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know General Niel? Have you seen Doctor Nélaton? Count, I am happy to see you.-2. (Gr. § 116, b.) This cost me ten francs a pound. These pears cost me three shillings a dozen.-3. (Gr. § 116, c.) Philip, the king of Macedonia. Paris, the capital of France. Volume (tome) the first; chapter the second; section the third; page the eightieth; page the eighty-first; page the two hundredth, line the fifth. Napoleon the First; Henry the Second; Henry the Fourth; Louis the Fourteenth.-4. The more you possess the more you desire. The less attentive you will be the less progress you will make. The more haste the worse speed. He is so much the more guilty. He is so much the less to be pitied. He is only the more guilty for it. He is not the less sorry for it. You say,' so much the worse,' and I say, 'so much the better.'-5. (Gr. p. 88, §116, g and h.) I have paper, wax, ink, and pens. Many soldiers (two ways). About one hundred (une centaine) soldiers. About one thousand (un millier) soldiers. I have some bread; I have some good bread; I have not any bread; I have no bread at all. I have neither paper, ink, nor pens. A man of honour. A glass of wine. A wineglass. A man without ambition. In principle. To live as an (en) honest

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1. (Gr. pp. 88, 89, § 117.) Ponsard, a celebrated dramatic author. He hides himself, a proof that he is guilty.2. He (il) is an officer. Your friend is a good officer. He (c') is an artist of talent -3. What a hoax! What a noise! What (la) beautiful prospect (vue)! What a (le) good boy your brother is! What a rascal of a steward! 4. A quarter of an hour. An hour and a half. A quarter of a pound. A pound and a half.-5. A hundred and thirty. One thousand and sixty. Twenty-one, twenty-first; sixty-one, sixty-first; seventy-one, seventy-first; eighty-one, eighty-first; ninety-nine. The year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven.-6. Half an hour. Half a pound. How much I blame such an undertakiug. I did not hope for so great a success. He is too great a talker. Henry is not as industrious a pupil as Paul.

(b) On Prepositions (Gr. pp. 91, § 122).


1. He is in (or at) Paris; he goes to Paris. I am going to France. He lives (demeurer) in France. Into the whole of France; into this house; into the river. -2. Correct the following: Le coussin est dessous la table; le livre est dessus la table; la table est deduns la chambre. Il se tiend dehors de la foule.-3. Translate: I have not seen him for a month. I have been travelling for a year. He has some taste for study.4. Before the end of the half-year (semestre) your brother will be before you in the class. Stand (se tenir) before me. The orator spoke before a numerous audience (auditoire, m.).— 5. He is on the point of setting out; he is ready to set out.-6. Indulgent towards everybody. Towards this epoch, the army advanced towards

the frontier.-7. As to me, I will speak when it is (will be) time to do so (en).-8. Between him and myself there is no secret. That is between ourselves. Among the guests; among the crowd; amongst the rocks.-9. He wandered THROUGH (à travers) the fields. He cut his way through (au travers) the enemies.-10. This is my book, and that is yours; here is mine, and there is my brother's. Here is my father coming (qui vient). This is what the Lord says: Let us love each other.' 'Do unto others what you should like to be done unto you,' that is what the Lord has said.-11. He repairs (se rendre) to his uncle's; he repairs to the house of his uncle. -12. Come and see me on Monday next (prochain). Your bill will be due on the twentieth instant.

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(c) On the Peculiar Use of the Conjunction Que,' and some other Words (Gr. pp. 92, 93, §§ 123, 124).


Translate the following sentences, and mention the words replaced by que':-1. Si je ne suis pas allé vous voir c'est que je croyais que vous étiez absent.-2. Quand on est riche et qu'on est généreux on fait des heureux. Vous irez jouer lorsque vous aurez fini votre devoir et que je l'aurai corrigé.-3. Si vous sortez et que vous veniez à le rencontrer n'ayez pas l'air de le reconnaître.-4. Approchez que je vous dise ce dont il s'agit.-5. Il y a six mois que je ne l'ai vu.-6. Je ne partirai point que tout ne soit prêt.7. Il ne vient jamais qu'on ne l'envoie chercher.-8. Je pense toujours à lui quoiqu'il soit absent et qu'il ne m'ait pas écrit depuis longtemps.-9. Il aurait tout l'or du monde qu'il en désirerait encore -10. Prenez garde qu'il ne vous voie.-11. Attendez que j'aie fini.-12. Je ne me plains jamais que je n'aie un motif sérieux.-13. Que ne répondez-vous quand on vous parle? -14. Qu'il le veuille ou non, n'importe.-15. Que cet élève est paresseux! Que de peine cela m'a donnée! Que de malheurs j'ai eprouvés !-16. Translute: I hope he will come.


