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EIGHT HOURS A DAY. Under a recent order of the Secretary of the Navy, the pay of all workingmen is fixed on the basis of ten hours for a day's work, and consequently those employed only eight hours a day will be paid onefifth less The promulgation of this order brought a large delegation from the various Navy Yards to interview the Secretary and induce him to revoke the order. The delegation was informed by the Secretary that, in his opinion, labor under the Government should have no advantages over, and should be placed on the same basis as, that engaged in private industries. In view of this, under the present interpretation of the law, he should be compelled to enforce his order. If Congress, however, would more clearly define the law and fix eight hours as a full day's work, he would not in any way interfere with its execution.

equivalent amount of power, and even if there were, there would be no way of procuring the necessary food for their support.


I extract the following notes from my journal entry of September 28, 1877: "The first living frog we dropped into our snake house to-day had scarcely touched the floor when it was darted upon by a male garter snake (Eutania sirtalis, Linn.) and seized by the knee of the right hind limb. Nearly at the same instant a half-grown water snake (Tropidonotus sipedon, Linn.), although too small to swallow the frog, grasped it by the snout, and endeavored to drag it from the jaws of the other snake. The confusion caused by this struggle for a dinner aroused a large female eutania, which hastened to the scene, and immediately seized the In this connection it may be stated that frog by the foot of the same leg which was the House Committee on Education and in the jaws of the first snake. The commoLabor has agreed to report a joint resolution which followed was, for a few minutes, tion declaratory of the meaning of the eight hour law, to the effect that, while that law stands on the statute book, a full day's pay shall be paid for eight hours' work in the Government service.

WHAT STEAM HAS DONE IN FRANCE. According to recent official statistics the total power of all the steam engines in France is 1,500,000 horse power, representing the actual labor of 4,500,000 horses or 31,590,000 men. The last aggregate is equal to ten times the present industrial population, which amounts to 8,400,000 souls, but from which must be substracted old people, women and children, leaving a remainder of 3,200,000 working men.

It is interesting, says La Nature, to compare the above data with the condition of affairs in 1788, before steam engines were introduced in France, as we are thus led to appreciate the enormous revolution which steam and improved machinery have produced. Just ninety years ago in every $200,000,000 worth of French products, sixty per cent. of the value represented labor and forty per cent. raw material. Today this ratio is exactly reversed, although labor has increased forty per cent. At the present time the total industrial productions of France aggregate a value of about $2,400,000,000. Of this $1,400,000,000 represents raw material, and the remainder la bor. If the same proportion as existed in 1788 applied now, taking into account the increase in labor noted above, no less than eleven-twelfths of the above amount, or $2,200,000,000, would be the cost of handiwork. Roughly, then, steam engines and improved tools have produced an economy of $1,200,000,000; but more than this, if they were suddenly swept out of existence and forgotten, there are not enough men and animals in the country to supply an

great; the writhing of the serpents while they tugged at the frog, and the vehement struggling and kicking of the frog itself, caused the pebbles to fly and rattle about quite violently. But the female eutania began immediately to swallow the foot and leg of the frog she had seized, and continued to do so until her lower jaw came in contact with those of the male eutania. The latter was unable to make any progress in swallowing, as he had grasped the frog at the knee, and was trying to force it to flex the leg, or draw the tibia up toward the femur, so that he might swallow them together, or side by side. The female apparently took no notice of the jaws she had thus met on her road to dinner, but swallowed the remainder of the head, and the neck also. This unlooked for greediness being contrary to my wishes, I took a smooth ivory paper holder and worked it carefully under her upper jaw, thus unhooking the teeth from the other snake, and so ending the swallowing operation. A momoment later the male drew his head from his distasteful position, and although his neck was lacerated and was bleeding profusely, he still retained his hold on the frog, and instantly began swallowing it, which he finished in two minutes, we having forced the water snake to unhook its teeth from the frog's snout. The second frog we put in was soon captured and devoured by the disappointed eutania. We then gave the water snake something which might have been a frog, but was-a tadpole."

I have never observed an instance of cannibalism among any species of American serpents known to me. We have no ophiophagi or snake-eating snakes in this country. The partial swallowing of the eutania mentioned was, I think, unintentional on the part of the swallower, and of course on that of the swallowed.-C. Few Seiss.



