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* And its derivatives. Caution.-Aspirate h is never heard in French as in English.

The h of Henri, Henriette, is often considered as mute in conversation. But the h is mute in its derivatives-héroïde, héroïne, héroïque, héroïquement, héroïsme.





(Gr.* p. 7).

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1. The pen, paper, ink, and pencils. I speak of the uncle, brother, sister, and friends of Paul.-2. From the north (nord, m.) to the south (sud, m.) Of the host (hôte, m.), of the hero (héros, m.).-3. I have spoken to the man, old man (vieillard, m.), woman, and children.-4. At the entrance (entrée, f.); in the centre (centre, m.); on the contrary (contraire, m.); on the eve (veille, f.).-5. A man who has only one arm (bras, m.); a woman who has

but one hand (main, f.). [Learn the compound tenses of ÊTRE, p. 20.]


1. J'ai Dut pain du boulanger, DE LA crème de la laitière, DE L'eau de l'étang, DES fleurs des champs, DE jolies fleurs de mon jardin.-2. Ne pas avoir; n'ayant pas; je n'ai pas, etc.; je n'avais pas, etc.; je n'eus pas, etc.; je n'aurai pas, etc.; je n'aurais pas, etc.; n'aie pas, etc.; que je n'aie pas, etc.; que je n'eusse pas, etc. Mars. Mercredi. [Learn the simple tenses of INVITER, p. 21.]


1. I have some strawberries (fraises, f.) of, or from, the woods; some good (bonnes) strawberries of, or from, the gardens.-2. Thou hast some cake (gâteau) of, or from, the pastry-cook (pâtissier, m.).-3. He has some cream of, or from, the farm (ferme, f.).-4. We have some water of, or from, the fountain (fontaine, f.)-5. Not to have had; having not had; I have not had, etc.; I had not had, etc. (pluperfect); I had not had, etc. (preterit anterior); I shall not have had, etc.; I should not have had (two ways); that I may have had; that I might have had. [Conjugate the simple tenses of ÊTRE negatively; see Gr. p. 29.]


1. J'ai du papier, de bon papier; je n'ai pas de papier. 2. J'ai de la crème, DE (partitive sense) bonne crème DE LA (definite) bonne fermière ; d'excellentes fraises.-3. Je n'ai ni papier, ni encre, ni plumes.-4. Ai-je? as-tu? a-t-il, etc.; avais-je, etc.; eus-je, etc; aurai-je, etc.; aurais-je, etc.; eussé-je, etc. Avril. Jeudi. [Conjugate the compound tenses of ETRE negatively.].


1. I have some paper, ink, and pens. -2. I have some GOOD paper (m.). ink (f), and pens; I have no bread

6 some;

*GUESDON'S French Grammar (see the foot-note, p. 221 of the Hand-Book). Parse the French words in italics, and account for their form. The words in small capitals are used in a partitive sense, and mean those in italics are used in a definite sense, and mean of the or from the (see Gr. p. 7, § 9, Observations, and p. 3, foot-note ' * ').


(m.), meat (f.), or (ni) water (f.) — 3. I have neither (ni) bread, meat, nor water (repeat ni' before every noun). -4. Have I had, etc.; had I had, etc. (pluperfect indicative); had I had, etc. (preterit anterior); shall I have had, etc.; should I have had, etc. [Conjugate the simple tenses of ÊTRE interrogatively; see Gr. p. 30.]


1. Du papier, de l'encre et des plumes en avez-vous? Oui, monsieur, j'en ai; Non, monsieur, je n'en ai pas.2. Des plumes - -en avez-vous DE bonnes? Oui, j'EN ai D'excellentes.-3. N'ai-je pas de papier? N'as-tu pas d'encre? N'a-t-il pas de plumes? N'avons-nous pas de crayons? N'avezvous pas tort (avoir tort, to be wrong)? Non, monsieur, j'ai raison (avoir raison, • to be right). N'ont-ils pas tort? Si, monsieur, ils ont tort. N'avais-je pas, etc.; n'eus-je pas, etc.; n'auraije pas, etc.; n'aurais-je pas, etc. Mai. Vendredi. Le printemps. [Conjugate the simple tenses of ÊTRE, both negatively and interrogatively, p. 31.]


