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hath brought it to such a perfectness, that there is no on thing so profitable belonging to artillery, either to strike man's enemy sorer in war, or to shoot nearer the mark a home, than is a fit head for both purposes. For if a sha lack a head, it is worth nothing for neither use. Therefore seeing heads be so necessary, they must of necessity be wel looked upon. Heads for war, of long time hath been made hot only of divers matters, but also of divers fashions. Th Trojans had heads of iron, as this verse, spoken of Panda rus, showeth :

Up to the pap his string did he pull, his shaft to the hard iron.

The Grecians had heads of brass, as Ulysses' shafts were headed, when he slew Antoninus and the other wooers o Penelope.

Quite through a door flew a shaft with a brass head.

It is plain in Homer, where Menelaus was wounded of Pandarus's shafts, that the heads were not glued on, but tied on with a string, as the commentaries in Greek plainly tell. And therefore, shooters, at that time, used to carry their shafts without heads, until they occupied them, and then set on a head; as it appeareth in Homer, the twenty-first book of the Odyssey, where Penelope brought Ulysses' bow down amongst the gentlemen which came on wooing to her, that he which was able to bend it and draw it might enjoy her; and after her followed a maid, saith Homer, carrying a bag full of heads, both of iron and brass.

The men of Scythia used heads of brass. The men of India used heads of iron. The Ethiopians used heads of hard sharp stone, as both Herodotus and Pollux doth tell. The Germans, as Cornelius Tacitus doth say, had their shafts headed with bone; and many countries, both of old time and now, use heads of horn. But, of all other, iron and steel must needs be the fittest for heads. Julius Pollux calleth otherwise than we do, where the feathers be the head, and that which we call the head, he calleth the point.

Fashion of heads is divers, and that of old time: two manner of arrows' heads, saith Pollux, was used in old time. The one he calleth yxos, describing it thus, having two points or barbs, looking backward to the stele and the fea

thers, which surely we call in English a broad arrow head, or a swallow tail. The other he calleth yw's, having two points stretching forward, and this Englishmen do call a fork head: both these two kinds of heads were used in Homer's days; for Teucer used forked heads, saying thus to Aga


Eight good shafts have I shot sith I came, each one with a fork head.

Pandarus's heads and Ulysses' heads were broad arrow heads, as a man may learn in Homer, that would be curious in knowing that matter. Hercules used forked heads, but yet they had three points or forks, when other men's had but two. The Parthians at that great battle where they slew rich Crassus and his son, used broad arrow heads, which stuck so sore that the Romans could not pull them out again. Commodus the Emperor used forked heads, whose fashion Herodian doth lively and naturally describe, saying, that they were like the shape of a new moon, wherewith he would smite the head of a bird, and never miss: other fashion of heads have not I read on. Our English heads be better in war than either forked heads or broad arrow heads. For first, the end being lighter, they fly a great deal the faster, and, by the same reason, giveth a far sorer stripe. Yea, and I suppose, if the same little barbs which they have were clean put away, they should be far better. For this every man doth grant, that a shaft, as long as it flieth, * turns, and when it leaveth turning, it leaveth going any further. And every thing that enters by a turning and boring fashion, the more flatter it is, the worse it enters; as a knife, though it be sharp, yet, because of the edges, will not bore so well as a bodkin, for every round thing enters best; and therefore nature, saith Aristotle, made the rain-drops round, for quick piercing the air. Thus, either shafts turn not in flying, or else our flat arrow heads stop the shaft in entering.

Phi. But yet, Toxophilus, to hold your communication a little, I suppose the flat head is better, both because it maketh a greater hole, and also because it sticks faster in.

* If it be true, as I believe it is, that a shaft turns round in flying, it is not true that triangular shafts are good for piercing, as has been said by the author, nor that Commodus could intercept the neck of a bird between the two points of a half-moon.

Tox. These two reasons, as they be both true, so they be both naught. For first, the less hole, if it be deep, is the worse to heal again: when a man shooteth at his enemy, he desireth rather that it should enter far, than stick fast. For what remedy is it, I pray you, for him that is smitten with a deep wound, to pull out the shaft quickly, except it be to haste his death speedily? Thus heads which make a little hole and deep, be better in war, than those which make a great hole and stick fast in. Julius Pollux maketh mention of certain kinds of heads for war, which bear fire in them, and Scripture also speaketh somewhat of the same. Herodotus doth tell a wonderful policy to be done by Xerxes, what time he besieged the great tower in Athens: he made his archers bind their shaft heads about with tow, and then set it on fire and shoot them; which thing done by many archers, set all the place on fire, which were of matter to burn; and, besides that, dazed the men within, so that they knew not whither to turn them. But, to make an end of all heads for war, I would wish that the head-makers of England should make their sheaf-arrow heads more harder pointed than they be: for I myself have seen of late such heads set upon sheaf-arrows, as the officers, if they had seen them, would not have been content withal.

