To them made common and divulg'd, if ought The foul of man, or paffion in him move. To whom thus half abash'd Adam reply'd. So much delights me, as thofe graceful acts, 585 590 595 600 605 More grateful than harmonious found to th' ear. 610 Approve the best, and follow what I approve. Το To love thou blam'ft me not, for love thou fay'st Love not the heav'nly Spi'rits, and how their love 615 To whom the Angel with a fmile that glow'd Anfwer'd. Let it fuffice thee that thou know'ft (And pure thou wert created) we enjoy In eminence, and obftacle find none Of membrane, joint, or limb, exclufive bars; Be ftrong, live happy', and love, but first of all 620 625 630 His great command; take heed left paffion sway 635 I in thy perfevering fhall rejoice, 640 Free Free in thine own arbitrement it lies. So faying, he arofe; whom Adam thus 645 Thy condefcenfion, and shall be' honor'd ever 650 Be good and friendly still, and oft return. So parted they, the Angel up to Heaven From the thick fhade, and Adam to his bower. THE END OF THE EIGHTH BOOK. |