1. Some cake, cream, and strawberries have you any? No, sir, I have none; Yes, sir, I have some.-2. Have you any pears? have you any good ones? Yes, sir, I have some very good.-3. Y avoir (there to be); il y a (there is); il y avait; il y eut; il y aura; il y aurait; qu'il y ait (imperative); qu'il y ait (subjunctive); qu'il y eût. Juin. Samedi. L'été. [Learn the verb INVITER, p. 21.]




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have never any.-6. I have only (ne

que) bread and water.-7. There to have been (y avoir eu): there has been; there had been (pluperfect); there had been (preterit anterior); there will have been; there would have been; that there may have been ; that there might have been. [Learn the verb PUNIR, p. 22.]


1. J'ai BEAUCOUP (much) de* papier, j'en ai beaucoup, j'en ai beaucoup Dr.* rayé.-2. J'ai beaucoup (many) de* gravures; combien (how many) de* gravures avez-vous? J'ai bien des* (many) gravures; que de (how many) gravures! J'en ai beaucoup (many); J'en ai beaucoup (many) de* coloriées.— 3. J'ai peu (little) de papier; j'ai peu (few) de livres; j'en ai peu; j'ai quelques (a few) livres ; j'en* ai quelquesuns (a few).-4. J'ai plus (more) de* papier, plus (more) de livres; j'en ai plus (more).-5. J'ai moins (less) de* papier; j'en ai moins; j'ai moins (fewer) de* plumes, j'en ai moins (fewer).-6 J'ai trop (too much) de* papier; j'en ai trop (too much); trop (too many) de* plumes; j'en ai trop (too many).-7. J'ai autant (as much) d'argent que vous; j'en ai autant. J'ai autant (as many) de* livres que vous; j'en ai autant (as many).—8. J'ai assez (enough) de* papier, assez (enough) de livres; j'en ai assez (enough).-9. J'ai un, deux, trois, etc. livres; j'en ai un, deux, trois, etc. [Learn the verb APERCEVOIR, p. 23.]


1. I have much bread; I have much. 2. I have many pears; I have many; I have many RIPE ones.*-3. I have few oranges, I have few; I have a few oranges, I have a few, a few more, a few good ones,* a few more good ones.* I have little cake; I have little; I have a little cake.-4. He has more good luck (bonheur) than (que de) prudence. You have more horses than I (que moi), but (mais) I have more dogs; I have more, and you have less.-5. He has less money and fewer friends than you; he has less, he has fewer.-6. Too much cheese-have you too much? many nuts (noisettes)-have you too many?-7. He has as much industry (application) as (que) his brother; he has obtained (obtenu) as many prizes * Omit this word.

1. I have SOME money; I have some.-2. I have no money (ne. pas); I have not any (ne. pas); I have no money at all (ne. point); I have none (ne. . . point).-3. I have no more (ne plus) money; I have some more (encore) money; I have no more, I have some more.- 4. I have but little (ne guère) money, I have but little more (ne. plus guère) money; I have but little, I have but little more; I have but few (ne. guère) pens, I have but few more (ne. plus guère) pens; I have but few, I have but few more.-5. I have neither (ni) money nor (ni) friends. I have never any (ne. jamais) money; I

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as he (que lui). Has he obtained as many ? Yes, he has.-8. Have you paper enough, pens enough? Yes, I have enough.-9. Have you one, two,


or three pencils? A dozen pencils? I have one, two, three, etc; have a dozen. [Learn the verb VENDRE, p. 24.]

GENDER (Gr. p. 5).

1. What is the GENDER of French nouns, articles, adjectives, and pronouns? (Gr. p. 5.)-2. What are the two ways of expressing the feminine, as to animate objects?-3. What is the general rule for the formation of the feminine of NOUNS and QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES ?-Give the feminine of un ami indulgent; un marquis opulent ; un voisin obligeant.'-4. Give the feminine of: (a) un domestique docile; le prince; (b) Le cher berger; (c) exigu contigu; (d) un heureux époux (doux, faux, roux, préfix, vieux); (e) un veuf, actif, neuf, bref; (f) voleur, trompeur (protecteur, pécheur, pêcheur, vengeur, majeur, mineur, meilleur*),gouverneur, serviteur, empereur, chanteur; (g) européen, chrétien, payen; lion, bon; immortel, cruel, vermeil; cadet, muet (complet, incomplet, discret, indiscret, inquiet, replet, secret, concret).


