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Northern Farmer, by A. Tennyson.*)


Where hast thou been so long and me lying here alone?
Nurse? Thou art nought of a nurse: Why, Doctor has been and
has gone;

Says that I must have no more ale: but I am not a fool:
Give me my ale, for I am not going to break my rule.


Doctors, they know nought, for they say what's no ways true:
No sort of kind of use to say the things that he does.
I've had my pint of ale every night since I am here,
And I've had my quart every market-night for forty year.


Parson has been likewise, and he sitting here on my bed.

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The Almighty is taking you to himself, my friend" he said,

And he told me my sins, and his tithe was due, and I gave it in hand;

I did my duty by him, as I have done by the land.


Learned he may be. I reckon I have not so much to learn.
But he cast up, **) thought he did, about Betsy Morris's boy,
Though he knows I always voted with Squire and church and state,
And in the worst of times I was never against the rate. ***)


And I always came to his church before my Sully was dead,
And heard him humming away like a cockchafer over my head;
And I never knew what he meant but I thought he had something
to say,

And I thought he said what he ought to have said and I came away.


Betsy Morris's boy! thou knowest she laid it to me.

Might have been, may hap, for she was a bad one, she.

Howsoever, I kept him, I kept him, my lass, thou must understand,
I did my duty by him as I have done by the land.

*) Obiges, in dem unter dem Titel Enoch Arden kürzlich erschienenen Bändchen enthaltene Gedicht ist bekanntlich im Lincolnshire - Dialekte verfasst. Ich glaubte nun manchem Leser des Archivs einen Dienst zu erweisen, wenn ich ihm das vielbesprochene Gedicht, welches Einige als eine Satire auf die Engländer überhaupt ansehen wollen, durch einfache Umsetzung in landübliches Englisch geniessbarer mache. Der Reim musste naturlich in einigen Stellen geopfert werden. Dr. D. Asher.

**) reproached me. ***) Churchrate.


But Parson he comes and he goes, and he says it easy and free,
The Almighty is taking you to himself, my friend" says he.
I will not say men are liars, though some one said it in haste:*)
But he reads one sermon a week, and I have stubbed **) Thornaby



Do you remember the waste, my lass? no, no


thou wast not born

There was a boggle ***) in it, I often heard it myself;

Almost like a bittern, for I heard it about and about,

But I stubbed it up with the lot, and raved †) and rembled ft) it out.


Keeper's it was; for they found him there laid on his face,
Down in the wild anemones before I came to the place.

Noaks or Thimbleby- one of them had shot him as dead as a nail.
Noaks was hanged for it up at assize but give me my ale.


Do but look at the waste: there was not food for a cow:
Nought at all but bracken †††) and furze, and look at it now
Was not worth an acre, and now there's lots of food,
Four score ewes upon it and some of it down seed.


Only a bit of it is left, and I meant to have stubbed it at fall,
(To have) done it this year I meant, and run the plough through it
and all,

If God Almighty and parson would only let me alone,

Me, who had a hundred acres of Squire's, and land of my own.


Does God Almighty know what he is doing in taking me?
I am not one who sows here a bean and yonder a pea;
And squire will be so mad and all O dear! O dear!
And I have managed for squire come Michaelmas thirty year.


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He might have taken Jones, who has not a ha'porth of sense,
Or he might have taken Robins he never mended a fence:
But God Almighty he must take me and take me now.
With half the cows to calve and Thornaby holms *†) to plough!

[blocks in formation]


Look how quality smiles when they see me passing by,

Say to themselves no doubt, What a man he must be surely!" For they know what I have been to Squire since first he came to the Hall!

I have done my duty by Squire and have done my duty by all.


Squire's in London, and some one I reckon will have to write,
For who is to hold the land after me that muddles me quite;
Certain sure I am, that he will never give it to Jones,

Neither he must to Robins

he never rembles *) the stones.


But some one will come after me may hap with his kettle of steam
Huzzing **) and mazing***) the blessed fields with the Devils own


If I must die, I must die, and life they say is sweet,

But if I must die I must die, for I could not bear to see it.


What art thou standing there for, and dost not bring me the ale?
Doctor's a teatotaler, lass, and he was always in the old tale:
I will not break rules for Doctor, he knows no more than a fly;
Give me my ale I tell thee, and if I must die I must die.

*) ut supra. **) to hum.

***) to amaze.

Bibliographischer Anzeiger.

Allgemeine s.

J. A. Ch. Burkhard, Systematische Darstellung des Geistes der französischen Sprache. 2 Thle. (Augsburg, Jenisch & Stage.) 1% Thlr.


