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CH. XXXII. type.

More smoothness in his fortunes would have shorn them of their tragic picturesqueness. Failure itself was needed to colour all with the tints which surprise and captivate. He was not a martyr to forgive his persecutors. He was not a hero to endure in silence, and without an effort at escape. His character had many earthy streaks. His self-love was enormous. He could be shifty, wheedling, whining. His extraordinary and indomitable perseverance in the pursuit of ends was crossed with a strange restlessness and recklessness in the choice of His projects often ended in reverses and disappointments. Yet, with all the shortcomings, no figure, no life gathers up in itself more completely the whole spirit of an epoch; none more firmly enchains admiration for invincible individuality, or ends by winning a more personal tenderness and affection.




Abbot, George, Archbishop of Can-
terbury; previously Bishop
Coventry and Lichfield, and of
London, 293, 344, 356, 367, 372.
Acuña, Diego Palomeque de, 320,
321, 324.
Æmilius, 278.

Aguilar, Garcia de, 322.

Albert, Archduke,156,186, 224, 251.
Alexander the Great, 278.
Allen, Thomas. 295.

Alley, Captain Peter, 317, 322.
Amadas, Captain Philip, 43, 45-
Amazons, River of the, 270.
Anderson, Sir Edmund, Chief Jus-
tice, 209.

Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Chi-

chester, Ely, and Winchester, 336.
Anjou, Francis, Duke of, 32, 33.
Anne of Denmark, Queen, 237, 254,
260, 288-9, 294, 299, 339, 341,
345, 367-8.
Antiochus, King, 278.
Antiquaries, Society of, 273.
Antonio, Don, 67.

Apology, Ralegh's, 304, 321, 324,

Manourie's, 388.
Stukely's, 386-7.

Apsley, or Appesley, Captain, 32.
Sir Allen, 347-8, 358.
Lady, ibid.

Arenberg, or Aremberg, Count of,
186-193, 200, 207, 211, 215,
217-8, 223, 226, 228.

D d

Arias, Montanus, 275.
Ark Ralegh, 42, 82, 87.
Armada, Invincible, 65-67.
Artaxerxes, King, 277.

Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of,

305, 310, 324, 332, 375-9.
Ashley, Sir Anthony, 132, 381.
Ashton, Roger, 230.
Assapana, 320.

Aubrey, John, 8, 58, 100, 104, 164,
180-1, 192, 258, 273, 282-3, 300.
Avila, Pedro Melendez de, 43.
Ayton, Sir Robert, 79.

Azores, Truth of the Fight about the
Isles of, 84, 269.

Babington, Anthony, 39.

Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, and
Viscount St. Alban's, Lord Chan-
cellor, 8, 17, 47, 155, 277, 302-4,
344, 359, 364, 366, 369, 389-93,

Sir Anthony, 69, 126.
Bainham, Sir Edward, 39.
Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London,
Archbishop of Canterbury, 193.
Barbary corsairs, 64, 315.
Barlow, Captain Arthur, 44.

Barry, David Fitzjames, Lord Barry,
and Viscount Buttevant, 18, 314.
Bassanière, Martin, 53.

Basset, Elizabeth, 300.

Bath, William Bourchier, Earl of,
34, 64.

Bathurst, Mr., 162.

Bayley, Captain, 315-6, 331-2, 357-
Beauchamp, Lord, 34.

[ocr errors]

Beaumont, Comte de, 182, 191, 194,

205, 227, 240.

Comtesse de, 251.

Bedford, John Russell, Earl of, 4.

· Francis Russell, Earl of, 34.
-Bridget, Dowager Countess of,262.
Beecher or Becher, William, 325.
Beeston, Sir Hugh, 371.
Belle, 308.
Belphoebe, 75.

Berreo, Antonio de, 109, 113, 119,
123, 320.

Fernando de, 320.

Berry, Captain Leonard, 161.

Best, John, 108.

'Beyond the Line,' 315, 356.
Bibliography, Ralegh, 269.

