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sefs the handsomest woman in Venice? Has the not beauty, wit, vivacity,-in a word, all the accomplishments which please me in Nina ?" The passionate, delicate lover, the honest man, and the christian, were all roused in him.

When the lady who had been invited, complimented her friend on the entertainment, which was very elegant, the senator, with the greatest satisfaction, heard his wife reply "that whatever pleasure the found in receiving her as the merited, she could not but own, her husband had the greatest fhare in her endeavours to make it agreeable, hoping at the same time, both were satisfied." She besought her

to pardon this avowal, which was rendered excusable by so long an absence as the senator had made her endure, and the sentiments fhe now entertained. She saw her husband's happy situation; fhe had too much interest in the discovery, to let it escape her.

She seized this opportunity to present his children to him, whose education had been committed to the care of an accomplished governess, and who had dined in a separate apartment. Their natural tenderness, and the instructions they had received, previous to this interview, made them run into the arms of their father, who gave them an equally cordial reception. His wife, who did not omit one afsiduity or politeness, as if he had feared lest their fondness fhould be troublesome to her husband, ordered them to retire. The senator, who penetrated into the motive of her giving that order, said, in a tender tone of voice," why do force them to leave me thus? You cannot surely suppose I have any repugnance at seeing them." This answer, which inspired the two ladies who were present at this moving scene, with hopes that the love of his children would arouse in him that which he had formerly had for his wife, forced them to let fall some tears which they could not refrain.


well satisfied and tranquil : He gave ansv of his wife's questions, without any appa His business requiring him to go out soon, of the two ladies, and having embraced he, with the like complaisance, kissed hi astonishment of both. when he would return.

This prompted After having mus

said, in the evening. The joy this answe was so great, that she fell into the arms o swoon. The two witnesses of this affec wept afresh, and the senator, as soon as his vered, took his leave a second time, givin squeeze by the hand. He kept his word home early. His wife now, not satisfied the courtezan, endeavoured to the utmost out-do her, and her husband gave her the affection as he had the day before given to he who but a few hours before, would ha whole life an entire sacrifice to his mistress, nothing but the fond carefses of an afsiduous

Nina, surprised that a day had elapsed him, was so uneasy, that the sent to him morning, to desire his company as soon as p pleasure he received from the reconciliation was so great, that this message was absolutel remind him that such a woman as Nina ex however, firmly determined to put a final commerce, he ordered the emissary of the cou her mistress, that he would go to her imme soon as he was dressed, he repaired to her ho

When the usual carefses were over, he perceived fhe wore the bracelet which had for a long time adorned his wife's arm;-surprised at seeing it in the possession of another, he afked who had made her that present? "A female magician," replied the, "who with all her cunning, has not found out the way of making herself beloved. I have the greatest reason to think that this ornament entails misfortune on all its wearers; I begin to feel it; I did not see you all day yesterday, and you receive to-day the marks of my love with an unwonted coldnefs." The senator played her to be serious, and to own by what means the came by that bracelet. She contented herself with saying, that she received it from an unknown lady, as a recompence for some advice she gave her, not thinking proper to tell him how she had acquired it, fearing lest he should take umbrage at her complaisance to an incognita, in making her a witnefs of his behaviour while he was at her house. "No

thing," said the, "fhall ever make me reject the idea I have conceived of the fatal power I attribute to it; I am even ready to part with it."

The senator, pretending to believe these were her real sentiments, prefsed her to give him the preference over all those to whom she would chuse to give it. "From this moment it is yours," said fhe, presenting it to him. He accepted it, and having but a small sum of money about him, he gave her his note for its value, thinking to trace the bottom of this adventure, by his wife's sincerity. A pretended indisposition served him as an excuse for reti ring. He staid only an hour with Nina, and during his visit he did all he could to hinder her from being certain of her approaching misfortune. He at length quitted her, resolving to see her as seldom as possible.

He returned home immediately, and found all the charms of Nina, in his wife, who confefsed to him by what ac VOL. Vii.


and the great regret the lofs of him had

sent the money that night, for which he ha to Nina in the morning; and from that ti from his visits. When he saw her by acci cast look and apparent grief only reminded rows his wife had experienced before he

Our happy pair continued to live in love the end of their days, and heaven crown with five more children, who, like the forme to inherit their parent's virtue.


Naval affairs.

ACCIDENT frequently gives birth to disco highest importance; and it often happens very obscure stations in life, are pofsefsed o branches of knowledge, which the keenest philosophy have not been able to discover. of this kind occurred some time ago, that o niversally known among all the people of a surrounded and intersected by seas, as ours is

A vefsel having sprung a leak in the At which admitted more water than could be v pumps, the master and men, to the number of obliged to betake themselves in haste to t small Norway fkiff, and abandon themselves t of the waves in that hazardous vehicle. The ed about for some time, in the most immin every wave seeming to threaten their utter de but were providentially preserved. They all wa

ther for many hours; but at length it was necefsary to take some repose. For this purpose the boat's company was divided into two parties; the master at the head of the one, and the mate at that of the other; which were to keep watch by turns. During the time the mate was asleep, the master observed a line, or small rope, hanging over the stern of the boat. Thinking this had fallen ove by accident, and that it would retard the motion of the boat, he pulled it in. At this time the sea was still much agitated; but the boat went through the water with tolerable ease, and seeming .safety. Bye and bye, however, the storm appeared to increase, the sea became more boisterous, the waves broke upon the little skiff, and they were every moment in danger of being swallowed up. In the agitation and bustle which this occasioned, the mate was awakened; and seeing the rope away from the stern, he flew into a violent pafsion, thinking it had been, by the carelessness of some person, allowed to slip overboard entirely. Being informed of the truth, and seeing the line, he instantly seized it, and threw it out behind the vessel, taking care to fix one end of it very securely to the boat. The other men could not comprehend the meaning of all this; but, to their agreeable surprise, they found, that in a few minutes, the sea ran more smooth than before, and the little fkiff bounded over its surface in a much more easy manner than they had just experienced.

The mate then told them, that he himself being a Norwegian, had been bred up as a fisherman on the coast of Norway, and had often experienced the salutary effects of this contrivance. Every person on that coast, he said, knew its effects perfectly, so that no boat ever goes to sea there, without a piece of spare line for that purpose, as it has been found, by many trials, that in case of a

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