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I would fain hear from my good cousin Coniers. We have word now, that the Emperor cometh down into Flanders the 29th of May.

If I can get leave of my lord ambassador, surely, Edward, I will come home at Michaelmas.

Commend me to all Johannenses, and leave none out; Mr. Pember, Mr. Barwick, good Mr. Dr. Haddon, John Scarlett and his wife, and my good hostess Barnes, whom I cannot forget to all at Wittam.

I write this letter by piece-meals; and this is the first letter you have had from me since Candlemas. Burn this letter. Valete in Christo.-From Augsburg, 14 Maii, 1551.

R. A.

PS. Because this paper is void, I cannot leave talking with you.

Magdeburg, as it is said, hath given within these thirteen days a great overthrow and slaughter to Mauritius. They say that the marquis of Brandenburgh's planta pedis is smitten off with a gun by them of Magdeburg. They have_gotten into the town many waggons laden with victuals. They have ploughed up all the gardens, and sown wheat in them: they have taken up the stones in the streets throughout all the town, and sown wheat in the streets, leaving only a little space to pass from house to house; and it is said there is as goodly wheat in the city as ever grew. This will be both a great help, but chiefly it keepeth the people from idleness. I hear also, that Consules Magdeburgenses be desired by Mauritius to come to Wittemberg, to talk of conditions of peace. God send peace, but peace in Christ.

I would be glad to have a letter from Mr. Dr. Maden, and so tell him. Tell Henry Stiland, that I am well acquainted with Andreas Vesalius, that noble physician, and, as Vahan saith, the best physician in the world, because he gives him pitcher-meat enough. I was never sick, thanked be God, since I came out of England. I pray you make Dr. Blithe partaker of this news of Andrew Doria's and Magdeburg, for he is a man whom I always esteemed.

If my lady of Suffolk be at Cambridge, know if my lord ambassador's son, little Mr. Charles Morisin, be there; and let not, Edward, but go and see him; and I pray you write diligently to me of him: and if he were not so young, I would ye should bring him to my chamber, and show the child

some pleasure; at least offer to do it for my sake. Write of his growing, of his wit, of his colour, &c.; for it is a good thing to please a mother well.

Keep these letters secret; show them but by piece-meal : yet, Edward, enquire of him wisely, lest my lady of Suffolk suspect it is done to prove how he is handled: and therefore write to me accordingly to this purpose of the child. But I need not warn you: ye can do me no greater pleasure, for divers causes.

Ye see, Edward, how with many pens, and divers inks, and sundry times, I write this letter. I trust my will to write shall match the marrs I make in it. I shall be sorry if I hear that Washington is gone from Cambridge, and glad to hear tell that S. Wright, by diligence, came to that prick, whereunto his goodly wit doth call him. I send my letters to my brother and cousin Coniers open to you, that ye may both see news, &c. largely told, and also learn to lap up a letter.

The French secretary told me this day, that there are news that duke Maurice himself is smitten with a gun: but there is no certainty.

Ye see, Edward, how glad I am to talk with you, and loth to depart from you, and therefore how confusedly xaì où di oinovouías I chop in things as they come.

Good Thomas Leaver only hath not deceived me, but written to me diligently. I will requite him, God willing.

Seal your letters up well, Edward, or else they will be read many times ere they come hither. Make your packet of letters like a pack of cards; but keep the same proportion as I do in my letters.

At the closing up of these letters, word was brought, that the prince of Spain, which as to-morrow should have gone into Italy, and so per mare Mediter. into Spain, is this day fallen sore sick of a phrenesis; that he was twice this day let blood. Yesterday my lord was with him, and bade him fare-, well; and then I saw him in his privy-chamber.

I purpose within these seven days by the next post to write again to you, God willing. Now I bid you farewell in Christ, good Edward; for my paper is spent, and it is almost midnight, and to-morrow I write all day to the council. Saluta omnes. Show Edward Antrell some of this news. R. A.

-From Augsburg, 18 Maii, 1551.



S. P. in Christo Jesu.

My good Mr. Raven and Ireland,

I MARVEL not a little the cause of your silence, and that so many letters cannot deserve one word again. I have written, that Mr. Stephen Hales, in the White Friars in London, can readily convey your letters. I would fain know the state of Cambridge, and my affairs there, and especially how my friends do. I cannot think so on you, that you have forgot me. I measure your good-will towards me by mine towards you. I would hear of all, and namely of Mr. Maden and his house, Mr. Pember, Mr. Haddon, Mr. Barwick, &c.

The Turk is in Hungary with two hosts; the one on one side Danubius, and the other on the other side; 3000 horsemen in either: his navy of galleys at Mileta Ínsula, where St. Paul was cast up, Acts, ch. 28.