I am crammed full of faults, I'm a mass of mis-

So stupid, in fact, that you'd deem me half-

But though in my way I'm a "caution to snakes,"
I think I'm a party who ought to be pitied
In the course of my narrative, friends, 'twill ap-


That I've reason to look on my faults with be-

against wind and tide. Life is fitful, capriimperfect instrument, or to row a boat be progressing pretty fairly to-day, but tocious, and every step uncertain. One may and thick darkness rests upon everything. morrow the nervous currents are reversed of nervousness, such as are often met with. This is applicable only to the intense forms There is hope for even these; not that congenital infirmities affecting the mind can be wholly restored-that is not to be ex

But if you're inclined to be somewhat severe,
Why, my only excuse is, they're family fail-pected. but by clearly comprehending the

I don't rise very early, indeed I'd remark

It verges on noon ere my slumbers are finished,
1 have never, at present, been up with the lark-
In fact, my affection for "larks" is diminished
Then I linger o'er breakfast-it takes me an hour,
For I hate to be hurried whene'er I'm regal-

But stay, reader, if you're inclined to be sour,
Pray remember late rising's our family failing.

I've a marvellous talent for missing a train,

I don't think I c'er caught the one I intended;
I've struggled, I've hurried, but always in vain,
'Tis laziness maybe, so can't be defended
I never can keep an appointment-I've tried,
But never succeeded, I own it with quailing;
Pray pardon me if you've a wish to deride,
I assure you 'tis only a family failing!
I've a wonderful weakness for falling in love,

Each damsel I meet makes me really enrap


I have only to speak and to squeeze her wee glove
And to notice her smile and I straightway am

I have only to gaze on a beautiful " phiz,”
And all efforts to rouse me are quite unavailing;
I'm "spooney" at once-I don't know how it is,
But falling in love seems our family failing!

My figure is not very striking; oh, no!

My nose is what Tennyson styles the

My locks are red-tinted, my stature is low,
So you'll not be surprised when you hear I've
been jilted

situation, exercising the will power, and fect body, life may be rendered, in a large taking the best possible care of the impermeasure, comfortable and useful.


An old recruiting sergeant tells the following: "It was on the 11th of May, 1829,

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listed a recruit in Dublin, and put the question to him, as is usual, and walked him to barracks as fine as a fiddle. Well, in a few days he was claimed as a 'prentice, and so he was had up before the mayor, and he committed him for trial. following 'sizes I was called as a witness, At the and the lawyer that defended him told me Did you put the question to him rightly?' that I did not list him. 'I did,' says I. your oath, now,' says he, just ask me the says he. questions, for I don't believe you asked I did,' says I. By the virtue of him.' this and by that you weren't by. None of How do you know?' says 1-' for by your business,' says he; and he held out his hand, and accordingly I pulled out a shilling and clapped it in his fist, and then I "tip-to them all. asked him the questions, and he said Yes' Were those the same quesYes, they were,' says I. Well, there's tions you put to the prisoner? says he. your shilling back for ye,' says he. 'I can't Why?' says I, 'why, shure I can't take it take it sir, says I. Why not? says he. back till you go before the magistrate and pay the 'smart money' (which every recruit must pay if he wants to be released from service). You be hanged!' says he, and he put the money in his pocket, and I ness that I had 'listed him; and, oh, but called to his lordship on the bench for a witthere was a roar in the court! Begorra, the judge laughed till the tears ran down his face. Well, the decisions of the Court being in my favor, I axed the judge if I might take away my new recruit, and they all roared again, and the counsellor got as red as a turkey cock and nearly mad. At last he made the best he could of it, and says in the Line next time, sir.' to the counsellor, says I, 'Don't list says he, snappishly. Oh, yer 'onor,' says I, stick to the rifles--that's more in your What then?' way. Well, begorra, when I told the mafor, I thought he'd die; and when he'd done laughing he bid me keep the 'smart money' for myself."

My mouth is enormous, my countenance flat,
And my teeth are like jagg'd and irregular

Don't tell me I'm ugly?-I cannot help that,
For plainness is one of our family failings.