K. G. Andresen, Register zu J. Grimm's deutscher Grammatik. (Göt

tingen, Dietrich.)

Englische Grammatik von E. Maetzner.

2. Theil. 2. Hälfte. (Berlin,


13 Thlr. 3 Thlr.


J. & W. Grimm, Deutsches Wörterbuch.

Fortgesetzt von R.

Hilde20 Sgr. II. Bd.

1 Tblr.

(Würzburg, Stahel.) 1 Thlr.

brand und Weigand. V. Bd. 1. Lfrg. (Leipzig, Hirzel.) Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch von W. Müller & F. Zarncke. 2. Abthlg. 3. Lfrg. (Leipzig, Hirzel.)

J. Kehrein, Aelterneuhochdeutsches Wörterbuch.

N. Lucas, Deutsch-englisches Wörterbuch. 13. Heft. (Bremen, Schünemann.)

Engel, Dictionnaire militaire-technique. Livr. II.

15 Sgr.

Dictionnaire de la marine. Livr. II. (Petersburg, Röttger.) Mittelniederländisches Wörterbuch von Dr. M. de Vries. 1. Lfrg. (Haag, Nijhoff.)


16 Sgr.

Th. Vernaleken, Literaturbuch. Deutsches Lesebuch nebst den Anfängen der Kunst- und Literaturgeschichte. 1. Thl. (Wien, Braumüller.) 28 Sgr. Erläuterungen zu den deutschen Klassikern. Die lyrischen Gedichte von Schiller erläutert von H. Düntzer. Bd. 7 & 8. (Jena, Hochhausen.)

6 Sgr.

Carl Schiller. Lessing im Fragmentenstreite, nach Form und Inhalt seiner Polemik gewürdigt. (Leipzig, Dyk.)

O. F. Gruppe, Leben und Wirken deutscher Dichter. Poesie in den letzten Jahrh. II. Bd. 1. & 2. Lfrg. mann.)

12 Sgr. Geschichte der (München, Bruck161⁄2 Sgr.

F. Dobler, Ueber den Einfluss des Genius der alten Literatur auf den

22 Sgr.

Entwicklungsgang der deutschen Literatur. (Straubing, Schorner.)
Ch. Benoit, Etude morale et littéraire sur Chateaubriand. (Paris, Le
Prévost-Paradot, Etudes sur les moralistes français. (Paris, Hachette.)

J. C. Graser, Graf Joseph Maistre. (Berlin, Heinicke.)
O. E. v. Urbas, Die Dichter Frankreichs. Eine Auswahl
Dichtern alter und neuer Zeit. (Wien, Schoenewerk.)
Dichterbuch der französischen Schweiz. Gesammelt und
G. Peschier. (Basel, Georg.)

A. Schwartzkopff, Shakspeare in seiner Bedeutung.
Shakspeare in Germany in the 16 & 17 centuries. By A.
don, Asher.)


3 fr. 50 e. 20 Sgr. aus 70 franz.

22 Thlr.

übersetzt von

1/2 Thlr.

(Halle, Mühl24 Sgr.

Cohn. (Lon

28 s.

E. Martin, Grammatik und Glossar zu der Nibelunge Nôt für den Schulgebrauch zusammengestellt. (Berlin, Weidmann.)

6 Sgr.

10 Sgr.

Brentano, Deutsche Grammatik und Stilübungen zunächst für Gewerbeund Realschulen, (Nürnberg, Schmid.)

Ch. Noël, Der kleine Machat; französische Sprachlehre zum
Privatgebrauch. (Wien, Lechner.)

E. Niemeyer, Abriss der deutschen Metrik nebst metrischen Aufgaben. (Dresden, Hoeckner.)

10 Sg

B. Scheinpflug, Kurze Literaturgeschichte des Deutschen für
Unterricht. (Prag, Dominicus.)

den ersten 20 Sgr. Schul- and 18 Sgr. irrégulière. 5 Sgr. 5/% Thir. Thlr.


Hester9 Sgr. meilleurs 5 Sgr. 16 Sgr.

M. Selig, Guide alphabétique de la prononciation française
(Berlin, Selbstverlag.)

Borel, Grammaire française. 12. Ed. (Stuttgart, Neff.)
A. F. Louvier, Das erste Jahr franz. Unterrichts.


Das zweite Jahr franz. Unterrichts.

A. Plifke, Le participe passé. Recueil d'exemples tirés des auteurs français. (Siegmaringen. Liebner.)

G. N. Bouilly, Racconti per le giovinette. (Triest, Coen.)

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