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Seldom have we welcomed with more cordial pleasure a new publication than THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND COLLEGE REVIEW. * * *

Few persons in this country, certainly no one of his years, is more favorably known to the public as a promoter of education in the very best sense, and in all the relations expressed by that term than MR. BARNARD. Aside from his long experience, his intuitive perceptions of the wants of the age in this regard, he has always seemed to us to possess a "gift" in the promotion of the great object in which he has labored so faithfully and so successfully. His reputation has been extended abroad, as well as at home, not only by his personal visits and examination, but by his works on "School Architecture" and "National Education," which were warmly commended by the English Reviews.-The Knickerbocker, for Sept., 1855.

This is a work which richly deserves a world-wide circulation. We have already borrowed from its pages a most masterly analysis of our language, which will enable our readers to judge of the eminent ability, which we can assure them, pervades its contents. We shall have occasionally to refer to its opinions as those of standard educational authorities. It is throughout written in the calm, simple language of thoughtful scholarship, embrued with the highest sentiments which adorn our nature and enrich mental gifts.-The English Journal of Education, for April, 1856.

We have received No. 3, being the number for March, 1856. It contains over 200 pages of printed matter on the subject of education, and is the most comprehensive and instructive specimen of a periodical on the subject, which we have

ever seen.

The number contains eighteen articles, all devoted to the subject of education, in Europe, as well as in this country, including an interesting account of the sys tem of public schools in St. Louis, and an engraving of our high school edifice, with an amount of statistics and other condensed information relative to colleges, academies and schools of every grade in our own and other countries, quite surprising, and of inestimable value to all teachers and friends of education.-St. Louis Western Watchman.

BARNARD'S JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, it may be very justly said, marks an era in this kind of literature. Journals treating of immediate school matters and school interests exist in most of the States, where topics of a local nature are discussed, and much light is thus brought before the reading public in regard to the details of our great system of free schools. These local papers are, in fact, a part of the system.

But previous to this we have not had our educational review or quarterly. We have had no work to which we could turn for the able papers and lectures of the times, written upon this subject; no repository of general educational intelligence and statistics; no regular contributions from some loyal master spirit, indited with the zeal attending a congenial pursuit and evincing sound and discriminating views based upon experience. All this we have now realized in "The American Journal of Education, by Henry Barnard, LL. D.”—Providence Post, April 25.

This is a bi-monthly magazine, devoted to the cause of education in its highest and most complete significance. It is edited and published by Henry Barnard, Hartford, Conn., and apart from the great ability and intelligence of its accomplished editor, lays under tribute many of the richest and profoundest intellects of the age. There is no educational periodical in this country, and there never has been one, to equal or approach it in point of philosophic vigor and fullness. We wish it the largest possible success and the speediest.—Louisville (Ky.) Journal.

One has only to glance at the contents of this number [for March] of the AMERICAN JOURNAL, to see how boundless and inexhaustible is the range of subjects brought within review. The history of education, as it has been conducted in ancient and modern times; the different methods pursued in different countries of the civilized world, with their comparative results; the vast range of studies prosecuted, ever widening with the expansion of science and art; the various schools of philosophy, which have obtained, with the tendencies of each; the reduction to practical use of the most abstract and general principles in philosophy and science; the various popular institutions in which by lectures, libraries, &c., to diffuse knowledge among the masses; all these and other suggestive topics, may easily fill successive numbers of an educational journal in the hands of one so competent as DR. BARNARD, aided by so large and efficient a corps of contributors as that announced upon the cover of this periodical.

Especially is such an organ as this needed in a country like our own. A vast array of teachers, spread thinly over a huge continent, have not the opportunity of correspondence and intercourse enjoyed in the more compact countries of Europe, so that without the aid of the press, there can be little interchange of views so important to every learned faculty. Besides, the institutions which at an earlier day were transferred from the old land, must undergo manifest and various modifications to adapt them to the circumstances and wants of our own people. The necessity too, of popular education, growing out of the popular form of our government, and the difficult problems to be solved in framing a scheme of education for the masses, suited to the different parts of this extensive republic, render the whole subject one of general, as well as professional, interest; claiming the attention of the statesman and philanthropist, no less than that of the teacher. We argue, therefore, great and good results from the establishment of such a Journal as this, devoted to the interests of American Education, and sincerely hope that it may receive a patronage which will ensure its continuance, and that the leading minds of the country, engaged in the work of education, may be stimulated to make this the repository of their matured opinions and rich experience. The Southern Quarterly Review, ( New Series,) April, 1856. Columbia, S. C.

