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No. 1.-Form of Title of Petition and other proceedings.

In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division,

The Master of the Rolls (or the Vice-Chancellor Malins, or other

In the matter of estates settled by A. B. (or A. B. and others)
by will dated

(or deed dated

certain lands (or messuages or tenements) in

parish of

in the county of

And in the matter of the Settled Estates Act, 1877.

) consisting of

in the

Orders under
Estates Act,

No. 2.-Form of Summons for directions as to service of notice
pursuant to the 26th section of the act.
(Title same as petition.)



Let all parties concerned attend at my chambers at o'clock on the hearing of an application on the part of [the petitioners] that notice of the application intended to be made by a petition presented in the above matters on the day of requiring A. B. and C. D. severally to notify whether he assents to or dissents from such application, or submits his rights and interests so far as they may be affected by such application to be dealt with by the court, may be given by [state the manner in which it is proposed to give the notice, and the time within which the notification is to be required] or in such other manner as the judge may think fit.

Dated this

day of

This summons was taken out by

[blocks in formation]


No. 3.-Form of Notice pursuant to section 26 of the act.

In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division,

The Master of the Rolls (or the Vice-Chancellor Malins or other

(Title same as petition.)

Take notice that [name petitioners and their addresses as in petition] have presented a petition in the above matters praying that [as in petition, but describing the lands, messuages, or tenements as in the petition], and it is intended to apply to the said court for an order in accordance with such prayer, and you are [severally] hereby required to notify in writing within after the service hereof whether you assent to or dissent from such application, or submit your rights or interests so far as they may be affected by such application to be dealt with by the court, such notification is to be delivered to the petitioners' solicitors, or left for them at the address specified at the foot hereof, and may be so delivered by transmitting the same to them by post at such address.

If no notification shall be so delivered or left within the time above limited, you will be deemed to have submitted your rights and interests to be dealt with by the court.

In the event of your dissenting from such application and desiring to be heard in opposition to the application you are by your notification to require notice to be given to or left for you or your solicitor at a place to be specified within three miles from the site of Temple Bar, London, of the day on which the petition is fixed for hearing.

Orders under

You or your solicitor can upon reasonable notice to the under-named A. & B. inspect and peruse the petition without payment of any fee, and Estates Act, you are entitled at your own expense to have a copy of such petition furnished to you. Dated the


day of

A. & B.

[Address within three miles of the site of Temple Bar, London.] Petitioners' Solicitors.

To [name the person or all persons to be served pursuant to the above section]. NOTE.-A copy of the above notice, with a notification at the foot thereof to be filled up by you, is sent herewith.


No. 4.-Form to accompany Notice pursuant to section 26 of

the act. Copy Notice.

In pursuance of a notice, of which the above is a copy, served on me on
I hereby notify that I*

day of

Dated this

To Messrs.

[ocr errors]

day of

Here insert" assent to the application," or "dissent from the application," or "submit my rights and interests so far as they may be affected by the application to be dealt with by the court."

And if you dissent and desire to be heard in opposition thereto, add “And I desire to be heard in opposition to the application, and require notice to be given to at [naming a place within three miles of the site of Temple Bar, London] of the day fixed for the hearing of the petition.

+ Signature and address.

No. 5.-Form of Summons for Appointment of a Guardian of an
Infant, and for leave for the Guardian to make or consent to an


(Title same as petition.)

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

o'clock, on the hearing of an application on the part of [the


That A. B. or some other proper person may be appointed guardian of C. D., an infant, and that E. F. or some other proper person may be appointed guardian of G. H., an infant, for the purpose of making on behalf of such infants (or consenting on behalf of such infants to) an application proposed to be made by a petition presented on the



by the above-named applicants for an order in accordance with the prayer of such petition, and (in case the infants are tenants-in-tail) that such guardians may be directed to make (or consent to such application.

Dated this

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

No. 6.-Form of Summons for Appointment of a Guardian of an
Infant to be served with notice of an Application, and for leave
for the Guardian to deliver a notification pursuant to such


(Title same as petition.)

Let all parties concerned attend at my chambers at


o'clock, on the hearing of an application on the part of [the



That A. B. or some other proper person may be appointed guardian of C. D., an infant, and that E. F. or some other proper person may be appointed guardian of G. H., an infant, for the purpose of being served with a notice requiring them on behalf of such infants, within days after service thereof, to notify whether they assent to or dissent from an application proposed to be made by a petition presented on the day of by the above-named applicants for an order in accordance with the prayer of such petition, or submit the infant's rights or interests so far as they may be affected by such application to be dealt with by the court, and (in case the infants are tenants-in-tail) that such guardians may be directed to notify that they, on behalf of such infants, assent to (or dissent from) such application (or submit the infant's rights or interests, so far as they may be affected by such application to be dealt with by the court. day of

Dated this

This summons was taken out by



[ocr errors]

solicitors for the

No. 7.-Form of Request to appoint a person to examine a Married

The petitioners

day of


(Title same as petition.)

[blocks in formation]

in a petition presented in these matters on the Name such request that A. B. of, &c. [C. D. of, &c., and E. F. as may be of, &c.], being a solicitor [or solicitors], and a perpetual commissioner required to [or perpetual commissioners] to take the acknowledgment of deeds examine all by married women, may be appointed for the purpose of any or either the married of them examining the petitioners G. the wife of H. I., and K. the women who wife of L. M., and N. the wife of O. P., of, &c., respectively touching their are to be knowledge of the nature and effect of the application intended to be made by the petition, and to ascertain whether they the said G. I. and K. M. respectively freely desire to make such application, and whether she the said N. P. freely desires to consent to such application.