A writer in the Journal of Chemistry holds out some hope to nervous people who will make the effort. The nervous ones, made so by physical defects, contrive to secure a considerable amount of happiness and largely to influence the world for good. This is accomplished by a will power which in a measure dominates over bodily imperfections. This power can be cultivated and strengthened, and every nervous person should strive to gain it and never yield to despair. Fight out your destiny, rise superior to your weakness; this is the text from which sermons cannot be too often preached. A nervous person exists in the world under great disadvantages. It is like being compelled to play a perfect tune with an

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[From the Leader.]



A lovely maiden lay asleep
Upon a bed of roses;

She had the sweetest rosy lips
And handsomest of noses.

But when she oped her bright, blue eyes,

She gave a cry of pain;

A calf had eaten up her switch,
And she was bald again.

Oberlin College, March 14.

[From the Philadelphia Bulletin.] EGYPT AND ITS CAPITAL. The city of Cairo, the capital and residence of the Khedive, is partially European in aspect and partly Oriental. The native portions are divided from each other by gates, which are closed at night and opened by a concierge only to those carrying a lamp, there being no public lights in those quarters. The modern or fashionable sections are comprised within the divisions called the Esbekeeyah, Ismaileeyah, and part of Abdeen. In these the streets and houses are new and well lighted with gas. In the Oriental quarters are found the irregular, narrow streets, bordered with bazars, where French, English, Greeks, Turks and others, display an additional variety. The scene in front of either of these caravansaries is most animated at all hours during the daylight. At the gates dragomans, donkey fellaheen, bootblacks, carriage drivers, snake charmers, jugglers, men with performing monkeys, and venders of various articles, are on the qui vive to intercept every guest that emerges. Some of them are most aggravating in their persistency, and it is not uncommon to be followed by three or four donkeys for squares. If an intimation is given that a donkey is wanted, immediately a dozen are upon the sidewalk, surrounding the unlucky applicant. To make a peace able choice is impossible, the only effective remedy being to give a few sharp raps with

a cane.


The driving is no small feature in the tout ensemble. All of the carriages and harness are of European manufacture, while among the horses the stately Arabians are numerThe grandest equipages have both a driver and a footman on the box, while in front of the horses the nimble seis runs to clear the way. These runners are dressed in white, the skirt reaching only to the knees, and the sleeves large and flowing. An embroidered jacket, with the tarboosh, or fez, as a head covering, completes the costume. The lower limbs and feet are nude. The staff of office of the seis is a slender stick about one yard in length, which he carries in a perpendicular position. The grace, speed and endurance of

these runners are most remarkable and interesting. Some carriages have two, and those of the Khedive and his family often appear with four, two running abreast. The many equipages of the Khedive, his sons, and his wives, are all imported, and in addition to the full number of the servants already described, each has two or four cavalry men accompanying as a bodyguard.

[From the Manufacturer and Builder.] EFFECT OF MUSIC ON THE INSANE. After a partially successful experiment in regard to the effect of music in curing, or at least benefiting insanity, with one of our most eminent pianists, playing on a most miserable piano, Messrs. Steinway & Sons sent one of their best concert grands to the lunatic asylum on Blackwell's Island, while our great pianist, J. N. Pattison, performed on the same. The effect was tried on various patients; in most all of them the physician found an increase of the velocity of the pulse, evidently produced by the force of the rythm of the sounds. This was all in cases of rude individuals, who appeared to be more sensible to rhythm than to melody. Some of the more refined unhappy creatures were affected by melody also, but it appeared that harmonic combinations were of little effect; a sonata of Beethoven fell like a wet towel upon them, after they had been somewhat stirred by sweet melodies, which perhaps were only effective on account of the recollections and associations connected with them in the minds of the patients. In a very few cases some sensitive women were moved to tears; but besides this, the result of the experiment was generally unsatisfactory.

The reason these experiments were made was evidently on account of the results occasionally obtained in private practice, when the beneficial effects of music on persons suffering under mental depression has been more than once established. We will mention a case which came under our personal observation: In 1850 a friend (a very cultivated man) came to inform us that his former music-teacher had arrived in New York from Vienna, bringing with him his young wife; that he was a deserving man, and worthy of being assisted in his endeavors to establish himself in his profession here. An acquaintance was made, undoubted merits ascertained, and consequently co-operation cheerfully given. It was found that the professor was a Republican, involved in the attempts made at that time in Vienna to establish a Slavonian Republic, and he was obliged to flee the country to escape imprisonment, or perhaps something worse. He married secretly the lady who loved him, and she fled with him, forsaking all her relations, who were infatuated monarchists.