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. The third number of this excellent Journal has been received. HENRY BARNARD, LL. D., of Hartford, Conn. is its editor, and we believe there is no man in our country better qualified to make an educational journal just what our country demands. In supplying the educational wants of our country it will not only not encroach upon the operations of other excellent periodicals, but furnish a large amount of matter to enrich their pages; which matter, without the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, must remain in the library, manuscripts, head and heart of MR. BARNARD. This number more than comes up to the expectation of its warmest friends, and is alone well worth the year's subscription. We commend the work to all friends of education, and express our strong conviction that no teacher or educated person ought to be without it.-National Intelligencer for April 4, 1856.

The May number of this excellent Journal is before us. It is an invaluable work. DR. BARNARD has far exceeded his promise, both as to quantity and quality. The number for May contains nearly 250 pages, and the several articles are highly interesting and valuable. -The Connecticut Common School Journal for June.

BARNARD'S JOURNAL OF EDUCATION for May is a splendid thing. We had prepared a full notice of this wonderfully-comprehensive publication some months since but it was crowded out and mislaid.-Illinois Teacher for June.

No intelligent, inquiring, progressive teacher, or guardian of our educational interests, can afford to do without it. The country needs a periodical which shall aim to give us the state of education all through the land and in other lands; in universities, colleges, normal schools, high schools, common schools, benevolent and reformatory institutions, with details of the plans and success of the most ably and wisely conducted; to lay before us the opinions of the best talent and thought at home and abroad on principles and methods of instruction. The AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION aims to do this. Its editor is a man eminently fitted for the work; whose life has been devoted to the cause of education, who has been superintendent of education in Rhode Island and Connecticut; who has collected, and is collecting, books, pamphlets and reports of all kinds on this important subject from all countries; who is extending a correspondence, already opened, everywhere with distinguished friends of education; who is faithful and indefatigable in his single labors.-Lowell (Mass.) Journal and Courier.

To term it valuable is too slight praise. It is an invaluable contribution to the current literature of the country. It is devoted entirely to educational interests, which are certainly of sufficient magnitude to demand the thorough, able and systematic presentation of their claims which they will here receive. HoN. HENRY BARNARD, the editor, is well known as an efficient and practical man, who has devoted his life to the improvement of education, and who is qualified by abundant experience, great learning and an extensive acquaintance with the various systems of education employed throughout the world, to produce a periodical which shall be a reliable authority in all matters relating to education, in an enlarged national veiw. The present number of the JOURNAL OF EDUCATION presents a mass of statistics of American and European interest, and various able addresses and papers upon topics of instruction. This work deserves and should receive the support of teachers and friends of education generally.-Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Gazette.

The third number of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, has appeared. It is prefaced with an elegant portrait of George Peabody of London, and is decidedly, and in every respect, the best educational journal ever published in the United States. Every man interested in the educational progress of the country should have it.-Springfield (Mass.) Republican.

This is a bi-monthly, edited by HENRY BARNARD, the distinguished and wellknown author of an elaborate work on European Education, and another on School Architecture, which has been the chief instrument of effecting the reforms that have been made in this particular of late years.

Teachers, superintendents, school committes, professors and trustees of colleges, and all who are interested in the great subject of education, will find this periodical well worthy of their attention, if not absolutely indispensable. The names of the editor and the contributors on his list afford a sufficient guarantee of its interest and value.-Mobile (Ala.) Daily Adv.

We have already taken occasion to notice the March number of this periodical, and now heartily reaffirm what we then stated in relation to the interest and value of its contents. It is edited by HENRY BARNARD, LL. D., who is known as one of the most zealous, ardent and distinguished votaries of the art of education in the United States-perhaps in the world. The contributors are men of like stampThis is a periodical of a higher character than any that have yet appeared in the field to the cultivation of which it is devoted; and we would again commend it to the attention of all who are in anywise interested therein. No one, perhaps, combines so happily the various qualifications requisite for success in such an enterprise as Dr. BARNARD, and there is no one whose antecedents would be more likely to command confidence.—Mobile (Alabama) Advertiser, June 22, 1856.

This publication sustains a similar relation to educational newspapers that the North American Review does to the monthly magazines.-Bangor (Maine) Democrat, June.

The name of HENRY Barnard, would alone be a sufficient guarantee, either in this country or in Europe for the excellence of any publication devoted to educational interests. His life-long and devoted labors in the cause of common schools and the betterment of public instruction, have won him a deserved and worldwide reputation. The American Journal of Education does not belie the editorial name which it bears. Emphatically a Journal of Education, it is the best that we have ever seen. The finest minds in the various departments of educational effort, are contributing to its pages. The present number contains 240 hand somely printed octavo pages, and is illustrated with three engravings on steel,— being portraits of Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet, Thomas Handasyd Perkins, and Rev. Charles Brooks,-besides numerous wood cuts. The articles are varied and valuable. The statistics given through the year, will, of themselves, be fully worth the price of subscription which is only $3 per annum.-Hartford Conn., Evening Press, June. 2.

