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transformer of intellectual and generoushearted man into all that is despicable!

experience illustrates the truth, why have not men sufficient sense and consistency to forsake the miserable, foolish indulgence of drinking poison?

What strange infatuation is it that tempts men to drink intoxicating drinks to Temperance is a virtue that belongs to excess, when facts, reason, nature and the Brotherhood, Odd-Fellows and Masons, religion are continually warning them of and let it be held in everlasting remem- the inevitable train of disaster and evil brance that intemperance is a most fatal attending it. When our senses warn us of and destructive vice. The temptations and the immediate danger of a precipice close delusions of this adversary of our peace, at hand, have we not prudence to avoid it, the treacherous acts by which it flatters us clinging to life as we do with a cowardly from the paths of rectitude, and the syren tenacity? And when physicians demonsong by which it lures us into its foul em-strate to us the deadly poisonous influence braces, surpass all powers of description. of ardent spirits upon the system, and all The cursed, fascinating, fatal charm by which it binds the faculties, captivates the heart, and perverts and paralyzes the understanding, is a matter of the profoundest astonishment. Before the danger is discovered escape is almost hopeless; and as the victim floats gently down a smooth and delightful current towards the brink of tremendous cataracts, he sees no necessity of resisting its force, perceives not its increase, nor reflects that he is approaching the danger. Every moment the power and inclination to resist diminishes, while the danger is increased. He approaches, perceives the dashing, hears the roaring, and feels the trembling; the current is accelerated and becomes irresistible.

Does the malady admit of no cure? Is the calamity inevitable? Can nothing be done by the above-mentioned Brothers to prevent this evil? I answer, yes. Let them administer correction with the hand of friendship. Let the admonition be honest, faithful and seasonable. They will pardon my encouragement, for it is in the cause of humanity I plead; in the name and in behalf of suffering virtue, neglected and abandoned to revel and riot. See the father's pride, the mother's joy, snatched from their embraces, and hurried headlong to an untimely tomb. See the flower of youth and beauty, shedding its fragrance and displaying its glory; but ere the dew has escaped on the breeze it sickens, withers and dies. Here the object of virtuous affection, there the promise of connubial bliss, this the hope of his country and the encouragement and consolation of religion-all poisoned by intemperance-all doomed to a premature and disgraceful death. Look at these we know they are facts-and beware.

Above all, let me urge on those who would bring out and elevate their higher nature to abstain from the use of spirituous liquors. This bad habit is distinguished from all others by the ravages it makes on the reason and the intellect. These effects are produced to a mournful extent, even when drunkenness is escaped. Not a few men called temperate, and who have called themselves such, have learned, on abstaining from the use of ardent spirits, that for years their minds have been clouded and impaired by moderate drinking, without their suspecting the injury. Multitudes, in city and country, are bereft of half their intellectual energy by a degree of indulgence which passes for innocence.

Of all the foes of the working-class, this is the deadliest. Nothing has done more to keep down this class, to destroy their selfrespect, to rob them of their just influence in community, and to render profitless the means of improvement within their reach. They are under solemn obligations to give their sanction to every effort for its suppression, and they ought to regard it as their worst enemy.

The most degraded and most wretched of human beings is the man who has practiced this vice so long that he curses it, clings to and pursues it, because he feels an evil spirit driving him on, but reaches it, knowing that it will gnaw his heart and make him roll himself in the gutter with anguish and despair, and yet he says one more glass to top off with and I am done. As for myself, I have seen the effects of this terrible evil. I conjure you to join the



MESSRS. EDITORS: Considered simply as a machine, the watch is in all respects like any other where the motive power is transmitted through a system of wheels, pinions, levers, pulleys, cranks, and other mechanical devices, and delivered up at the other end of the series in work, minus the loss by friction during its passage. It differs in no respect from a mill, lathe, press, or engine, in the mechanical principles involved, and the same laws of frictional resistance, leverage, inertia, momentum, atmospheric re

