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We cheerfully give to Time's Telescope our warmest recommendation as a pleasing and safe book for the rising generation."Eclectic Review for February 1814,

"This Work contains a great variety of very useful information, conveyed in a most pleasing manner. We cannot hesitate to pronounce that it will be popular: it deserves to be so; and it has too many attractions, for every kind of taste, to be overlooked. It will form a delightful as well as instructive present for young persons at Christmas.'-British Critic for December 1813.

"This is a valuable compilation.Supplement to Gentleman's Magazine for December 1813.

'Time's Telescope bids fair to acquire considerable popularity. In truth, it deserves to be popular, for the author has shown an equal degree of acquaintance with the general principles of the subject he has undertaken to elucidate, and of taste and judgment in his illustrative and decorative extracts from various descriptive poets and other writers.'-New Annual Register for 1813.

'This Work conveys a very considerable portion of intelligence, that may be new to many and useful to all; and it is recommended no less by the neatness of its typographical execution, than the accuracy of its literary and scientific details.'-Universal Magazine for January 1814.

On a general survey of this book, we do not hesitate to pronounce it as one of the most proper to be placed in the hands of young people. It is a little mine of information; and the mind that can rise from its perusal without having gained some important and useful knowledge, must be strongly encased in the leaden armour of stupidity.'-Commercial Magazine for February 1814.

Notices of Time's Telescope for 1815.

'We never met with a compilation better calculated for the use of families, and to serve as a portable companion for young persons, than this elegant little volume, which abounds with valuable information on subjects of general interest, and with a pleasing variety of rational entertainment. The book is written in a popular style, the articles are selected with great judgment from the best authorities; and while the scientific illustrations tend to quicken curiosity, the reflections interspersed with the extracts, occasionally given from the most charming of our poets, will increase the delight afforded by contemplating the works of nature, and raise the mind to a devout admiration of the Divine Author?-New Monthly Magazine, Jan. 1815.

• The Work before us supplies accurate, though popular, instruction on a variety of topics. It is written in a correct and tasteful

Notices of Time's Telescope for 1815.

style, enlivened by many exquisite quotations from the poets of the day; and is interspersed with such reflections as flow naturally from the conviction that knowledge, to be extensively beneficial, either to its possessor or to others, must be purified by religion, manifested in benevolence, and consecrated to God.'-Eclectic Review for February 1815.

"The History of Astronomy, and the first principles of the art, are well displayed in this entertaining volume. It will be the source of much amusement and information upon the mysteries of the Almanack, and the appearances of the heavenly bodies. Much curious matter respecting the several Saints' Days has been collected together; which, with an accurate account of the flowers which blossom and the buds which appear in the course of every month, cannot fail to interest and instruct the reader.'-British Critic for December 1814.

'We have no hesitation in giving Time's Telescope our unqualified commendation.'-Gentleman's Magazine for February 1815.

This is the second annual appearance of Time's Telescope, and we willingly confess that it is much improved. The quantity of useful and interesting matter, which is here amassed together, distributed with judicious appropriation under each month, is highly creditable to the industry and taste of the compiler.'-New Universal Magazine for December 1814.

'This volume contains a good deal of information, useful and pleasant. Opportunity is taken to introduce articles of various descriptions which comprise useful matter, to be met with in no concise form, but in a variety of works only, on the shelves of a well-furnished library. As all have not that accommodation, this moderatesized volume may, in a considerable degree, serve as a substitute.'— Literary Panorama for December 1814.

Notices of Time's Telescope for 1816.

'Time's Telescope is compiled with skill and judgment, and contains much desirable miscellaneous information, and many interesting and instructive sketches, particularly on some parts of Natural History. We recommend this work to the attention of our juvenile readers, who will find it an agreeable and instructive companion,' -Monthly Review for November 1816.

'We are glad to see that the Editors of this useful work find encouragement to continue it annually, and that the articles it contains increase in their interest.'-Gentleman's Magazine for August 1816.

"We have already noticed the preceding volume of this amusing and instructive performance; and we have now little to add to or deduct from the encomiums which we deemed it our duty to pass on the contents of that part; the plan being still the same, and the execution and arrangement as nearly as possible on the same model. We shall not consider it as requisite for us to continue our report of this annual publication.'-Monthly Review for August 1817.

"The Almanack, in order to be reduced to a cheap and convenient form, has become so enigmatical, that a more enlarged explanation of its contents and references is very desirable; and such is the purpose of the Time's Telescope, which appears to us to be execated in a very amusing way, and the Astronomical portion of it is prepared evidently by a person of science.'-Critical Review for December 1816.

"A very entertaining and useful compendium of multifarious lore.' -Eclectic Review for January 1817.

"The industry of the compiler has been successfully exerted in the collection of an entertaining, and, in many respects, useful mass of materials.' —Antijacobin Review for December 1816.

"There is in this volume an excellent Introduction to the "Principles of Zoology," quite studded with poetical citations; and a copious index is added to the whole series. In point of quantity and quality, indeed, the present is fully equal, if not superior, to any of the preceding volumes; and our readers will not readily find a more attractive "New Year's Present" for their juvenile friends, which, while it acquaints them with the pleasing wonders of Nature, teaches them, at the same time, that all these "are but the varied GOD."Gentleman's Magazine for December 1816.