The French give the bishop of Rome's men great overthrows at Parma and Mirandola.

The Emperor, 27 Augusti, hath banished the preachers protestant of Augsburg the whole empire. They were ten preachers, that all went hence the 28th of August. This day schoolmasters are called before the council.

I have written at large to Mr. Leaver, for he only hath written to me; and yet I would have written at large to you, if I had leisure; for I neither can nor will forget you, whatsoever unkindness I find in you. Yet I do not think it unkindness, but rather some just stop that ye have. As for you, Ireland, ye have been but a little while at home; and I know ye be slow to write of old; therefore I can better excuse you. As for my Edward Raven, I know there is just occasion, or else I had had letters ere this.

My lord is merry, and one that doth God and his prince as good service as ever did ambassador. Mr. Wotton cometh home, and we tarry; and methinks I know what your Papists at home have talked of that matter.

I beseech you, leave not Cambridge for none occasion. I never loved it so well as I do at this day. I am a great man in Demosthenes, and I trust to make him better acquainted with Cambridge than he is there


Keep my chamber, books, and stuff well. I would gladly hear that Richard Asteley did well. Farewell in Christ. With haste, the last of August, 1551.



S. P. in Christo Jesu.

IF I should as often have written to you, as I have remembered that good fellowship and my duty bound, and my good-will bent to every one of you, ye should receive every day letters from me.

Of my journey I wrote plentifully unto you all, and since oft to Mr. Raven of matters here, and also to Mr. Leaver, which ye read, as I guess, in Stourbridge fair time. That honest company and quiet abiding I daily remember, and wish me often among you, and if it were but a problem firetime; not because I wish me from hence, being with so good a lord and lady, but for the good-will I owe to the house, to you all and every one. I take pleasure in writing this letter, that is, in talking with you, in being at home for a while in St. John's, from whence my heart can never be absent. How glad I would be of two words from any of that house, none of you doth feel, that hath not been in like place. I never heard from Cambridge yet. I am content to put the fault on carriage, and do not mistrust your friendships: Mr. Leaver, of all the rest, either is more friendly or more happy to me. I have two long letters from him.

Because the Emperor goeth from Augsburg this next week towards Inspruck, called in Latin Enopons, at the foot of the Alps, and after, we think, to Milan, and so perchance to Naples and Sicily, if the French do not trouble our journey therefore I thought to write in few words, as leisure, which is little, will give me leave.

The Turk cometh in with might and main by land and

sea. His quarrel by land into Hungary is this. Being three kings in Hungary, the Turk chief, next Ferdinand, the third Joannes Vaivoda, king of Transylvania, which is tributary to the Turk. Joannes Vaivoda is dead, leaving a young prince to be ruled by the queen his mother, and two governors. The one is called Fra. George, a friar, a bishop, a papist, and therefore this last day made a cardinal. He is wise in council, and hardy in war. The other is called Pctrovitz, a count, a wise and worthy gentleman, and one that favoureth God's word truly. Fra. George hath laboured secretly this twelvemonth to make Ferdinand king of Transylvania; so that the young prince Vaivoda be provided for honourably in another place easier for him to maintain. The queen and count Petrovitz did not incline at the first to Ferdinand, loth to fall out with the Turk, which doth keep his promise most firmly where he doth make it, and doth revenge most cruelly him that doth break it. The Turk per◄ ceived this practice all the year, and therefore laboured the queen not to break with him, promising her aid and help, as to his tributary, against all persons that would do the young king wrong. At the last, Fra. George hath brought the queen and count Petrovitz to Ferdinand's mind, and came all three to the king with all their power. This done, soldiers were gathered on both sides. The Basha of Buda (look where Buda stands in your map of Danubius) was the Turk's general for a while. He came this summer within six Dutch miles of Vienna, and gave the Hungarians a foul overthrow. He killed a great sort; for of five ensigns that went from home with Ferdinand, there returned home but fifty persons; and he carried into Turkey with him 7000 Christian souls, men, women, and children; for they bid no better bout than to carry men away: they ransom few, but kill or carry away all. Ferdinand's side, after this, gave the Turks an overthrow; so that much cruelty hath been used on both sides. A noble gentleman of Ferdinand's court, which hath served stoutly against the Turks, was taken and brought to the Basha of Buda. Great ransom was proffered, but none received. Certain great dogs were kept hungry, and after many spites and villanies done to the gentleman in prison, he was brought forth, and tormentors appointed did cut gobbets of flesh from his body, even there where the villany should grieve him more than the pain, and did cast these gobbets so cut to the dogs, that ate them in the gentleman's

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