Red Ribbon and carry the emblem upon your vesture, and come out like men and let the world know you are on the side of right, no matter who may point the finger of scorn at you, your wife and children and the authorities by whom you are employed, will have ten-fold more confidence in you. Be sober men, and then if any mishap should befall you, they cannot say you were drunk. I regard the Red Ribbon as my family, and so far as I am personally concerned, I should as soon see the flag of my country (which I fought four years to maintain), trailed in the dust as to sur-sistance, lubrication, etc., etc., must be render up my obligation to the temperance Yours truly,



complied with in its planning and construction, or a defective machine will be the result. If the watch was enlarged to the dimensions of a cotton mill, errors that escape detection by the most rigid scrutiny in its diminutive form would become glaringly conspicuous. Faulty pitchings in the wheel-work (or train) that can only be known to exist by their effect upon its action in the watch, would in the mill transmit the power so fitfully as soon to ruin the machinery, if it did not actually endanger the structure in which it was

do not run well. An eye-lash among the wheels of a watch is a very little thing, but it is as effectual in stopping it as a hoop-pole would be in stopping a mill, if thrust amongst its wheels

MESSRS. EDITORS: Ever since reading the address delivered by the G. C. E. at the Convention of the Brotherhood. I have felt a strong desire to thank him for the excellent advice it contained, especially in regard to keeping the Sabbath. I wonder if railroad managers ever think of how much comfort they deprive their employes and their families, by causing trains to run on Sunday, thereby necessitating the great-placed; and yet people wonder why watches er number of men in their employ to be at their respective posts of duty every day in the week. But then, again, when I know of railway men making their Sunday off duty a holiday, and go for an excursion down the river, and spend the day strolling about from one saloon to another, I do not so much wonder that some of their employers consider them an inimoral class of individuals who do not enjoy a Sabbath's rest whenever they have an opportunity. No doubt such conduct is more the result of thoughtlessness than a willful disposition to do wrong, and I am sure that many besides myself unite in thankfulness that our husbands have a leader who has the courage to denounce Sabbath-breaking, intemperance and all other vices which drag a man to destruction, and who will not allow an opportunity to pass unimproved to urge upon the members of the Brotherhood the importance of making their influence per ceptible in elevating the condition of the laboring men, and in helping to promote "Sobriety, Truth, Justice and Morality." AN ENGINEER'S WIFE.

Engineers are all practical mechanics (or should be), and they ought to have more consideration for the watch as a machine that is subject to all the laws of machinery than they seem to have. They should remember that minuteness in no way lessens imperfections, but rather increases them (from difficulty in construction), and that the fragile nature of the machine commends it to careful and tender usage rather than such rough treatment as would almost spoil a monkeywrench.

I have heard great, manly fellows, with the arms of Vulcan and the shoulders of Atlas, "d-n a watch that wouldn't stand that much," when it refused to go, after being bounced about for a month in the pants' pocket, in company with tobaccobox, switch-keys, knife, screw-driver, boltnuts, etc., whereas they ought to treat it as

the very apple of the eye, if any satisfac-action induced by which the oil becomes a tion is expected from its performance. greenish, soapy compound in from eight to They should also, as machinists, know that twelve months, depending probably upon watches need the same care as larger ma- the character of the oil and brass respecchines, if durability and usefulness are to be tively. Now when the oil at the jeweled desired. An engine may be run without hole becomes viscid and charged with fine lubrication, the tightening of a key, or the dust (grit), it is harmless as far as wearing turning of a nut; but when it comes in the either the pivot or hole is concerned, for repair-shop, the probabilities are that en- the jewel is too hard to be cut by it, and if quiry will be made as to who has had the it adheres to the pivot it goes harmlessly care of that engine; and it is still more around with it. It is, however, very differprobable that his services will no longer be ent with a brass hole; the grit and soapy required by the Company. oil adhere to the porous brass hole and it at once becomes a cutting surface, charged with the very material most active for abrading purposes (emery and oil), and the pivot suffers accordingly. The moment this action commences another active element is added, the minute particles of steel that are worn away at once become oxidized by the atmosphere (turned to rust), and in this condition are even more active in cutting than the dust and oil. This red oxide of iron, as you all know, is largely used for various polishing purposes under the name of "sharp" and "crocus for

Like causes will produce like effects, and similar treatment of a watch, running it till it refuses to go longer will inevitably necessitate repairs that may astonish the owner. "It only needs cleaning," is the order usually given the watch maker; but "dirt" is not what ails it, like the neglected engine it has worn itself into disorder for want of lubrication.