1. I have been learning French for

two years. He goes to France every year; every other year. He writes to me twice a year. I have not seen him this year; in the course of the year; several years ago.-2. Bring your friend with you; bring my horse and my carriage; bring my horse to the stable. Bring me my great-coat and hat; bring that to my room.-3. I know this gentleman. I know my lesson. I know (two ways) your projects.-4. I am fond of (aimer) the country in the summer. To die for the mother country. It is a fine country. 5. He has married his daughter; he has married (wedded) his cousin; he got married in France. -6. Translate: Il est à la ville; il est en ville.-7. This tree has fallen down; these apples have fallen down. -8. It is the first time; twice a day; twice larger. In that time; it is time to set out; what time (heure) is it by (a) your watch? how is the weather? 9. What day did you spend the day at your uncle's? From the morning to the evening; all the morning; all the evening; an evening party.-10. Write down this word; I have not heard a single word. To ask to speak; to begin to speak; to have leave to speak. Upon my word; I give you my word of honour.

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IDIOMS AND PHRASES (Gr. pp. 93-96).


Turn into idiomatic French :-1. I am hungry.-2. Thou art thirsty-3. She is warm-4. We are cold Your hands are cold.-5. They are afraid.6. I was ashamed.-7. Thou wert desirous.-8. He was sleepy.-9. We were wrong.-10. You were right11. They are ten years old.-12. This room is twelve feet high, long, and wide (two ways).-13. To look good, bad, or indifferent; to look well.


1. It will be in vain you argue, you will not convince him-2. You have a good opportunity, make the most of it

(en profiter). He gives you fair play.

3. We have a reason (lieu) of complaining.-4. That will take place without your consent.-5. I have the head-ache, the tooth-ache, the stomach-ache, sore eyes, and sore feet.6. What was the matter with him? -7. He is passionate.-8. I wrote to her two years ago.


1. He pretended to be ill.-2. He will pretend to be a good judge.—3. I have got acquainted with your cousin; I got acquainted with him in Paris.-4. I value your confidence very much.-5. I value his approbation very little.-6. He reproached me

my silence as a crime:-7. He wants to give the law to everybody. I make a point to oblige my friends 8. You fence pretty well.-9. I shall kill two birds with one stone.-10 and 11. I shall have my own way (two ways).-12. You have still done an inconsiderate act.-13. Inform me of it in time.-14. It is all over; it is all over with me.-15. He has not yet come. It does not matter, we shall set out without him.-16. You pretend not to understand.-17. How is it that you know (subjunctive) nothing about it (en)?-18. We often used to play truant.


1. It was hot yesterday; it will be warm again to-day.-2. It is cold this morning.-3. It will be fine weather to-morrow, I hope.-4. It is bad weather.-5. It was damp weather last week.-6. I hope it will be dry weather this week.-7. It has been windy. It is very high wind (un très-grand vent).— 8. How (comme) dusty it is!-9. It. will be foggy again to-morrow morning.-10. It is muddy. Yes, it is very dirty.-11. It is gloomy. Yes, it is dusky, it is dark, it gets dark.-12 It is not yet night.-13. It is still broad daylight.


1. Make him read. Cause him to set out.-2. Make him do his task.3. Have a coat made for him.-4. He has just gone out (two ways). His is always going out. He is only imitating you.-5. He was ever running up and down.


1. I am going on foot.-2. Do you prefer going on horseback? Yes, shall ride-3. Shall we go in a carriage? Yes, we shall drive out. Will you take a ride or a drive ?—4. Let us go in a boat. Yes, we shall take a boat.-5. How (que) well this coat fits you.-6. Your friend will come with you, that is understood.-7. It will not end so, I tell you (vous dis-je) — 8. Take care, your life, your honour, is at stake.-9. Why should you abandon yourself to despair?-10. Do not believe that he will do (subjunctive) it.— 11. They put the question to the vote. -12. Well, young man, is this your

way of proceeding?-13. Shall we go hunting or fishing?


1. How do you do?-2. I am well to-day; I was unwell yesterday; I am better, a little better.-3. Trade is quite dead.-4. I am going to ask you a favour. We are going to set out.5. Take care, this child is falling.-6. What is the matter? Is your honour at stake (two ways)?


1. I must (devoir) set out.-2. I was to set out.-3. I have been obliged (devoir) to depart.-4. I ought to set out.-5. I ought to have set out -6. That must (devoir) have caused him much pleasure. It must have been a great grief to him.


1. I must (falloir) learn my lesson. We must do it (le faire) without murmuring. You must not wait for me. Your brother must come at once (de su'te).-2 I must depart (three ways). -3. I must have (falloir) money.-4. Depart you must (falioir).-5. I am far from suspecting you (three ways).