Having always lived in opulence, the new experiences of the cares of housekeeping with limited means, appeared to have been the cause of a wandering of mindan incipient insanity of a depressing form; she never uttered a word. Everything failed to arouse her; when at last the professor tried music. Being a splendid performer on the piano, he succeeded in causing her to shed a flood of tears; perhaps former associations, awakened by the music, had much to do with the result. After this she was perfectly rational. He then kept the little household cheered up with his performances, which undoubtedly contributed to their well-being. They are now quite happy, and have succeeded in rearing a large family of children.

We believe that music is better when used as a preventive against, than as a cure for mental diseases, and we cannot abstain from recommending it highly. We know of many families where the study of the piano by a daughter has brought cheerfulness into the house where before dullness prevailed; and we think that the experiment in regard to its influence on the confirmed insane is not a fair test in regard to its beneficial effects on those who are not yet crazy.

As a priori may be expected, the charms of music are greatest for refined, sensitive natures; for the uneducated savage the finest strains are unintelligible; and we ask: Are not the lowest classes among us, in their mental and emotional development, equal to savages, and even below them, if their minds are so affected as to make it necessary to send them to a lunatic asylum?



The United States Consul at Buenos Ayres, in a recent report, states: "I have been in receipt of frequent letters since I have been here, asking in regard to the conditions and prospects of labor in this country. I would not advise anybody to come here with a view to bettering his condition. They cannot expect to find employment of any kind. Every variety of manual and mechanical labor is suffering with the general depression of business, and establishments requiring skilled labor are reducing rather than increasing the number of their employes. If persons will come here in search of work, they should bring sufficient money with them to pay return expenses. Every few days the consulate is visited by distressed Americans, who, having been induced to come out here, have been sadly disappointed upon their arrival to find no opportunity to earn a livelihood; thus, finding themselves without means either to live here or return home, they become objects of charity."

as well as from other similar communications from our consuls in different parts of the world, that our country is not the only one suffering from hard times, and that it is very little use for an American workingman to leave this country in the hopes of bettering his condition.

[From the Brooklyn Monthly.]

have little else to do but to consider their There is a host of people who seem to for its improvement; people who are posiphysical condition, and to administer doses tively dissipated and intemperate in their use of medicines, and appear to think this world not so much a vale of tears as a vale tion affords a delight only equaled by that of drugs; people to whom a new prescripwhich a savant would experience from the possession of a bone of the extinct megathe


it never occurs to them to allow nature to If they are in the least under the weather work out her own salvation; but they take her affairs into their own hands, and having small acquaintance with her processes, the result resembles that of a novice attemptthem more difficult for that superior to acing the tasks of a superior, and making complish. One of the peculiar pleasures of such persons consists in persuading others delicate compliment you can pay them is to try their methods of cure. The most to swallow some nauseating mixture upon their recommendation, which all the while bears a strong family likeness to that of those who, with bad complexions, assure you that soap is wholesome for the skin, or of bald people who extol the virtues of certain washes they have employed.

This art of dosing does not interfere, however, with the usefulness of the family physician, but rather supplies him with practice by laying the foundation for positive disease. The stomach, which has been unrighteously corrected, rebels at length; the nerves, that have been too often artificially soothed, finally refuse to acknowledge the power of the charmer; the strength engendered by stimulants proves but a broken reed; appetites fortified by frequent tonics surrender some day without


The system of endless changes is one of the astonishing properties of the kaleidoscope. Some one has made a calculation of the number of changes that can be made with a few loose objects-pieces of glass for example--in the kaleidoscope. The result reached is that the objects may be combined 13,917,242,888,872,552,999,425,128,498,402,200 times-an operation the performance of which would take hundreds of thousands of millions of years, even if twenty combiIt would appear from the tenor of this,nations were effected every minute,



The brightest gem in the woman's crownwhat is it?

The richest dowry, and her sweetest charm?
The loadstone irresistible, which draws
All hearts, free, willing captives after her?