Notices of Time's Telescope for 1818.

'We cordially recommend this volume to the attention of persons of every age and taste, but particularly to the enquiring youth of both sexes.'-Antijacobin Review for December 1817.

'Time's Telescope for 1818 deserves the same praise, and is entitled to the same support and encouragement, which the former volumes have received from the public.'-British Critic for December 1817.

"The present volume is quite equal in entertainment and instruction to any that have preceded it.'-Gentleman's Magazine for November 1817.

Notices of Time's Telescope for 1819.

'While this annual companion and guide retains the respectable character which now belongs to it, no parlour window, school room, or private study, can well dispense with its presence.'-New Monthly Magazine, Feb. 1819.

Notices of Time's Telescope for 1819.

'We have here an old friend with a new face, no less than Old Time with a new Telescope, pointed at the Almanack for 1819; and discovering new beauties in this often consulted, but, generally speaking, ill-understood publication. This is the sixth appearance of Time's Telescope; and it seems to be equally rich in entertainment with any of the series. We have often noticed this elegantly printed volume, this attendant bark' upon the good ship Almanack.' Long may the author' pursue the triumph and partake the profit' which attaches to its more successful companion!'—Gentleman's Magazine, Dec. 1818.

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'Time's Telescope, ever various, ever new, is published with the Almanacks, and should be purchased with them, for we know of no better or more entertaining companion to these annual time-books." -Antijacobin Review, Dec. 1818.

"This unostentatious volume contains a considerable fund of instruction and anusement; and warrants us in recommending it to our readers, as one in which science, taste, and judgment, are combined. The poetical selections are strikingly appropriate, and cannot fail to inspire the reader with pure and elevated sentiments.'Journal of Commerce, Dec. 1818.

"This elegant work is replete with amusement and instruction, and fully supports the character we have given of the five former volumes: they who take a peep through Time's Telescope for 1819, will not repent the money they have paid for this gratification. It is an acceptable Christmas present for youth of both sexes.'-Literary Panorama, Feb. 1819.

'Time's Telescope presents us with a new view of the ensuing year. To give variety to an almanack has long been considered as impossible; yet this ingenious little work, by means of recent or passing events, by an appropriate new selection of Poetical Illustrations, and by a new Introduction, offers an amusing novelty, without departure from its original plan.'-Literary Gazette, Dec. 12, 1818. "This instructive annual volume affords as many agreeable prospects for the ensuing twelve months as have been afforded by the same work in any former year.'-Monthly Magazine, January 1819.

Notices of Time's Telescope for 1820.

TIME, not the world's Time, with wings besprinkled with cards, dice, and "at homes,"-but the Time of the Astronomer, the Naturalist, and the Historian, again opens his annual Magazin des Noveautés; and we can safely assure those who may wish to become purchasers, that all the articles in this literary bazaar are well selected, and of the first quality. This pleasing volume is well adapted for Schools, either as a class-book, or the reward of merit.' -Gentleman's Magazine, Dec. 1819.

"We recommend Time's Telescope as a work replete with curious information, and arranged with much taste and judgment, which may be consulted with considerable advantage by the Antiquary and the lover of Natural History, as well as by all classes of readers who can feel any pleasure in the perusal of an interesting volume.' -Literary Chronicle, Jan. 1, 1820.

"This elegantly printed volume is admirably calculated for the important purpose of forming the taste and correcting the judgment of the rising generation. The respectable place which this book occupies in some established seminaries, will doubtless recommend it generally to the attention of such as are engaged in the business of instruction.'-Antijacobin Review, Dec. 1819.

'We hail with pleasure the annual re-appearance of Time's Telescope, which presents, in an easy, popular style, with judicious. arrangement, clear and copious illustrations of almost every day in the Calendar, not only in regard to Saints' Days and Holidays, but also memorable events of the earliest times down to the passing year. The Naturalist's Diary for each month is interesting to all classes, for the specific information it contains, as well as for the pleasing view it affords of God's Providence at all seasons. He who takes up this little volume must be wiser, and perhaps better, before he lays it down.'-Sun, Jan. 18, 1820.

This ingenious and amusing Miscellany has, for some time past, obtained a distinguished rank among the annual publications of the day.'-New Times, Jan. 27, 1820.

• This little volume is a sort of digest of various knowledge, arranged so as to provide something appropriately corresponding to the return of one or more particular dates of each week. The efficacy of such a plan in making daily demands upon the curiosity of the youthful or indolent, may be easily imagined; but the value of the work as a vehicle of instruction must altogether depend upon the industry bestowed in collecting materials for it, and the moral delicacy exercised in the selection. Both these qualities are, we are happy to say, eminently conspicuous in the composition of Time's Telescope. Of the extent of research with which it is compiled, we shall from time to time give examples; and of its moral and religious tendency we cannot give a better proof than the quotation from Basil, prefixed to an interesting Compendium of Entomology with which the work commences:-If we talk of a stone, of a gnat, or of a bee, our discourse is a sort of demonstration of the power of Him who formed them; for the wisdom of the workman generally manifests itself in what is most minute. He who hath stretched out the heavens, and who hath hollowed the bed of the ocean, is the same who hath pierced the sting of the bee, to form a passage for its poison.'-St. James's Chronicle, Jan. 27, 1820.

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