Now as concerning heads for pricking, which is our purpose, there be divers kinds; some be blunt heads, some sharp, some both blunt and sharp. The blunt heads men use, because they perceive them to be good to keep a length withal; they keep a good length, because a man pulleth them no further at one time than at another; for in feeling the plump end always equally, he may loose them. Yet, in a wind, and against the wind, the weather hath so much power on the broad end, that no man can keep no sure length with such a head; therefore a blùnt head, in a calm or down a wind, is very good, otherwise none worse. Sharp heads at the end, without any shoulders, (I call that the shoulders in a head which a man's finger shall feel before it comes to the point,) will perch quickly through a wind; but yet it hath two discommodities; the one that it will keep no length, it keepeth no length, because no man can pull it certainly as far at one time as at another: it is not drawn certainly so far one time as at another, because it lacketh shouldering, wherewith, as with a sure token, a man might be warned when to loose; and also because men are afraid

of the sharp point for setting it in the bow. The second incommodity is, when it is lighted on the ground, the small point shall every time be in jeopardy of hurting, which thing, of all other, will soonest make the shaft lose the length. Now, when blunt heads be good to keep a length withal, yet naught for a wind; sharp heads good to perch the weather withal, yet naught for a length; certain headmakers dwelling in London, perceiving the commodity of both kinds of heads joined with a discommodity, invented new files and other instruments, wherewith they brought heads for pricking to such a perfectness, that all the commodities of the two other heads should be put into one head, without any discommodity at all. They made a certain kind of heads, which men call high-rigged, creased, or shouldered heads, or silver-spoon heads, for a certain likeness that such heads have with the knob end of some silver spoons. These heads be good both to keep a length withal, and also to perch a wind withal. To keep a length withal, because a man may certainly pull it to the shouldering every shot, and no further; to perch a wind withal, because the point, from the shoulder forward, breaketh the weather, as all other sharp things do. So the blunt shoulder serveth for a sure length keeping, the point also is ever fit for a rough and great weather piercing. And thus much, as shortly as I could, as concerning heads both for war and peace.

Phi. But is there no cunning as concerning setting on of the head?

Tox. Well remembered. But that point belongeth to fletchers; yet you may desire him to set your head full on, and close on. Full on, is when the wood is beat hard up to the end or stopping of the head; close on, is when there is left wood on every side the shaft enough to fill the head withal, or when it is neither too little nor yet too great. If there be any fault in any of these points, the head, when it lighteth on a hard stone, or ground, will be in jeopardy, either of breaking, or else otherwise hurting. Stopping of heads, either with lead or any thing else, shall not need now, because every silver spoon, or shouldered head, is stopped of itself. Short heads be better than long: for first, the long head is worse for the maker to file straight compass every way; again, it is worse for the fletcher to set straight on; thirdly, it is always in more jeopardy of breaking when it is

on. And now, I trow, Philologus, we have done as co cerning all instruments belonging to shooting, which eve sere archer ought to provide for himself. And there remaine two things behind, which be general or common to eve man, the weather and the mark; but, because they_be knit with shooting straight, or keeping of a length, I wi refer them to that place; and now we will come (God wil ing) to handle our instruments, the thing that every man dễ sireth to do well.

Phi. If you teach me so well to handle the instruments a you have described them, I suppose I shall be an archer goo enough.

Tox. To learn any thing, (as you know better than I Philologus,) and especially to do a thing with a man's hands must be done, if a man would be excellent, in his youth Young trees in gardens, which lack all senses, and "beast without reason, when they be young, may, with handling and teaching, be brought to wonderful things.

And this is not only true in natural things, but in artificia things too; as the potter most cunningly doth cast his pot when his clay is soft and workable, and wax taketh prin when it is warm, and leathie weak, not when clay and wa be hard and old: and even so, every man in his youth, both with wit and body, is most apt and pliable to receive any cun ning that should be taught him.

This communication of teaching youth, maketh me re member the right worshipful, and my singular good master Sir Humphrey Wingfield, to whom, next God, I ought to refer, for his manifold benefits bestowed on me, the poor talent of learning which God hath lent me; and for his sake do I owe my service to all other of the name and noble house of the Wingfields, both in word and deed. This worshipful man hath ever loved and used to have many children brought up in learning in his house, amongst whom I myself was one. For whom at term-times he would bring down from London both bow and shafts; and, when they should play, he would go with them himself into the field, and see them shoot; and he that shot fairest, should have the best bow and shafts; and he that shot ill-favouredly, should be mocked of his fellows, till he shot better.

Would to God all England had used, or would use, to lay the foundation, after the example of this worshipful man, in

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