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1. 87. Overpeering of his list. 'Overlooking, overtopping its bounds.'

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1. 93. Of every word. Proposed by him or by their leaders.'

1. 98. Counter. In the contrary direction.'

1. 110. Fear. 'Fear for.' Cf. I., iii., 51.

1. 111. Hedge. 'Enclose.'

1. 123. Throughly. An old variant for 'thoroughly.'

1. 129. Swoopstake. 'Sweeping-the-stakes,' 'without discrimination'; said of the gamester who attempts at the end of a trick, whether his or not, to sweep away the stakes.

1. 133. Pelican. From the ancient belief that the pelican pierced its breast to feed its young.

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1. 138. Level. "

Straight,' 'directly.'

1. 148. Fine. 'Delicate,' 'tender.'

1. 149. Instance. 'Symptom,' 'token'; here 'soundness of wits,' sent after' Polonius.

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1. 161. Rosemary. Symbol of remembrance.

1. 162. Pansies. Because from the French pensées, 'thoughts.' In giving these flowers Ophelia seems to be reminded of her lover.

1. 166. Fennel. Emblem of flattery; "columbine," of thanklessness.

1. 167. Rue. Symbolic of sorrowful remembrance.

1. 169. Daisy. Typic of dissembling. faithfulness.'

"Violets" were 'for

1. 173. From a popular ballad of the day.

1. 174. Thought. Worriment,'' anxiety.' Cf. III., i., 85. Passion. Pain of grief.'

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1. 193. Touch'd. Slightly affected,' as we say of frost; 'implicated.'

1. 199. His means of. 'Means of his.'

1. 200. Hatchment.

body at funeral.'

'Arms and armor placed above the

1. 203. That. 'So that.'


1. 1. What. What inquires concerning quality or station, who, identity.

1. 14. Means to. 'Means of sending to'; apparently (cf. vii., 39–40, and i., 30 below) to avoid coming before the king in person.

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1. 18. Compelled. A valour, a resistance contrary to our inclination.'

1. 19. Why this pirate should aliow Hamlet's ship to withdraw unplundered, and why there should be no disposition to hold Hamlet for ransom, are points to be pondered in the study of this scene. Later (1. 22) Hamlet says he is "to do a good turn for them." What good turn, in the way of civility, is to be done for pirates? Besides, pirates do not ordinarily sail into open harbors, or send any sailors from their crews ashore.


1. 1. Acquittance. 'Acquittal'; conceived as a formal instrument, like a reprieve.

1. 17. Count. 'Accounting,' trial.'

1. 18. Gender. 'Race'; 'general public.'

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1. 21. Gyves. Fetters'; i.e. 'if any were put upon him. 'He would be more popular than ever.'

1. 24. And not.

1. 26. Terms.


Supply gone to the place.'

'State,' 'condition.'

1. 27. If I may say the praises now that belonged to her before she lost her mind.'

1. 28. On mount. Here seems to be an allusion to the coronation of the Emperor of Austria as King of Hungary. "On the Mount of Defiance, at Presburg, he unsheathes the ancient sword of state, and shaking it toward North, South, East, and West, challenges the four corners of the world to dispute his rights." But it is not known that Shakespeare could have been aware of such a ceremonial.


1. 61. Checking at.


,' 'objecting to.'

1. 66. Uncharge the practice.

accuse of the treachery, deceit.'

1. 75. Siege. 'Rank.'

'Fail of grounds on which to

1. 79. Weeds. 'Garments'; preserved in "widow's weeds." For "sables" cf. III., ii., 123.

1. 86. Incorps'd. 'Incorporated,' 'made into the same body.'

1. 87. Topp'd. 'Furnished a top to,' 'surpassed.'

1. 88. Forgery.

Attempting the invention.'

1. 89. Come short. Apparently 'should come short.'

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1. 110. By time. Is not,' that is, 'inborn.'

1. 111. Passages of proof. 'Things that have come to pass in my experience.'

1. 115. Still. "Without variation.'

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1. 121. Spendthrift sigh. It was once believed that every sigh cost a drop of the heart's blood.

1. 135. Peruse. 'Scrutinize,' 'inspect closely.'

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1. 145. Withal. 'With it.'

1. 146. Contagion. 'Poison.'

1. 149. Shape. 'What we have shaped or planned.'
1. 150. That. Represents "if" of the line preceding.

1. 153. Blast. Burst, like a gun, in testing.'

1. 154. Cunnings. Cf. I., i., 173.

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1. 168. Crow-flowers. Probably the crowfoot.'

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1.2. Salvation. Illiterate blunder for 'destruction.'

1. 4. Straight. 'Straightway.'

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