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habitation. Full of this notion, he ran incefsantly from one place to another. He perceived on a spot, where the battle still continued, a prisoner tied to a stake, and having. all about him the apparatus of death; that is, combustibles for burning him by a slow fire. The chief of the Hurons flies to the wretched captive, breaks his bonds-knows him and embraces him with transports of joy.-It was Ouabi.

This brave savage had preferred the lofs of his life to that of his liberry. He was scarcely cured of his wounds, when life was offered him, on condition of remaining a slave; but he had chosen death, determined to procure it if refused to him. The Iroquois were a people that would spare him that trouble; and one moment later his com panions could not have saved him.

. After having dispersed, or made slaves of the remains of the Iroquois in that quarter, the Huron army marched home. St. Castins wanted to give up the command of it to Ouabi, which he refused. On the way, he informed him of Azakia's purpose to die, persuaded that he was not alive, and that he had required her to follow him; he acquainted him also of the poison fhe had prepared on that account, and of the delay he had obtained from her with great difficulty. He spoke with a tenderness and emotion that deeply affected the good Ouabi, who called to mind some things he had not much attended to at the time they happened; but he then let him know nothing of what he intended-They arrive. Azakia, who had another dream, fancied this return as a signal of her fate. But how great was her surprise, to see, among the number of the living, the husband fhe was going to meet in the abode of spirits!

At first she remained motionless and mute; but her joy soon exprefsed itself by lively carefses and long discourses. Ouabi received the one, and interrupted the others, terwards, addrefsing himself to St Castins; "Celario !'


said he, "thou hast saved my life; and, what is still dearer to me, thou hast twice preserved to me Azakia: Shę therefore belongs more to thee than to me ;-I belong to thee myself: See whether he be enough to acquit us both. I yield her to thee through gratitude, but would not have yielded her, to deliver myself from the fire kindled by the Iroquois."

What this discourse made St Castins feel, is hard to be exprefsed; not that it seemed so ridiculous and strange to him, as it might to many Europeans: He knew that divorces were very frequent among the savages. They separate, as easily as they come together. But, persuaded that Azakia could not be yielded up to him without a supernatural effort-he believed himself obliged to evince equal generosity. He refused what he desired most, and refused in vain-Ouabi's perseverance in his resolution was not to be conquered. As to the faithful Azakia, who had been seen to resist all St Castins' attacks, and to refuse surviving the husband, whom she believed to be dead, it might perhaps be expected that fhe would long hold out against the separation her husband had proposed. To this the made not the least objection. She had hitherto complied only with her duty; and thought she was free to listen to her inclination, since Ouabi required it of her. The pieces of the rod of union were brought forth, put together, and burnt. Ouabi and Azakia embraced each other for the last time, and, from that moment, the young and beautiful Huron was reinstated in all the rights of a maiden. It is also said, that, by the help of some missionaries, St Castins put her in a condition of becoming his wife according to the rules prescribed to christians. Quabi on his side, broke the rod with young Zisma; and these two marriages, so different in the form, were equally happy. Each husband, well afsured that there were no competi tors, forgot that there had been any predecessors,


Machine for making candles.
Der making

BRITAIN is daily making improvements in arts by means of machinery; there are still greater inducements for exertions in this line in America, as labour is there extremely dear in proportion to the necefsaries of life. A manufacturer in Philadelphia has lately announced an invention of his own, by which, with the assistance of an apparatus adapted for the purpose, one person can make as many candles as ten could do in the ordinary way. He does not explain either the principle, or any circumstance respecting this machine, that can lead to a discovery of its nature, contenting himself with barely announcing these particulars.

Many are the arts that still remain to be perfected in Britain, by means of machinery; and it is not to be doubted, but ingenious men will turn their attention to that subject, and gradually perfect them in that way. Among these, it may not be improper to mention two manufactures in particular, that seem to be peculiarly susceptible of improvement by machinery, viz. type-founding and paper-making. At present, the method of casting types in single letters at a time, by the hand, is a slow, awkward, expensive, and unwholesome process; and there can be no doubt but a machine might be contrived to lift the metal, pour it out, give the jerk necessary in the process, and shake out the types with much more steadinefs, accuracy, and precision, than it can be done at present. This will be said to be impossible, till it be actually done.

Acknowledgements to correspondents deferred till our next.








For a better mode of victualling the navy in warm climates, applicable also to East India fhips, and containing many hints for curing provisions in Europe, by captain Forrest of the navy*: WHEN I consider the uncomfortable manner in which seamen on board men of war often live in India, where I have resided many years, and have made above twenty country voyages, compared with the manner in which the same expence the nation is at to maintain them might enable them to live, I hope the following remarks will be attended to.

I chiefly condemn the improper mode of preserving beef and pork, not only in East India, but in Europe, and what immediately follows that improper mode, and seems inseparable from it, and linked to it, the improper mode of drefsing the same, simply boiling, how widely different from the manner in which the country black sailors, called lascars, live in India, many of whom are daily seen in the streets of London.

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*This important paper was communicated to the Editor, by a gentleman who is ever attentive to promote the welfare of his country.

In my first voyages in country ships, I always made a remark, the European sailors (generally one to five lascars, and who go under the name of quarter-masters,) are victualled as sailors are in Europe, that is, they have salt beef and pork, and rice instead of bread, sometimes Bengal biscuit; but good cargo rice, as it is called, and of which the lascars are allowed about two pounds per day, is never refused them, and it is served to them hot, twice aday, at eight in the morning and five in the evening.

The remark that I never failed to make was, that these Europeans, with a kind of discontent, took notice that the blacks lived better than they; but the lascars did not cost in victualling above one half of what was laid out to victual the Europeans, when European salt meats were purchased.

The lascars allowance was plain rice, doll, a kind of vetch, two pounds of gee (butter) per month, and one rupee fifh money; with which (and no doubt part of their own eight rupees per month pay, of which, on voyages, they have two, three, or four months adyance, according to its expected length) they lay in a stock of articles, which an European would hardly think of, and many of which they would despise, not knowing their value.

The Europeans had beef and pork full allowance; in this there was a sameness. It could not be dressed but in one way, as already observed, (boiling,) and I am persuaded, their exercise being but small, it was unhealthy food, and not fit for a hot country, more especially if the crew is sickly.

Latterly I altered my mode of victualling the Eu ropeans. The beef and pork I carried to sea with me,

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