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Le chef-lieu est la ville principale d'un département ou d'une province. L'arc-en-ciel annonce ordinairement la fin d'un orage. La chauve-souris reste endormie pendant le jour, et ne s'éveille qu'après le coucher du soleil. Ce tableau est un chef-d'œuvre. Ce bas-relief est très remarquable. La troupe qui couvre le front d'une armée s'appelle l'avant-garde, celle qui ferme la marche s'appelle l'arrière-garde. L'oiseau-mouche ne vit que dans les pays chauds. Le martin-pêcheur est un oiseau d'Europe au plumage très éclatant. L'hôtel-Dieu est un refuge ouvert aux pauvres malades. Cette plate-bande est ornée d'un joli pied-d'alouette.

Idiomatic use of Être

1. Être is often used for appartenir, to belong. Ex.: Ce livre est à mon frère; ce cahier est à moi.

2. In its compound tenses it can be used for aller, to go. Ex.: 11 a été à Paris, he went to Paris.

Je fus, j'ai été, followed by an infinitive, are also used for j'allai, je suis allé. Ex.: Loïs fut se cacher sous des touffes de roseaux. J'ai été voir Paul ce matin.

3. Il est is sometimes used as an impersonal verb for il y a. Ex.: Il est des gens qui . . . there are people who . . .

4. The verb être preceded by ce should be used in the plural only when followed by a third person plural. Ex.: C'est nous, messieurs; c'est vous, mesdames; ce sont eux; ce sont elles; ce sont ces messieurs.

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Conjugate this verb fully in the affirmative, negative, interrogative,

and interrogative negative forms.

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La ville de Jérusalem existait-elle alors? Où se tro vait le terrain possédé par les deux frères? les deux frères vivaient-ils ? Leur union fraterne n'était-elle pas bénie de Dieu? Que firent-ils au tem de la moisson? Quelle pensée vint pendant la nuit frère qui n'était pas marié? Que fit-il alors? Q disait pendant ce temps-là à sa femme celui qui éta marié? Que fit-il lui aussi? De quoi les deux frèr furent-ils étonnés, le lendemain matin? Que fit chacu d'eux les nuits suivantes? L'un des deux tas de gerbe ne devenait-il pas plus grand que l'autre? Commer approfondirent-ils le mystère? Que firent plus tard le hommes dans cet endroit agréable à Dieu?



Damon and Pythias were united by the closest and most constant friendship. Pythias, having been sen tenced to death by Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse, asked of him1 permission to visit his country to settle his private affairs, promising to be back in eight days. "I

1 of him lui.

2 Use the article before the noun.

grant you your request," answered the tyrant, "if you leave me somebody willing to die in1 your place, should you fail to come back within the time appointed." Damon did not hesitate to3 pledge himself for his friend. The people admired so much generosity, and anxiously awaited the issue of such an agreement. Meanwhile, the days were passing, and everybody began to fear for the heroic young man who had so generously pledged his life. At last the eighth day came, and the hour arrived at which 5 Damon was handed to the executioner to be put to death, when a cry of enthusiasm suddenly arose from the crowd, and Pythias was seen hastening to the public place, pressing his friend in his arms, and claiming 10 the punishment for himself. Dionysius, moved by 11 such fidelity, pardoned Pythias 12 and requested the two friends 13 to admit him into the bonds of their friendship.



Let the pupils relate in French, without the book, the substance of the reading lesson and translation.

Let them take the first paragraph of the reading lesson, and state how many clauses are contained in each sentence, and what kind of clauses they are.

Let them also turn the following active verbs: possédaient, cultivaient, lièrent, firent, portait, bénirent, choisirent, into the passive voice, changing the rest of the sentence as required.

8 to =

à. 4 Put the article

1 in = à. 2 should you fail = if you fail. before the adjective. 5 at which = où. 6 Put the adverb after the verb. 7 Pythias was seen on vit Pythias. 8, 9, 10 Translate by the infinitive. 11 by = de. 12 to pardon somebody = pardonner à quelqu'un. request.

18 See

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(Flatter thyself, let us flatter ourselves, flatter yourselves)




Conjugate this verb fully in the affirmative, negative, interrogative

and interrogative negative forms.

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