At the risk of endangering mine own craft by giving information that will, if acted upon, save your watch from injury, prolong its useful life and cheat the watch maker out of many a fat job, I will ex-steel, and "rouge" for softer metals, as gold plain, as well as I can, the how and why, and silver, and pivots under these condiMost good watches-those that are suitable tions are cut with great rapidity. Watches for the road, are jeweled, full jeweled as are frequently brought in having run so the seller claims. This, in general, is not long that the owners have a suspicion that true; there are certain pivots which, for something ought to be done. They say prudential reasons, run in brass holes. "they only want a little fresh oil." Should These are the pivots of the main wheel, the watch-maker hint that they need cleanthat on which the key is put in winding. If ing it would be regarded as a bid for a job, these holes were jeweled the chances are and be answered by the remark that it is that the carelessness which usually accom impossible, for it has been carried very litpanies watch-winding would sooner or later tle, has a tight case, etc., etc.; so, to avoid break those jewels, consequently the dim- profitless controversy and the polite intimainished friction of a jeweled hole is sacri- tion of dishonesty, the oil is added as reficed for the greater safety of the brass one.quested and the oxide at the pivots goes on The other brass holes are the two in which the centre wheel runs; these are also left unjeweled for the danger of breakage when setting the hands by the key. All the other actions, in a good watch, are jeweled. Watch oil, the best and most reliable is refined porpoise oil, will only remain limpid from eighteen to twenty-four months when applied to a steel pivot running in a jeweled hole. No chemical action takes place other than oxidation of the oil (provided no dust has access to it); but when applied to a brass hole there is a gradual chemical

grinding with renewed energy, the owner congratulating himself that he has got his watch oiled for nothing, and the watchmaker inwardly smiling at the thought that a close customer has overreached himself.

In those watches where all the holes are jeweled this cutting of the pivots cannot take place; in them the oil becomes thickened and tenacious to a degree that finally stops the watch. It is harmful in the first case to add fresh oil to the pivots, and useless in the latter unless all the old oil and dust is first removed by cleaning. Some

MORAL-If you can find him, go for the honest WATCH-MAKER.



watches, especially fine ones, are jeweled ers-accidental breakages can always be with "end-stones" that is, the balance staff, repaired by a good workman, but the batthe lever and escape wheel have the ends tering, and filing, and bending, and scratchof the pivots that project through the hole ing of a watch movement by incompetents jewel running against a flat jewel or "end is what brings on an old age that cannot stone," thus lessening the friction by trans-be rejuvenated by the most skilled doctor. ferring it from the wide shoulder of the pivots to their narrower end; when so jeweled, the oil is drawn in between the hole jewel and end stone by capillary attraction, and there remains to harden till some watch maker, more honest and painstaking MESSRS EDITORS: Your letter, dated the than most of his fellows are, takes them 20th of September, reached me by last apart and carefully cleans them out. This mail. I have instructed the editor of the is too often neglected to be done because India Railway Service Gazette (which is the two or three little screws must be taken property of our Society) to send you all the out from each jewel setting, which can then back numbers of the journal for the curbe pushed out, cleaned and replaced. This rent year, I have also requested him to send consumes time, and as the owner has no you a copy every week that you may be idea of its necessity, and has probably taken acquainted with what transpires on railhis watch where it will be done the cheap- ways in this country. I trust to have the est, the watch maker must either neglect to pleasure of receiving your JOURNAL in exdo it or do it at his own expense-and it change. I thank you very much for those must be a very good man who will labor you have already sent. From the reports without pay or thanks or even appreciation, published in this country I gather that for the owner cannot possibly know wheth-your Association has been thrown open to er it has been done or not. There is no all classes of railway employes. This, I trade where the honest, conscientious work-consider a step in the right direction, as it man is so little appreciated and where will give your Union a greater amount of greater opportunities are offered for slight-strength by which you will be better enaing the work entrusted to him. This un-bled to resist the encroachments of sordid doubtedly is the real reason why there are and imperious officials. I am well aware so few really good workmen; they must do that some consider the interests of all railone of two things, become dishonest them- way servants are not the same; but this is selves or enter into ruinous competition to a great extent an error, for my experiwith those who are so. ence enables me to affirm that when officials are desirous of unfairly curtailing the remuneration and privileges of their employes they endeavor to promote a division among the various departments first. The employes in times now rapidly passing away have, unfortunately, in many instances fallen into the snare made for them and considered that as their immediate in The difference in cost between the labor terests were not involved it was quite unof an honest, skillful mechanic and the other necessary for them to take any steps for the kind, does not pay for the risk of having a protection of the interests of others not in good watch ruined in appearance, if it for- the same department of the service as tunately escapes being ruined in fact. Nine- themselves. The result has too frequently tenths of the watches that are "worn out" proved disastrous to themselves, for when are the victims of bad workmanship-to they in turn have been assailed, they have announce the honest truth, they are spoiled had to rely entirely on their own resources by the watch-makers and not by the own-(frequently inadequate) to extricate them

