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With day unmask'd my night shall be
For night is day, and darkness light,
O Father of all lights, to thee..

To enter into any comment on the bea sublimity of this translation, and more part of the closing stanza, would be utterly supe for they cannot but be deeply felt and adm all who read it.

Multiplied instances, indeed, of the great of this version of the Sidneys might readily nished, were such required; but what has a been given will be fully adequate to prove what a fervid feeling of devotion, with what a of genuine poetry, it was prosecuted and comp

There is, in truth, something inexpressibly ing and interesting in picturing to ourselves accomplished brother and sister, the beautiful brave, thus conjointly employed in the servic their God, thus emulously endeavouring to do tice to the imperishable strains of divine inspirat We see them, as they proceed, kindling into war piety, and glowing with more exalted enthusias for, as one of the best of men and of Christi has remarked in reference to the Psalms, whilst "the fairest productions of human wit, after a few perusals, like gathered flowers, wither in our hands, and lose their fragrancy, these unfading plants of paradise become, as we are accustomed to them, still more and more beautiful; their bloom appears to be daily heightened; fresh odours are emitted, and new sweets are extracted from them. He who hath once tasted their excellencies will desire to taste them yet again; and he who tastes them oftenest will relish them best *."

* Sidney Psalms, pp. 266, 267.

Nor can we avoid thinking that the words which the great and good bishop has spoken of himself on concluding his admirable Commentary, may, with only a slight alteration, be applied to these affectionate relatives whilst engaged on their Version : "The employment detached them from the bustle and hurry of life, the din of politics, and the noise of folly; vanity and vexation flew away for a season, care and disquietude came not near their dwelling. They arose, fresh as the morning, to their task; the silence of the night invited them to pursue it; and they could truly say, that food and * Horne's Commentary on the Psalms, vol. i. Preface, p. lxiv.



rest were not preferred before it. Ev improved infinitely upon their acquaintan and no one gave them uneasiness but the then they grieved that their work was don pier hours than those which they spent translations of the Songs of Sion, they n pected to see in this world. Very pleasa they pass, and moved smoothly and swiftl for when thus engaged, they counted They are gone, but their products hav relish and a fragrance upon the mind, remembrance of them is sweet *."

* Horne's Commentary on the Psalms, vol. i.

p. lxv.

Not in wars did he delight,
This Clifford wished for worthier might;
Nor in broad pomp, or courtly state;
Him his own thoughts did elevate,-

Most happy in the shy recess

Of Barden's humble quietness.



It was almost immediately on the re-ascendancy of the house of Lancaster that the following petition for the restitution of the Clifford estates in the counties of Westmoreland and York, together with their rank and honours, was presented and granted in the first year of Henry the Seventh.

"In most humble and lowly wise beseecheth yo'r highness yo'r true subject and faithfull liegman Henry Clifford, eldest sonne to John late lord Clifford, that when the same John, amongst other persons, for the true service and faithful legiance w'ch he did and owed to king Henry the Sixt, yo'r uncle, in the parliament at Westmynster, the fourth day of November, in the first year of king Edward

the Fourth, was attainted and convicted treason; and by the same act yt was ordain the said John, late lord, and his heires, from forth should be disabled to have, hould, inh enjoy, any name of dignity, estate, or prehen within the realmes of England, Ireland, Calice, or the Marches thereof, and should all his castles, manors, landes, &c., he desi be restored. To the w'ch petition the king, same parliament, subscribeth,

'Soit faite come est desier.'"

Thus, in the thirty-second year of his age having led for twenty-five years the life of a herd and an outlaw, and latterly either in Cu land or on the borders of Scotland, was Henry Clifford restored to the wealth and dignities forefathers. There is reason to conclude th was in Westmoreland, from the vicinity of county to the district in which he had usually dered as a banished man, that he first assu the honours of his family. The Cliffords, ind possessed not less than four castles in Westm land, namely, Pendragon, Brough, Appleby, Brougham; and the last, being towards the north boundary of the county, must have been the f

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