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book, dove, full, use, can, chaise, gem,' thin, thou.

[blocks in formation]

may receive the termination al for the adjective, and to that may be added ly to form the adverb; as, agrestic, agrestical, agrestically.

[blocks in formation]

bär, fall, what, prey, marine, pin, bird, möve,

Words of four syllables, accented on the third.

[blocks in formation]

em blem at ic

al chi mis tic al pha bet ie ap oplec tic an a logie an a lyt ie an a tom ic a pos tol ic a rith met ie as tro log ic as tro nom ie a the is tie at mos pher ie bar o met rie be a tif ic bi o graphic cab a list ic cal vin is tie cas u ist ic cat e chet ic cat e gor ic chro no log ie col or ific cos mo graph ie dem o erat ie di a bol ie di a lee tic di plo mat ie

di a met rie

di u ret ie


en er get ie

e nig mat ie

ep i lep tie ep i dem ie

ep i sod ie. er e mitic


eu cha ris tie ex e get ic frig or if ie ge ologic ge o met rie hem is pher his tri on ic hypocrit ie hy per bol ic hy po stat ie hy po thet ic idiotie in e las tie jae o bin ic lap i difie

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

the o logic the o erat ie the o ret ic to po graph ic ty po graph ic zo o graph ie

ne o ter ic

zo o log ie

or tho graph ie

un pre lat ic

pan the is tie e o cen tric

Thermometrical observations show the temperature of the air, in winter and summer.

bọọk, dõve, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

Words of five syllables, accented on the fourth.

An ti seor bu' tie

ar is to crat' ie

char ac ter is tie
ee ele si as tic
en thu si as tie

en to mo log ic

ep i gram mat ie

gen e a log ie lex i co graph ie mon o syl lab ic or ni tho log ie os te o log ic phys i o log ie ich thy o log ie

The following words rarely or never take the termination al.

[blocks in formation]

bär, fall, whạt, prey, marïne, pin, bird, mövė.

Words ending in an, en, or on, in which the vowel is mute or

slightly pronounced:

jet' ti son

Är' ti san

her' is son

[blocks in formation]

Words ending in ism, retaining the accent of their primitives.

Mo nas' ti cism

ne ol' o ġism

at' ti cism

goth' i cism

pa ral' o gism

Cath' o li cism

ep' i eu rism jes' u it ism lib' er tin ism ma te' ri al ism mon' o the ism nat' u ral ism pat' ri ot ism pol' y the ism pros' e lyt ism phar' i sa ism prot' est ant ism prop' a gand ism

per i pa tet' i cism

pro vin' cial ism

an" gli cism van' dal ism gal' li cism

[blocks in formation]

No. 137.-CXXXVII.

Words ending in ize, accented on the first syliable.

[blocks in formation]

book, döve, full, use, can, chaise, gem, thin, thou.

[blocks in formation]

No. 138.-CXXXVIII.

Words of four and five syllables, retaining the accent of their

AP co hol ize


lib' e ral ize

prod' i gal ize pros' e lyt ize

[blocks in formation]

a nath' e matizeme mo❜ri al ize puri tan ize

[blocks in formation]

The combination of letters ng, has two sounds, the open, as in sing, singer, long; and the close, as in finger, linger, longer.

In this work, the open sound of ng in accented syllables.


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