ther they think proper to open their doors. do Do you, sir, I believe believe that all mankind will be saved ?” Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men; that, by the grace of God, he tasted death for every man; that he is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world; and that God was, in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing unto them their trespasses. "Well, and you believe that all are saved ?" Not as unbelievers; they, who believe not, are damned. "How then are they interested in Jesus ?" Precisely as they were in the first Adam. "But all are not interested in Jesus, as they were in the first Adam." How then doth it appear that as by the offence of one man, judgment came upon all men to condemnation, so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men to justification ? “And do you, sir, believe, that in consequence of this, all will finally be happy ?" Do you, sir, believe all who learn of the Father will be happy? "O, yes." And do you believe all will ye taught of God, and come to Jesus, and be saved? "No, indeed." Do ministers in general believe this?"No, we know they do not." Why then do they pray for it? Do they not pray, that God would hasten the happy time, when he shall bring in his ancient people, the Jews, and with them the fulness of the gentiles; that all the kingdoms of the world may become the kingdoms of God and of his Christ; that they may all be taught of God, from the least unto the greatest? For this, and much more, clergymen repeatedly pray; and can we suppose they are dealing hypocritically with their God? are they such monsters of impiety, as to solicit for what they believe the Almighty had determined, before the foundation of the world, he would never grant? A profound pause succeeded; after which I was asked, "Do you, sir, believe the New Birth is in us, or in Christ " He who is born of God sinneth not. But if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. He, who is born of God, is a new creature; all old things are passed away, and all things are become new; a good man, out of the good treasury of his heart, bringeth not forth good and evil, but good, only good.' I conceive, therefore, that to be born again, or, as it may be rendered, to be born anew, or born from above, alludes to the birth of the human family in the person of Christ Jesus, we being members of his body. Hence the sacred record decidedly pronounces, created anew in Christ Jesus. "Well, that is scripture, to be sure." Are we Christ Jesus? "No, certainly." Then, can being created anew in Christ Jesus, be understood as being created anew in ourselves? A part of the company discovered great bitterness; others were more calm. I requested them to observe, that, if they reported me as a heretic, they must remember they smote me through Paul's skirts, for I had delivered no sentiments of my own fabrication; I had merely rehearsed in their ears the unadulterated language of revelation: I therefore begged I might be honestly reported. One gentleman declared, that whether I deemed it honest or not, he should report me as a heretic. I then insisted, he should declare what heresy was. He said, I was against the gospel. I requested he would say what the gospel was. He replied, it was whatever was found in the New Testament. I appealed to the company, whether this was either fair, or true? whether there were not many particulars in the New Testament, which were not gospel? and whether the gospel was not preached to Abraham ? or whether the gospel was not God's good sayings, or glad tidings to all people? Whether I had said any thing contrary to this, or proposed any way of salvation, beside Christ Jesus? whether I had privily strove to bring in such a damnable doctrine, as to deny the Lord who bought them? or They were all dumb. At length Mr. Snow said: "Well, my friends, you know the reason of my calling you together, and you can now determine respecting Mr. Murray's again entering our pulpit. I would have you freely deliver your sentiments." One said, the people wished to hear, and there was no house so convenient as theirs; he could see no reason why I should not preach. Another objected. His conscience would not allow him to consent. A third remarked, the people would go to hear me, preach where I would; suppose I was wrong, I could not contaminate the house; for his part, he did not see that I had said any thing, which had been proved erroneous; that he most devoutly blessed God he had been present, for he had received more light, than he had ever before enjoyed; and many united their acknowledgments with his. I assured them, it was my solemn determination to preach nothing but Christ Jesus, and him crucified for every human being. Finally, they determined to open their doors for my reception: and thus, by permission of minister and people, I again and again addressed a vast multitude from the pulpit of the Rev. Mr. Snow, of Providence, and my bearers appeared serious and attentive. During my continuance in Providence, I became acquainted with Doctor Huse of that place, a very uncom mon man, and, as it appeared to me, of a very luminous intellect. Bidding me God speed, he added: "Sir, I rejoice, that you dare be honest; how long you will continue so, I know not. At present you are boldly facing danger, and without fear. Continue, I beseech you, to declare unmixed truth, although all men should be against you." JEPTHAH'S Vow. It has been supposed from Judges xi. 31-39, that Jepthah sacrificed his daughter, and offered her as a burnt-offering to God. Although Josephus, and many commentators after him, are of opinion that Jepthah did really immolate his daughter, the probability is, that she was not sacrificed. This will appear from the rendering of the conversive particle, (vau,) which the preceding considerations require to be taken disjunctively, and translated or instead of and. "And Jeptḥah vowed a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou wilt surely give the children of Ammon into my hands, then it shall be, that whosoever cometh out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall either be the Lord's, OR I will offer it up for a *bnrnt-offering." What further confirms this rendering is, that Jepthah's rashness had time to cool, as his daughter went two months to bewail her virginity; that is, her consecration to God, which obliged her to remain single, without posterity. It is further said, that she went to bewail her virginity, not her sacrifice. Besides, the Israelitish women went four times in every year to mourn, or talk with (not for) the daughter of Jepthah, to lament her seclusion from the world, and the hardship of her situation as cut off from every domestic enjoyment. Now, if in the course of two months, no person could have suggested to Jepthah a ransom for his daughter, yet surely she must have been alive, though dead to him and his family, (as his only child,) and to the world by her seclusion, if the Israelitish women went to condole with her. It is further worthy of remark, that it is not afterwards said, that he actually sacrificed her, but that "he did with her according to his vow." The sacred historian subjoins, she knew no man if she were sacrificed, this remark is frivolous; but if she were devoted to perpetual virginity, this idea coincides with the visits of the Israelitish women. On the whole, we may safely conclude, that Jepthah's daughter was not sacrificed, but consecrated to a state of celibacy. See Horne's Introduction, &c. Vol. I. p. 564. Zion's Herald. ASSEMBLY'S CATECHISM, alias PRESBYTERIANISM, versus SCRIPTURE. Creed.-Adam entailed on himself and all his posterity, the miseries of this life, death itself, and the pains of hell forever. Scripture. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, nor the father the iniquity of the son. Every one shall die for his own sins. Death has passed upon all men, for that (because) all have sinned. Creed.-Now by the decree of God, for the manifes tation of his own glory, some men and angels are predestinated to eternal life, and others foreordained to everlasting death. Scripture. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. The Son of man is come to save that which was lost. We trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially them that believe. The Lord is not slack concerning his promises, as some men count slackness, but is long suffering to us ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. [How then could he ordain that they should not?] Who [God] will have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth: For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. |