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Worces-
ter, and Winchester, 237.
Bingham, Sir Richard, 64.

Biron, Marshal Charles de Gontaut,
Duc de, 156.
Bisseaux, de, 308.

Blackstone, Mr. Justice, Sir William,

Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy,
Earl of Devonshire, 69, 134, 209,
219, 221.



Sir Christopher, husband of dow-
ager Countess of Essex, 130, 137,
146, 149.

Mr., 97, 98.
Bodleian Library, 131, 273.
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Vis-
count, 269.

Bothwell, Francis Stuart, Earl of, 152.
Boyle, Richard, Lord Boyle, and
Earl of Cork, 162-3, 265, 314-5,
330, 369, 382.
Bravo, Isle of, 316,

Breviary of the History of England,

Brewer, Professor Rev. John, 195.
Brooke, George, 186, 188, 192-3,
208, 229; execution, 236, 239.

Brooksby, 208.

Broughton, Rev. Hugh, 126.
Brown, Rawdon, 310.

Brushfield, Dr. T. N., 2, 31, 105,

269, 281.

Bullen, Mr. George, 80.

[blocks in formation]

Sir Henry, 143.

Sir Nicholas, 88, 373.
Sir Peter, 4.

Sir Randolph, 375.

Carleton, Dudley, Lord Dorchester,
174, 228-30, 239, 262, 293.
Carlyle, Thomas, 283.

Carr, Robert, Viscount Rochester,
and Earl of Somerset, 250, 252,
261-3, 292, 296-7, 347.
Case, John, 53.

Caulfield, Captain, 111, 118, 369.
Cavendish, Sir Charles, 63.


Thomas, 45.
Caworako, 116.
Cecil, Colonel, 375.

Elizabeth Brooke, Lady, 170.
Sir Robert, Lord Cecil, and Earl
of Salisbury, 30, 52, 91, 97-8, 103,
119, 123, 132, 148, 158, 169-80,
184, 187, 194, 196, 199, 204-5,
209, 214, 219, 221, 223, 227, 229,
232, 240. 242, 244-5. 255; death,
257-9, 266, 288-9, 292, 300, 346.
Thomas, Earl of Exeter, 302.
William, Earl of Salisbury, 152,

For Sir William Cecil, Earl of
Exeter, see Burleigh.
Cedar wood, 170.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

- Sir Philip, 2.

Champion, Richard, 351.

Chapman, George, 121.

Charles I, 310, 381.

II, 266, 382.

Charles Emmanuel I. See Savoy.

Charles, the Indian, 249.

Chester, Charles, 13.

Cheynes, the goldsmith, 244.

Christian IV, of Denmark, 293-4.

Christofero, 350.

Christopher's, St., 328.

Chudleigh, Captain, 311.
Churchyard, Thomas, 56.

Cities, Causes of the Magnificency
of, 267.

Clarence, George Plantagenet, Duke
of, 247.

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of,

Clares, the, Earls of Gloucester, 1.
Clarke, Rev. Francis, 186, 208, 215,

Clifford, Sir Coniers, 126-7.
Clyst Heath, battle of, 4.
Clyston, Sir John, 38.

Cobham, Henry Brooke, Lord, 147,

156, 167, 173, 175, 178, 180,
183-4, 186-93, 200-3, 207-8,
223-30, 236, 240, 244, 252, 254-5,
259, 295; death, 296, 300, 325,
346, 360, 384, 399.

Coke, Sir Edward, Chief Justice,
190, 209-20, 230, 260, 344, 359,
361, 389.

Coldwell, John, Bishop of Salisbury,

101, 102.

Coligny, Gaspard de, Admiral, 11.
Colin Clout, 71.

Collier, Payne, 42, 141.
Comestor, Peter, 272.
Compton, William, Lord, Earl of
Northampton, 332, 375,
Concini, Concino, Marshal, 307.
Copley, Anthony, 186, 188, 193, 208.
Cords twisted by Love,' 279.

[blocks in formation]


Darcy, Sir Edward, 104, 183, 210.
Dare, Eleanor, 47.
Darell, 2.

