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book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

in sid i ous

in vid i ous

in tel li ġent

ma lev o lent

[blocks in formation]

mel lif flu ous

su per flu ous in gen u ous con tin u ous in con gru ous im pet u ous tu mult u ous vo lup tu ous


tem pest u ous sig nif i cant ex trav a gant pre dom in ant in tol er ant i tin er ant in hab it ant con com i tant ir rel e vant be nefi cent mag nif i cent mu nif i cent co in ci dent non res i dent

im prov i dent

An anonymous

be nev o lent

pre die a ment dis par age ment en cour age ment en fran chise ment dis fran chise ment ag gran dize ment ae knowl edg ment es tab lish ment em bel lish ment ac com plish ment as ton ish ment re lin quish ment im ped i ment ha bil i ment


pris on ment em bar rass ment

in teg u ment

e mol u ment pre em i nent in con tin ent im per tin ent in dif fer ent ir rev er ent om nip o tent mel lif flu ent cir cum flu ent ae cöu ter ment com mu ni cant

author writes without signing his name to

his composition.

Synonymous words have the same signification. Very few words in English are exactly synonymous. H*

bär, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, möve. Precipitous signifies steep; the East and West rocks in New Haven are precipitous.

An amphibious animal can live in different elements. The frog lives in air, and for a long time can live in water. A miraculous event is one that cannot take place according to the ordinary laws of nature; it can take place only by the agency of divine power.

Assiduous study will accomplish almost any thing that is within human power.

An integument is a cover.

The skin is the integument of animal bodies. The bones also have integuments. Young persons are often improvident-far more impro▾i dent than the little ants.

No. 101-CI.

Words of four syllables, acccnted on the second.

[blocks in formation]

re al i ty

le gal i ty re gal ity fru gality for mal i ty

e mer gen cy

book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

de spond en cy hy poe ri sy


in clem en cy

im pi e ty

car nal i ty neu tral i ty as cend en cy

con sist en cy
in solv ency

de lin quen cy
mo not o ny
a pos ta sy

The winters in Lapland are severc. country dress in furs, to protect severity of the cold.

va ri e ty
e bri e ty

so bri e ty
pro pri e ty
sa ti e ty

The people of that themselves from the

Major signifies more or greater ; minor, means less.
A majority is more than half; a minority is less than half.
Plurality denotes two or more.

In grammar the plural number expresses more than one; as two men, ten dogs.

A majority of votes, means more than half of them. When we say a man has a plurality of votes, we mean, he has more than any one else.

Members of congress and assembly, are often elected by a plurality of votes.

Land is valued for its fertility, and nearness to market. Many parts of the United States are noted for the fertility of the soil.

The rapidity of a stream sometimes hinders its navigation. Consistency of character is a trait that commands esteem. Humility is the prime ornament of a christian.

No. 102.-CII.

Words of five syllables, accented on the second.


Co tem' po ra ry

ex tem po ra ry de rog a to ry ap pel la to ry con sol a to ry de fam a to ry

de elam a to ry

ex clam a to ry in flam ma to ry ex plan a to ry de elar a to ry pre par a to ry

bär, fall, what, prey, marïne, pin, bird, möve.

dis pens a to ry

sub sidi a ry

in cen di a ry sti pen di a ry e pis to la ry vo cab u la ry im ag in a ry pre lim in a ry con fee tion a ry un nec es sa ry he red it a ry in vol un ta ry re sid u a ry tu mult u a ry vo lup tu a ry

ob serv a to ry

con serv a to ry
pro hib it o ry
pre mon i to ry
re posit o ry
sup pos it o ry
le git i ma cy
in vet e ra cy
sub serv i en cy
de gen e ra cy
con fed era cy
ef fem in a cy
in del i ea cy
in hab it an cy

a€ com pa ni ment

Addison and Pope were cotemporary authors, that is, they lived at the same time.

A love of trifling amusements is derogatory to the christian character.

Epistolary correspondence is carried on by letters. Imaginary evils make no small part of the troubles of life. Hereditary property is that which descends from an


The Muskingum is a subsidiary stream of the Ohio.

A man who willfully sets fire to a house is an incendiary. An observatory is a place for observing the heavenly bodies with telescopes.

An extemporary discourse is one spoken without notes or premeditation.

Christian humility is never derogatory to character.
Inflame, signifies to heat, or to excite.

Strong liquors inflame the blood, and produce diseases. The prudent good man will govern his passions, and not suffer them to be inflamed with anger.

Intemperate people are exposed to inflammatory diseases. An obstructed perspiration produces an inflammatory state of the blood.

book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou. No. 103.--CIII.

Words of six syllables, accented on the fourth, or antepenvít.

[ocr errors]

Ma te ri ality il lib er al i ty u ni ver sal i ty in hos pi tal i ty in stru ment al i ty spir it u ali ty im prob a bil i ty im pla ea bili ty mal le a bility in flam ma bility

in ca pa
bil i ty
pen e tra bili ty
im mu ta bility
in credibility
il leg i bil i ty
re fran gi bil i ty
in fal li bil i ty
di visi bility

com press i bil i ty com pat i bili ty de strue ti bil i ty per cep ti bil i ty re sist i bil i ty com bus ti bil i ty in flex i bil i ty dis sim i lar i ty par tie u lar i ty ir reg u lar i ty in fe ri or i ty su pe ri or ity im pet u os i ty gen er al lis si mo dis ci plin aʼri an pre des ti na ri an an te de la vi an het e ro ge ne ous me di a to ri al

[blocks in formation]

in quis it o ri al

[blocks in formation]

in tel lect


Words of three syllables, accented on the first.

Ben' e fit

sup pli cant

[blocks in formation]

per ma nent

pick-pock et

mis ere ant

[blocks in formation]

flag e let

ter ma gant

pol y pus im pe tus eat a ract

lev er et
pen ny weight
eat a pult
men di cant

el e gant

lit i gant

ar ro gant el e phant

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