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Peru, Mexico, and Guatimala, declared independent,
Streets first lighted with gas, in the U. S., at Baltimore,
Brazil erected into an Independent Empire,

Corner-stoue of Bunker Hill monument laid, by La Fayette, 1825

Erie Canal in New York finished,

Death of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams,

Jackson inaugurated President,

Venezuela declared independent,



July 4th. 1826 March 4th. 1829


Spanish army invaded Mexico, and surrendered at Tampico, 1829
Mount Auburn Cemetery, near Boston, dedicated,
Death of Charles Carroll, the last surviving signer of

the Declaration of Independence,

South Carolina passes the “Nullification Act,"
Black Hawk war commenced,




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Cholera breaks out at New York,

June 27th. 1832

Electro-Magnetic Telegraph invented by Morse, Am.,

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Banks in the United States suspended specie payments,
Caroline Steamer burned at Schlosser, and the crow


murdered, by the Canadians,


United States Ex. Expedition under Com. Wilkes, sailed, 1838 President Steamer lost on the Atlantic,

March, 1841 Insurrection in R. Island, in favor of a new constitution, 1842 Treaty of Commerce with China, made by Caleb Cushing, 1844 Mnemotechny first taught in the United States,

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Electro-Magnetic telegraph completed at Washington,
Philadelphia riots between the Americans and Irish,
Postage reduced to five and ten cents, in the U. States,
Texas annexed to the United States,

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Death of General Jackson, at the age of 78, United States declared war against Mexico, Mexicans 20,000 strong, under Santa Anna, at Buena Vista, defeated by Gen. Taylor, with 5,000 men, Feb. 22nd. 1847 Vera Cruz and the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa, captured by General Scott,

The city of Mexico taken by Gen. Scott,

March 29th. 1847

Sept. 14th. 1847



The American Continent was discovered by the North-
men, who built
A Hut by the Sea-side.
America was discovered by Columbus, who sailed to the
West Indies, and caught

A Terrapin.

The St. Lawrence River was discovered by the French, who sailed there on the

Tall Sea-wave.

Florida was discovered by Ponce de Leon, who found it a land of oranges and

Wild Honey.

The Pacific Ocean was discovered by Balboa, and he soon after

Sailed Home.

Peru was discovered by Perez de la Rua, not very


Mexico was conquered by the Spaniards under Cortez, who fought the Indians, to obtain their

Peru was conquered by the Spaniards under Pizarro, who went there to

Lima was founded by Pizarro, who built


Steal Money.

[blocks in formation]

The Silver mines of Potosi, were discovered by an In

dian, who found

A Dollar in a Hill.

Brazil was settled by the Portuguese, who rather live

there than

Dwell in Europe.

Florida was settled by the Spaniards at St. Augustine, where a fort was built that looked like A Tall Jail. Printing was introduced into Mexico, after taking a printing press there in

A Tall Ship.

Jamestown in Virginia was first settled, that being the place of the colonists' own


Canada was first settled by the French, who sailed there
over the
Huge Sea-wave.
Hudson's river and Hudson's bay were discovered by

Hudson, when his crew left him on A Sheet of Ice. Pocahontas an Indian Princess, married Rolfe, at the

Age of Eighteen.

A Dutch Author.

New York city was settled by the Dutch, and recorded
Tobacco was first cultivated in Virginia, by the

Swedish Dutch.

Plymouth in New England, was settled, some time after the country was discovered by

A Genoese.

Slaves were first brought to the United States by the
Dutch, who transported them in


Showy Homes.
United States,

Boston was settled by a colony under Blackstone, who
went there and built
Harvard University, the first College in the
was founded, without the help of

The Printing press first established in the
at Cambridge, has printed many

A Chum's Fee. United States,

A Huge Map.

The Sugar-cane first cultivated in the West Indies,
Imade a field look like

A Hedge of Reed.

The New England Colonies formed a Confederation, to defend themselves against the

Dutch Army.

New York was surrendered by the Dutch to the English, by the unanimous decision of

A Dutch Jury.

King Philip's War commenced in Rhode Island, when every Indian fought like

A Jackal.

The Rebellion in Virginia under Bacon, continued until the rebels were carried off in

A Dutch Coach.

[blocks in formation]

The Charter of Connecticut was hid in an oak tree by
Captain Wadsworth,
A Chief Whig.
Schenectady was destroyed by the French and Indians,
who burnt all the houses and


The Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies were united, to resist every Indian and Showy Pawnee. The Witchcraft superstition in New England, made the people talk about A Witch and a Penny.

Yale College founded at New Haven, has some students who can write

A Dutch Poem.

Rice was introduced into the United States, and culti

A Ditch Plough.

vated with Louisiana was settled by the French at Iberville, being directed there by

A Ship-boy.

Cotton cultivated in the United States, is a word that
sounds some like
The Newspaper first published in the United States, at
Boston, made every Yankee a good Guesser.
The Indians invaded New England, and destroyed Ha-
verhill, when no one could go out at night and Go Safe.
The Post Office first established in the United States at
New York, made people

Good and Wise.

New Orleans was founded, and protected from the Mississippi river by

A Thick Dike.

Potatoes were first cultivated in the United States, by some industrious and

Good Boy.

Tea was first used in the United States, and kept in

Tea Cans.

Baltimore was founded, by men who worked for the

public, and

Took No Pay.


The Diamond mines of Brazil, produce a precious stone that is more valuable than The Freemasons established a Lodge in Am., at Boston, where they first carried their Scheme from Home. The Quadrant invented by Godfrey, is divided into



Lima was destroyed by an earthquake, that broke down

the houses with a terrible


Indigo first raised in the United States, is an article that

will easily color or


Identity of Lightning and Electricity was discovered by
Franklin, while in the Pennsylvania


The Bible was first printed in America, in the Massachusetts


The Old French war was declared by Great Britain, when soldiers fought for


At Braddock's defeat near fort Du Quesne, the Indians fought the whites, and endeavored to

Kill All.

The Massacre of American wounded and prisoners at
Ft. Wm. Henry, was an example of murderous Killing.
Quebec, Ticonderoga and Crown Point, were taken by
the British, at one


Canada was ceded to Great Britain by France, after it had cost them Cash at Home. The Philadelphia Medical School being founded, some of our first Medical Professors there Took a Chair. The Stamp Act passed by Parliament, put a stamp duty on every

Wedding Shawl.

An Egg-shell.

The Colonial Congress met at New York, in some building that was larger than The Duties imposed on tea, paper, etc., that the British sent to the colonies, did not prove a very Gay Joke. Lightning-rods were invented by Franklin, who received for his invention the homage of


The Boston Massacre took place, while the Bostonians were fighting in the

The Tea destroyed at Boston, was called

Whig Cause.

A Whig Game.

The Continental Congress first met at Philadelphia, to

advise King George to

Take Care.

When the Revolutionary war commenced with Great Britain, all the soldiers had liberty to Go and Kill.

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