Darius, King, 278.
Davila, Francis, 333.
Davison, Francis, 80.
Davys, John, 50, 140.
Dayrell, Sir Richard, 209.
Dean, Peter, 248, 365-6.
'Death, eloquent, just, and mighty,'

Declaration of 1618, 291, 303, 305,
311, 321, 323-4, 330, 361, 364,

Dee, Dr. John, 104.
Demetrius, 277.

Desmond, Gerald Fitzjames Fitz-
gerald, 15th Earl of, 37.


18th Earl of, 295.

Katherine Fitzgerald, Dowager
Countess of, 162.

Morrice Fitzjohn of, 84.
Deuteronomy, 213.

Devereux, Lady Dorothy, Perrot,
and Countess of Northumberland,
13, 61, 177.

Digby, John, Earl of Bristol, 164,
264, 307, 339, 381.

[blocks in formation]

Echard, Archdeacon Lawrence, 186.
Edward IV, 211.
— V, 247.

Edwards, Edward, 26, 31, 259, 274.
Egerton, Sir Thomas, Lord Chan-
cellor, Lord Ellesmere, and Vis-
count Brackley, 36, 106.
Eliot, John, 371, 375, 397.
Elizabeth, Princess, Electress Pala-
tine, and Queen of Bohemia, 256,
279, 396.


Queen, 24, 25, 44, 93, 94, 125,
147, 170; death, 180, 212, 270,
280, 343, 368.

Elstracke, Renold, 276.
Elways, Sir Gervase, 250.
Empire, Arts of, 267, 259.
Epaminondas, 277.
Erenetta, 321.

Erskine, Sir Thomas, Earl of Kellie,

Esmond, Henry, 371.

Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl
of, 55, 60-3, 69, 82, 125, 127-8,
131, 133, 135-6, 138-9, 143-9;
execution, 150, 160, 165, 182, 202,
209, 217, 328, 374, 378, 390.
- Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of, 237.
- Lettice Knollys, dowager Coun-
tess of Leicester, and of, 237, 361.
Eumenes, 299.

Evelyn, John, 55, 266.
Evesham, Captain John, 50.

Faerie Queene, 26, 72.
Faige, Captain, 307-8.
Fardell, 1, 6.

Faunt, Nicholas, 108.
Fayal, attack on, 136-7, 277.
Fayle, de la, 186.

Feather triumph, 146.

Febre, or Febure, Nicholas de, 266-7.
Felton, John, 263.

Ferne, Sir John, 311-2, 330, 363.
Finett, Robert, 300.

Fitton, Sir Edward, 38.

Mary, 89.

Fitzgerald, Sir James, 17.

Gerald Fitzjames, see Desmond.
Katherine, see Desmond.

Morrice Fitzjohn, see Desmond.
- John Fitzedmund, see Imokelly.
Fitzwilliam, Sir William, Lord De-
puty, 56, 71, 95.
Fleet prison, 13, 246.
Florida, French in, 43.
Flory, Captain, 334.
Floyer, Captain John, 51.
Fortescue, Sir John, 99, 180.

Foster, Mr. Justice, Sir Michael,
214-5, 222.
Fourth party, 184.

Fowler, Sir Thomas, or John, 316.
Fox, Charles James, 277.

Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments, 5.
Francis, the cook, 316.
Fraser, Alexander, 267.

Frederick, Elector Palatine, and
King of Bohemia, 255, 396.
Frobisher, Sir Martin, 87, 96.

Gainsford, Captain Thomas, 395.
Gardiner, Mr. S. R., 190, 225, 292,
318, 324, 332, 335, 337, 344,

Gascoigne, George, 12, 30.
Gate house, 367, 371-4, 387.
Gawdy, Mr. Justice, Sir Francis, 209,

214, 231, 363.

Genaboa, Pedro Sarmiento de, 50.
Genoa, plot against, 310-11.
Gibb, John, 239.

Gibbon, Edward, 102, 281, 309, 398.
Gifford, 118.

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