverence I deem)

So much delights me, as thofe graceful acts,
Those thousand decencies that daily flow
From all her words and actions mix'd with love
And sweet compliance, which declare unfeign'd
Union of mind, or in us both one foul;
Harmony to behold in wedded pair






More grateful than harmonious found to th' ear.
Yet these subject not; I to thee disclose
What inward thence I feel, not therefore foil'd,
Who meet with various objects, from the sense
Variously reprefenting; yet ftill free


Approve the best, and follow what I approve.


To love thou blam'ft me not, for love thou fay'st
Leads up to Heav'n, is both the way and guide;
Bear with me then, if lawful what I ask;

Love not the heav'nly Spi'rits, and how their love 615
Exprefs they, by looks only', or do they mix
Irradiance, virtual or immediate touch?

To whom the Angel with a fmile that glow'd
Celestial rofy red, love's proper hue,

Anfwer'd. Let it fuffice thee that thou know'ft
Us happy', and without love no happiness.
Whatever pure thou in the body' enjoy'st

(And pure

thou wert created) we enjoy

In eminence, and obftacle find none

Of membrane, joint, or limb, exclufive bars;
Eafier than air with air, if Spirits embrace,
Total they mix, union of pure with pure
Defiring; nor reftrain'd conveyance need
As flesh to mix with flesh, or foul with foul.
But I can now no more; the parting fun
Beyond the earth's green Cape and verdant Iles
Hefperian fets, my signal to depart.

Be ftrong, live happy', and love, but first of all
Him whom to love is to obey, and keep




His great command; take heed left paffion sway 635
Thy judgment to do ought, which else free will
Would not admit; thine and of all thy fons
The weal or woe in thee is plac'd; beware.

I in thy perfevering fhall rejoice,
And all the Bleft: stand faft; to stand or fall



Free in thine own arbitrement it lies.
Perfect within, no outward aid require;
And all temptation to transgress repel.

So faying, he arofe; whom Adam thus
Follow'd with benediction. Since to part,
Go heav'nly Gueft, ethereal Messenger,
Sent from whofe fovran goodness I adore.
Gentle to me and affable hath been


Thy condefcenfion, and shall be' honor'd ever
With grateful memory: thou to mankind


Be good and friendly still, and oft return.

So parted they, the Angel up to Heaven From the thick fhade, and Adam to his bower.


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