Here is a periodical destined to exert a wide and prominent influence on the character of our country. Here are brought together facts collected from various sources, which can not fail to interest and instruct the educator and the philanthopist. This number contains 19 well-written articles, on all subjects of permanent interest, and has 250 pages, besides three fine portraits and numerous views and plans of buildings.-Daily Star, New London, Conn.

The May number of this truly valuable work has been received. It contains nineteen articles, three fine portraits, and two drawings of buildings connected with educational purposes. The literary character is of the highest standard. The aim of this work is to present the subject of education in the most elevated style. Its object is to discuss principles and thus impart to the reader the habit of thought, and intuse into the teacher the spirit of teaching the scholar to think. We regard it as the finest publication on the subject of education that we have ever seen.-Daily Farmer, Easton, Penn.

This journal, though yet in the first year of its existence, has already attained a high position in our periodical literature. It fills a place before unoccupied, and therefore is not obliged to create a demand for itself, or to run the eager race of competition, but only meets a want that has long been felt in literary circles. As a repository of choice essays upon various methods and departments of education, bringing together in a compact and permanent form, the occasional productions and the choicest thoughts of leading minds upon specific branches of knowledge, it will prove an important help to teachers of every grade.

But in addition to the professional help which such essays afford to teachers, Mr. BARNARD's Journal contains stores of well-digested information touching educational institutions at home and abroad. The large experience of the editor, and the ample resources of his library, and his correspondence, give him facilities in this department that are unsurpassed.

A series of most interesting and useful articles upon foreign institutions of education and reform, greatly enhances the value of the journal for the general reader. The article on Reformatory Education, in the May number, contains facts and statistics that can be found in no other publication in the United States-recent and reliable information, evidently from a competent observer, presented in a philosophical and yet a practical aspect, and worthy of the serious thought of all who are interested in the reformation of offenders and the improvement of society.The Independent (N. Y.) for July, 19th 1856.

The editor, who has filled the office of Superintendent of Education in Rhode Island and in Connecticut, and has published the best books extant upon "School Architecture" and "National Education in Europe," is known as an eminently energetic and practical man, and one who has devoted the prime of life to educational improvement. Such is the character of Dr. BARNARD, of Hartford, the editor, and his reputation is so world-wide that he has opened correspondence abroad and at home, and rallied to his aid a large body of efficient writers, who give him assistance in rendering this the best educational periodical in the English language. It is filled with able lectures and essays on educational subjects, written by distinguished votaries of the art of education. It is a repertory of educational intelligence and statistics, prepared, arranged and condensed with consummate ability and discrimination. The reports, the biographical sketches, and portraits which are given in each number, commend this periodical to the general reader, and particularly to teachers and friends of improvement in systems, institutions and methods of instruction.-Franklin County (St. Albany, Vt.) Journal, August 12th, 1856.

This is the great educational publication of this country. In it we have contributions from the best educational writers of the land, and the results of the experience of the best educators of the world. We can only say that it is all and more than it professes to be.- Wisconsin Journal of Education, for August, 1856. This is really the most thorough and complete educational periodical in the country.—Rhode Island Schoolmaster, for August, 1856.

The first bound volume of Mr. Barnard's great and useful work, has been kindly forwarded to us by the publisher, and as a whole, amply fulfills all the expectation raised by its numbers as they came out. It is a book for the Teacher's Library, and gives him those higher views of his profession and its relations, which he will in vain seek elsewhere.-Pennsylvania School Journal, for September, 1856.

The Editor of this Journal was formerly Superintendent of Common Schools in Connecticut, and he is also the author of various publications bearing on the subject of General Education. He has traveled in Europe and in the Southern States of the Confederacy, having also traversed our own State, and in his Reports, in his work on School Architecture, and in the Common School Journal of Connecticut, formerly edited by him, he has displayed, with a varied experience and observation, and extensive and accurate information, a practical sense and an American sentiment which commend his works to every judicious reader. The Journal of Education recently started by him, is a large work, each number containing 200 pages, and from the resources at his command, his devotion to a cause which he has served with eminent success, his energy and ability, promises to be one of the most important educational works in the world.

We can safely recommend it to our readers; and indeed to those wishing to be well posted up in such matters, it will be invaluable, as it will contain a full account of educational progress and statistics in every country.-North Carolina Common School Journal, for September, 1856.

Barnard's Journal of Education for September, a bi-monthly periodical of two hundred pages, has just reached us. We are most happy to receive this valuable journal, which, in our estimation, stands first among educational periodicals.Indiana School Journal, for September, 1856.

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