The public have only themselves to thank for this state of things-for largely they run after the lowest priced labor of this kind, partly from the universal desire to get things at the smallest cost and partly through ignorance. With this kind of work it is eminently "penny wise and pound foolish.”

I may perhaps be charged with indirectly accusing the men of selfishness. This would be wrong. Workingmen, as a rule, possess strong sympathies, also strong prejudices, and when they chance to be badly informed or indifferently educated, it is no difficult matter for designing men, autocrats by nature and imperious from design, to prey upon the feelings of those employed by them, until sentiments are evoked which bear the semblance of selfishness.

selves from the difficulties they have had to has undue strain put upon it or is injured, contend against. all the works immediately come to a dead stop; therefore, the owners of watches are generally particularly careful of them and Some treat them with delicacy and care. chief officials on railroads display, I regret to say, less regard for the various departments over which they have control than they do for the watch they carry in their pocket. Therefore, it behooves all railway employes to form one mutual bond, by which means their interests may be protected and welfare promoted, then should A separation or division of interests any official place an unjust strain on any among any body of workmen belonging to one department greater than the men could any one particular enterprise, must be at- bear, the entire body, being like the works tended with (to them) lamentably sad re- of a watch, mutually dependent upon each sults. Where there is only the same degree other, would come to a stand-a dead stop. of unity and combination among the vari- It must not be thought, from what I have ous departments of any great industry, as written, that I am an advocate for strikes; there is in the mechanism of a locomotive far from it; I know full well the amount engine, such combination cannot be termed of misery they cause, and therefore, conperfect. If any injury or accident should sider that no means should be left untried happen to one of the pistons or valves or by which they may be avoided; nor must machinery on one side of the engine, that it be considered that I look upon all masters particular side would be paralyzed and use- and employers of labor as tyrants. I know less; some delay would result, but matters there are many good and noble-minded might shortly be arranged (as every com- men who treat their employes with kindpetent engineer is aware) in such a manner ness and consideration, who are ever strivas to enable the locomotive to continue its ing to promote the welfare of, and add to journey and perform its work, although the happiness of, the working classes. Such probably not so rapidly or so efficiently as men merit all the honor that can be bebefore the accident happened. So also stowed upon them, for they recognize the with the employes on a railroad. Should great and important duty of man to his an arbitrary and dogmatic President at- fellow man, ever ready to alleviate suffertempt to injure the men in one department ing, foremost with sound counsel and adof the service, and they were to rebel vice, they are ever ready to listen to the against his treatment, it would, for a time, grievances of those over whom they are derange the system and cause confusion and placed and afford redress, if the complaints delay, but the services of those connected are of a legitimate nature. Alas! such with other departments of the service could men are not numerous, they are in the --and would if there was no perfect com- minority. Too many employers and capbination-be utilized to work the traffic; in italists forget that all capital, all the wealth all probability the work would be less rap- they may control or possess, has been priidly and not so efficiently performed as be-marily won by labor, has been garnered by fore, but still the remedy would suffice until the horny hand of the workingman, whom other arrangements could be made.

they desire to grind down and render mis

I consider that any association or combi-erable. nation of railroad employes to prove truly beneficial to their interests must include all departments; they should be like the mechanism of a watch, mutually dependent one on the other. Every one knows that if any one of the pieces which compose a watch

Their conduct is too frequently inhuman. God knows-what autocratic officials either do not know or willfully close their eyes to-that the bright spots in the workingman's existence are few in number, and even these they often endeavor to deprive him of.

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