Persons traveling much by railway are subject to continual annoyance from the flying cinders. In getting into the eyes

The enchanter's wand, that spell-binds to her feet, they are not only painful for the moment,
Softened to lamb, the fiercest lion's soul?
It is not youth-the fickle butterfly;
It is not beauty-the ephemeral flower;
It is not wit-too oft a poisoned dart;
It is not riches-what are they to love?
It is not power, glory, noble birth,
Nor anything the world can give or take.
What is it, then?

I know it well, but it is hard to say-
It is the child-like singleness of heart;
The angelic purity of a virgin soul;
The queen-like majesty of womanhood;
The trinity of virgin, child, and matron.
It is a heart where joys of Heaven dwell,
With truest sympathy for all earth's woes;
A soul itself as oure from sinful stain,
As full of pity for her sister's failings;
A grace as modest as the violet,

Yet, like the violet, shedding sweet perfume;
A mind alike to every lot resigned-
These, and withal a something undefined,
And undefinable in mortal speech-

A nameless grace that hovers round her being,
And veils her as the halo does the moon-
A gem the brightest in a woman's crown!

THE BRAINS OF CRIMINALS. Says the British Medical Journal: "We lately published a very interesting letter from our Vienna correspondent, in which a brief summary was given of Prof. Benedict's researches on the brains and skulls of criminals. The subject is an important one, both from a physiological and a psycholog ical point of view, and it is to be hoped that more extended and more precise inquiry will be made upon it, for the results which Prof. Benedict has obtained, though very important, are not sufficiently numerous to warrant any large induction. Up to the present time Prof. Benedict has examined the brains of sixteen criminals, all of which, on comparison with the healthy brain, he finds to be abnormal. Not only has he found that these brains deviate from the normal type, and approach those of lower animals, but he has been able to classify them, and with them the skulls in which they were contained, in three categories. These consist in: 1st. Absence of symmetry between the two halves of the brain. 2d. An obliquity of the interior part of the brain or skull-in fact, a continuation upward of what is termed a sloping forehead. 3d. A distinct lessening of the posterior cerebral lobes, so that, as in the lower animals, they are not large enough to hide the cerebellum. In all these particulars the criminal's brain and skull are distinctly of a lower type than those of normal men, and the question arises: How far are the evil tendencies of criminals to be attributed to this retrograde development?

but are often the cause of long suffering that ends in a total loss of sight. A very simple and effective cure is within the reach of every one, and would prevent much suffering and expense were it more generally known. It is simply one or two grains of flax seed. They can be placed in the eye without injury or pain to that delicate organ, and shortly they begin to swell and dissolve a glutinous substance that covers the ball of the eye, enveloping any foreign substance that may be in it. The irritation or cutting of the membrane is thus prevented, and the annoyance may soon be washed out. A dozen of these grains stowed away in the vest pocket may prove, in an emergency, worth their number in gold.

The foregoing remedy, from the Mining and Scientific Press, appears to be based on the homoeopathic principle, "Like cures like." Whether the sticking of flax seeds into an inflamed eye is likely to prove beneficial is questionable. Better pull out the cinder with a looped horse hair.

[From the Scientific American.]

Some experiments were lately conducted by Messrs. Bennett, Royle, Hickson, and Holden, of the Manchester Society of Architects, England, on the strength of thick glass of ordinary manufacture, and also after being toughened by the Toughened Glass Company's process. A sample of ordinary rough plate glass half an inch thick was first subjected to a test of its transverse strength. A piece, 8 inches by 41⁄2 inches, was laid upon supports 6 inches apart, and was broken at the first trial by a lead ball, 1% lb. weight, falling on its center from a height of 2 feet. A piece exactly the same size, which had been toughened, was then tried under similar circumstances. The lead ball, 1% lb. weight, was dropped upon the center of this plate from a height of 3 feet without effect, and afterward from increased heights up to 8 feet, also, without effect.

The weight was then increased to 3 lbs. 10 ozs., which was dropped on the center of the plate from a height of 2 feet without effect, and afterward from increased heights up to 10 feet 5 inches, when the piece broke up. Nine trials were made on the piece with the 11⁄2 lb. weight, and eighteen trials with the 3 lbs. 10 ozs. weight, or twentyseven in all. The next experiment was on ordinary rough plate glass, 1 inch thick. A piece 8 inches by 41⁄2 inches was laid upon

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