We, the solicitors for the petitioners, hereby certify that neither of them, the said A. B., C. D. and E. F. is the solicitor for the petitioner, or for any party whose concurrence or consent to the application is required. Dated this

day of

A. and B. solicitors for the petitioners.

The Master of the Rolls [or the Vice-Chancellor
said for the purposes mentioned in the above request.
E. F.,

] appoints the

Chief Clerk.

No. 8.-Form of Summons to appoint persons to examine Married


Let all parties concerned attend at my chambers at



at o'clock, on the hearing of an application on the part of
the petitioners in a petition presented in this matter on the
day of
that A. B. of, &c., and C. D. of, &c. [and if the
married women are within the jurisdiction, add being solicitors] be appointed
for the purpose of any or either of them examining the petitioners G. the
wife of H. I., and K. the wife of L. M., and N. the wife of O. P., of, &c.,
respectively touching their knowledge of the nature and effect of the
application intended to be made by the said petition, and to ascertain
whether they the said G. I. and K. M. freely desire to make such applica-
tion, and whether she the said N. P. freely desires to consent to such

Dated this

day of

This summons was taken out by applicant.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Orders under Settled Estates Act, 1877.

Insert the names of all who can be conveniently examined by son and at the

No. 9.-Form of Examination of a Married Woman making or assenting to an Application.

(Title same as petition.)

The examination of the petitioner G. the wife of H. J., and K. the wife of L. M., and of N. the wife of O. P. of *

the same per- of

same time.

We, the said G. J., K. M., and N. P., having been this day respectively examined apart from our respective husbands touching our knowledge of the nature and effect of an application intended to be made to the High Court of Justice by a petition presented in this matter on the day by us the said G. J. and K. M. and others, for answer thereto severally say that we are aware of the nature and effect of the said intended application, and we the said G. J. and K. M. severally freely desire to make such application, and I, the said N. P., freely desire to consent to such application. As witness our hands this Witness to the signature of the

said G. J., K. M., and N. P. (

Q. R.,


day of

[To be at the foot of the above Examination.]

No. 10.-Form of Certificate of Examination of Married Women making or assenting to an Application.

day of

I, the undersigned A. B., being the person appointed by the Master of the Rolls or the Vice-Chancellor for the purpose of examining the above-named G. the wife of H. I., K. the wife of L. M., and N. the wife of O. P., hereby certify that I have this examined the said G. I., K. M., and Ñ. P. apart from their respective husbands touching their knowledge of the nature and effect of the application intended to be made by the petition above referred to, and I have taken such examination in writing as above set forth, and I further certify that at the time of such examination I explained to them the nature and effect of the said application, and I am satisfied that they were aware of the nature and effect of such application, and that they the said G. I. and K. M. freely desire to make the said application, and that the said N. P. freely desires to consent to the said application.

No. 11.-Form of Affidavit verifying Examination.
(Title as in petition.)

I, Q. R. of make oath and say that I was present and did see
G. I., K. M., and N. P. respectively named in the above petition, sign
the examination or paper writing annexed hereto and now produced and
shown to me marked A, and that the signatures G. I., K. M., and N. P.
attached thereto are respectively the proper handwritings of G. the wife
of H. I. of
K. the wife of L. M. of
I and N. the wife of 0. P.
And I further say that I was present and did see A. B. sign
the certificate or paper writing annexed hereto and now produced and
shown to me marked B, and that the signature A. B. attached thereto is
the proper handwriting of A. B. of &c. And I say that the signature
Q. R. attached to the said paper writings as a witness is my handwriting.

[ocr errors]

No. 12.-Form of Notice pursuant to the 30th section of the Act.

(Title same as petition.)

In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division,
Master of the Rolls [or the Vice-Chancellor Malins or other Vice-

Take notice that [name petitioners and their addresses as in petition] have
presented a petition in the above matters praying that [as in petition, but
describing the lands, messuages, or tenements, as in the petition], and it is
intended to apply to the said court for an order in accordance with such
prayer. This notice is given to you in pursuance of the above act because
you are seised or possessed of an estate in trust for
whose consent

You or

or concurrence to or in the application is required by the act.
your solicitors can upon reasonable notice to the under-named A. and B.
inspect and peruse the petition at the address specified at the foot hereof
without payment of any fee, and you are entitled at your expense to have
a copy of such petition furnished to you.

Orders under
Estates Act,

Dated this

day of

[blocks in formation]

To [name the persons to be served pursuant to the above section].

No. 13.-Form of Notice to be inserted in newspapers if directed pursuant to the 31st section.

(Title as in petition.)

[ocr errors]

By direction of the Master of the Rolls (or the Vice-Chancellor notice is hereby given that an application by petition has been made to the court of the said judge for a sale or for powers to grant leases of the above-mentioned hereditaments (or otherwise according to the circumstances), and the court has directed the application to be adjourned (or adjourned till ), and any person, whether interested in the estate or not, may on or before apply to the said court by motion for leave to be heard in opposition to or in support of such application. The petition may be inspected on application to Messrs. A. and B. of citors for the petitioners.


45 & 46 VICT. c. 38.

the soli

An Act for facilitating Sales, Leases, and other dispositions of
Settled Land, and for promoting the execution of Improvements
[10th August, 1882.]

[blocks in formation]

45 & 46 Vict. c. 38, s. 1.

Short title;

1.-(1.) This act may be cited as the Settled Land Act, 1882. (2.) This act, except where it is otherwise expressed, shall commence and take effect from and immediately after the thirtyfirst day of December one thousand eight hundred and eighty- ment; two, which time is in this act referred to as the commencement of this act.


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