-6. I am not far from having finished. -7. A gentlemanly person. A ladylike person. He is (c'est un homme) gentlemanly. She is (c'est une femme) ladylike.


1. How much (que) you are to be pitied.-2. I am glad to see you.—3. It is a great pity you have come so late.-4. I shall come to you in five minutes. I am wholly yours. It is your turn to speak; it is your duty to speak. I was writing (two ways) when you called me.-5. You have hit it; you have not hit it. I have nothing to do with it.-6. It will be the same with you as with many others, you will repent when it is too late.-7. It is no such thing.

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set about his work.-8. Our army has taken the field.


1. I give you full powers.-2. Give him a help.-3. Do not take so much trouble. He passes his time merrily. I have sprained my foot. He has committed suicide.-4. He has again imposed upon you this time.-5. You have been trepanned (two ways) at last.-6. It may be (se pouvoir) that he is right after all (au fond).-7. It won't be my fault if you don't (que vous ne) succeed.-8. It depends upon you to succeed in this undertaking.9. I am undone.


1. I have just spoken to him.-2. If I chance to speak to him.-3. I come to speak to him.-4. I came and spoke to him.-5. He succeeds in all that he undertakes.-6. He is much obliged to you for it (en). She is displeased with you for it (en).-7. She bears no illwill against you. He has no grudge against you.-8. You go about it properly; he goes about it badly.-9. Mind your own business, do not meddle with mine.-10. They agreed on that point. I was amazed on being told (en apprenant) what had happened. He fell upon his back. That is worth while thinking of it (d'y). Make it worth your while.-11. They used to live from hand to mouth.-12. We had a narrow escape.


1. Let him repair at once to the palace.-2. What does that mean? I say, are you sure of it (en)? Yes; that is to say I was told so. Strange things have come to pass (se passer). The lamp fell and was extinguished. She is long in coming; how (comme) I long to see her.-2. I will buy wholesale and sell retail. They buy on credit, and sell cash. They buy cheap enough, but they would buy cheaper still if they paid ready money. -3. It is anything but probable; it is nevertheless possible, though I don't pretend it is likely. Nor I either; it may happen after all.


Translate: 1. Birds sing (chanter).— 2. The parrot talks (parler).-3. The


blackbird whistles (siffler).-4. Pigeons coo (roucouler).-5. The cock crows (chanter).-6. The hen clucks (glousser).-7. The raven croaks (croasser). -8. The frog croaks (coasser).-9. The horse neighs (hennir)-10. The ass brays (braire).-11. The stag brays (bramer).-12. The ox bellows (beugler).

-13. The bull roars (mugir).-14. The snake hisses (siffler).-15. The sheep bleats (bêler).-16. The cat mews (miauler) and purrs (filer).-17. The dog barks (aboyer).-18. The hare squeaks (crier).-19. The wolf howls (hurler). 20. The lion roars (rugir).


Give the meaning of the following words, both when used as a 'masculine or 'feminine' substantive (Gr. p. 97, § 128, a, 4):- Critique; enseigne; garde; guide; manoeuvre; moule; page; souris; trompette; aide; aigle; cornette; couple; foudre; fourbe; mort; mousse; pantomime; livre; manche; mémoire; mode; pendule; poste; somme; tour; vapeur; vase; voile; greffe; hymne; merci; palme; parallèle; poêle; réglisse; remise; solde; physique; crêpe; office; paillasse.


Translate into English (Gr. p. 97, § 127):-Impétueux; protecteur; honneur; comédie; musicien; destructif; historique; fatalisme; sarcasme; dentiste; mémoire; activité; modifier.— Translate into French:- Dangerous; error; favour; modesty; comedian; active; comic; despotism; pleonasm; artist; glory; beauty; defy.


Translate and learn the following exclamative phrases (Gr. p. 56):1. Hélas! ce n'est que trop vrai.2. Aïe! vous me faites du mal.-3. Ah! que j'en suis fâché!-4. Ah! que je suis content de vous voir!-5. Fi donc ! il ne faut pas parler ainsi.-6. Bah! c'est impossible.-7. A bas les chapeaux!-8. Vive la France!-9. Vive l'Angleterre!-10. Comme c'est beau! -11. Que de monde !-12. Quelle horreur!-13. Quel dommage!-14. Oh! vous me marchez sur le pied!-15. Ouf! je l'ai échappé belle.-16. Quelle chaleur!-17. Qu'il fait chaud !-18. Qu'il

fait froid!-19. Quel plaisir !-20. Que
je suis content!-21. Que c'est fâcheux!
-22. Comme vous êtes de mauvaise
humeur!-23. Oh! la vilaine bête.-
24. Quel malheur!-25. Tiens, c'est
vous.-26. Que vous écrivez mal!-
27. Que voulez-vous?-28. Comme
c'est mauvais !-29. Bah!-30. Bêtise!
-31. Parbleu! morbleu! etc.-32. Au
feu! au feu!-33. Au secours! au se-
cours!-34. Au voleur! au voleur!-
35. Au meurtre! à l'assassin!-36. Aux
armes! aux armes !-37. A la garde!
à la garde!


