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Tu réformas et la ville et la cour;
Mais quelle en fut la récompense?
Les François rougiront un jour
De leur peu de reconnoissance.

Il leur fallut un comédien

Qui mît à les polir sa gloire et son étude;
Mais, Molière, à ta gloire il ne manqueroit rien,
Si parmi les défauts que tu peignis si bien,
Tu les avois repris de leur ingratitude.



THE following is a list of the various books which I have consulted and from which I have often borrowed, sometimes even entire notes, for the edition of this text :

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Quoted and translated passages from Plautus and other writers which Molière has imitated, as well as from Molière's own works, are not mere copies from other editions of the same work, though oftentimes suggested by them; wherever it was possible I have gone to their very source and they were adopted after a critical examination only. The final draught of the whole edition is the development of the notes I made in the course of my study of the works of Molière.

A very complete vocabulary has been added; for this reason, many expressions which would otherwise have been explained in the foot-notes, will be found in the vocabulary.

I am under obligation to Mr. P. O. Skinner, a former member of one of my classes in Harvard College, for suggestions while reading the foot-notes with me.


CAMBRIDGE, MASS., Nov. 1893.

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