Give the feminine of the following:


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Profes Gros


Las Épais

NUMBER (Gr. p. 6).

1. What is the general rule for the formation of the plural of NOUNS and QUALIFYING adjectives? Give the plural of: Un ami indulgent; une amie indulgente.-2. Give the plural of: (a) Marquis, heureux, nez, marquise, heureuse; (b) tuyau, nouveau, neveu, vœu landau, bleu; (c) cheval, royalt (bal, carnaval, régal, chacal, fatal, final,

initial, aval, cal, pal), combat naval, bâtiment colossal.-3. Give the plural of bijou, caillou, chou, genou, hibou, joujou, pou, cou.-4. Give the plural of bail, corail, émail, soupirail, travail, vantail, vitrail (bétail, ail).— 5. Give the two plurals of aïeul, ciel, œil, ail, travail.-6. Give the plural of monsieur, monseigneur, madame, mademoiselle, gentilhomme.



(Gr. p. 6).

Translate into English, without

using any preposition: -1. Le livre de Paul. 2. Un des chevaux de mon

père.-3. Ce jardin est à ma tante.4. Il demeure chez son oncle. [Learn the verb ARRIVER, p. 25.]

* What is the feminine of all words ending in ÉRIEUR, as 'antérieur '? Translate:The animals are mortals royal palaces; royal houses.

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DEGREES OF COMPARISON (Gr. pp. 6 and 7).


Translate the words between inverted commas by a single English word : 1. Fort, plus fort,' moins fort, aussi fort.-2. Le plus fort,' mon plus fort,' le moins fort.-3. Bon, meilleur, le meilleur. 4. Mauvais, pire, plus mauvais,' le pire, le plus mauvais.'5. Petit, moindre, 'plus petit,' le inoindre, le plus petit.'-6. Bien, mieux, le mieux.-7. Mal, pis, 'plus mal,' le pis, le plus mal.-8. Trèsbon, bien bon, fort bon. Elle est très-attentive, fort laborieuse, et bien sage.-9. Plus grand (tall)' que moi (I).-10. Il a plus d'ambition que de sagesse.-11. Ils aimèrent mieux mourir que de se rendre.-12. Il a perdu plus de cent mille francs; il est plus d'à moitié ruiné.-13. Il est aussi grand que vous.-14. Il a autant de modestie que de savoir.-15. J'aime autant travailler que de jouer.-[Learn the impersonal verb FALLOIR, p. 28.]


1. Fine (beau), finer, the finest; my finest.-2. Less fine, the least fine. -3. As fine; not so fine (two ways). 4. Good, better, the best; better (adj.)

bread, better (adv) baked (cuit).—5. Bad, worse (two ways), the worst (two ways).-6. Small (petit), smaller (two ways, the smallest (two ways).—7. He works well; he works better; he works the best of all (de tous).-8. He works little; he works less; he works the least of all.-9. From bad to worse. -10. He is more industrious (laborieux) than his brother; more learned (instruit) than he.-11. He has more wisdom than ambition.-12. He likes better to play than to work.-13. There is more honour to die than to surrender. -14. He is more than half (à moitié) ruined; he has lost more than two (deux) hundred thousand francs.-15. He is as prudent As you.-16. He has as much prudence AS courage.-17. Very much grieved (afflige).-18. He studies very much.-19 He is very much occupied; so much occupied; so very much occupied; too much occupied.-20. He works very much; so very much; so much; too much.-21. He is as much occupied and works as much as his brother. [Learn the impersonal verbs IMPORTER and S'AGIR, p. 28.]



1. This woman, man, old man, and these children.-2. This book and that pen; these books and those pens. [Learn the impersonal verb Y AVOIR, and also ÊTRE, used impersonally.]


1. It is he, it is she, it is you, it is we; it is they (m.), it is they (f.)— 2. Is it thou, is it I; is it they (f.) 3. It is my sister, it is my brother; it is my cousin. Is it true (two ways)?

* Let the pupil translate again (vivâ voce) his French translation into English.

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