Translate and learn the following con-
junctional phrases (Gr. p. 55. As to
the meaning of the signs, see p. 54,
Foot-notes): -1. A condition que.-
2. A Dieu ne plaise que.-3. Afin que.
4. Ainsi que.-5. A mesure que.-
6. A moins que* (ne).-7. Après que.-
8. Attendu que, considérant que.-
9. Au cas que.

10. Au lieu que.-11. Aussi bien que.
-12. Aussi longtemps que.-13. Aussi
souvent que.-14. Aussitôt que.-15.
Autant que.-16. Avant que.-17. Bien
que.-18. Bien entendu que.-19. Bien
loin que.

20. C'est peu que.-21. C'est pour-
quoi.-22. Ce n'est pas que.-23. C'est
assez que.-24. D'autant que.-25.
D'autant plus que.-26. D'autant moins
que.-27. De crainte que* (ne).-28.(De
façon que).-29. (De manière que).

30. De même que.--31. De peur que*
(ne).-32. Depuis que.-33. (De sorte
que)-34. Dès que.-35. Dieu veuille
que.-36. D'où vient que.-37. Durant
que.-38. En cas que.-39. Encore que.

40. (En sorte que).-41. En tant
que.-42. Joint à cela que.-43. Jusqu'à
ce que.-44. Loin que.-45. Malgré que.
-46. Moyennant que.-47. Nonostant
que-48. Non pas que.-49. Non que.

50. Outre que.-51. Parce que.-
52. Pas plus que.-53. Pendant que.-
54. Peut-être que.-55. Plaise à Dieu
que.-56. Pour peu que.-57. Pour
que.-58. Pourvu que.-59. Quel que.

60. Quelque que.-61. Qui que.-
62. Quoi que quoique?]. 63. Sans
que.-64. Selon que.-65. Si bien que.

66. (Si ce n'est que).-67. (Si non
que).-68. Si peu que.-69. Si que
(when meaning however).

70. Si tant est que.-71. Sitôt que
-72. Soit que.-73. Suivant que.--
74. Supposé que.-75. Tant que.-76.
Tant s'en faut que.-77. (Tellement
que).-78. Tel que.-79. Tout . . . .
que.-80. Vu que.


Translate and learn the following
prepositional phrases:-1. A cause de.
-2. A côté de.-3. A couvert de.-
4. A défaut de.-5. Afin de.*-6. A
fleur de.-7. A force de.-8. A l'abri
de.-9. A l'égard de.

10. A la faveur de.-11. A l'insu (or
insçu) de.-12. A la mode de.-13. A
la réserve de.-14. A l'égard de.-
15. A l'encontre de.-16. A l'entour de.
-17. A l'envi de.-18. A l'épreuve
de.-19. A l'exception de.

20. A l'exclusion de.-21. A l'oppo-
site de.-22. A moins de.*-23. A moins
que de.*-24. A portée de.-25. A rai-
son de.-26. A rebours de.-27. A rez
de.-28. A travers.-29. Au dedans de.

30. Au dehors de.-31. Au-delà de.-
32. Au-dessous de.-33. Au-dessus de.
-34. Au-devant de.-35. Aux dépens
de.-36. Au lieu de.-37. Au milieu
de.-38. Au moyen de.-39. Au niveau

40. Au péril de.-41. A (or au) défaut
de.-42. Auprès de.-43. Au prix de.
-44. Au rebours de.-45. Au risque
de.-46. Autour de.-47. Au travers
de.-48. Avant de.*-49. Avant que

50. Bien loin de.-51. Conformément
à.-52. Du côté de.-53. De crainte
de. *-54. De manière à.*--55. De peur
de.*-56. En deçà de.-57. En dépit
de.-58. En faveur de.-59. En pré-
sence de.

60. En raison de.-61. En sus de.-
62. Faute de.-.63. Hors de.-64.
Jusqu'à (jusques à), jusqu'en-65. Le
long de.-66. Loin de.-67. Par-delà.-
68. Par-dessous.-69. Par-dessus.

70. Par rapport à.-71. Plutôt que
de.*-72. Près de, proche de.-73.
Quant à 74. Sous prétexte de.-
75. Sus à.-76. Tout près de (tout
proche de, tout auprès de).-77. Vis-
à-vis de (vis-à-vis?).


Translate and learn the following
adverbial phrases (Gr. p 51):—1. Å

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