Hope constancy in wind, 470. could never hope too much, 554. deferred, 596.
earthly, how bright so e'er, 463. elevates, 194.
faith and, disagree in, 271. farewell, fear, remorse, 187. final, is flat despair, 182. fooled with, 229. frustrate of his, 210. heavenly, is all serene, 463. high, for a low heaven, 31. in sure and certain, 619. is brightest, 451.
is theirs by fancy fed, 325. is there no, 295.
light of, leave the, 442.
lighthouse looked lovely as, 469. like the gleaming taper, 345. never comes, 178.
never to, again, 73.
no other medicine but only, 25. none without, e'er loved, 321. of all ills that men endure, 174. of all who suffer, 541.
of day, without all, 197. of many nations, 477.
of Troy, Astyanax the, 291. one only, 510. phantoms of, 314. prevail, let not, 376. prisoners of, 606.
repose in trembling, 330. springs eternal, 268. still relies on, 344.
tells a flattering tale, 376.
the charmer, 441.
the dream of those that wake, 242.
thou nurse of young desire, 354. though hope were lost, 374.
to attain her, 11.
to feed on, 13.
to have mercy, 12.
to meet again, 510.
to merit heaven, 471.
to the end, 617.
to write well hereafter, 210.
told a flattering tale, 376. is swift, 71. true,
uncheered by, 468.
we have such, 614. whence this pleasing, 250.
while there's life there 's, 295. white-handed, 199. withering fled, 481.
Hope's perpetual breath, 413.
Hopeless anguish, 312.
fancy feigned, by, 551.
Hopes, airy, my children, 421.
be filled, with better, 396.
Hopes belied our fears, 512. laid waste, 525.
like towering falcons, 241. mortal, defeated, 408. my fondest, decay, 455. of future years, 538. sordid, and vain desires, 446. startled, 247.
stirred up with high, 210. tender leaves of, 73. Horatio, as just a man, 113. in my mind's eye, 103. thrift, thrift, 103. Horatius kept the bridge, 523. Horde, one polished, 490. Horn, blast of that dread, 450. lends his pagan, 285. moon had filled her, 262. of the hunter, 382.
Triton blow his wreathed, 410. voice of that wild, 450. Horrible discord, brayed, 191. imaginings, 90.
Horrid grind, one demd, 558. Horror, nodding, 198.
of falling into naught, 250. of his folded tail, 207. secret dread and inward, 250. Horrors, hail, 179.
on horror's head, 130. supped full with, 100. Horse, call me, 59.
give me another, 71.
gray mare the better, 641. little dearer than his, 548. look a gift, in the mouth, 643. my kingdom for a, 72.
one, was blind, 426. philosophy is a good, 346. scarce would move a, 358. something in a flying, 409. taxed, 428.
that which is now a, 133. trumpet sounds to, 248. Horseback, sits on his, 52. Horse-leech, two daughters, 599. Horsemanship, noble, 61. Horses, between two, 67. Hortensius, his friend, 489. Hose a world too wide, 44. Hospitable thoughts intent, 191. Hospitality, given to, 613.
sitting with gladness, 540.
Host, himself a, 290.
of the Garter, 22.
that led the starry, 188. universal, up sent a shout, 180. ye heavenly, 235.
Hostages to fortune, 137.
Hot and rebellious liquors, 42. cold moist and dry, 185.
Hot haste, mounting in, 473. Hound, hold with the, 649.
or spaniel, 123.
Hour before the worshipped sun peered forth, 77.
bounties of an, 262.
by his dial, 43.
by Shrewsbury clock, 62.
catch the transient, 312.
ever thus from childhood's, 455.
for one short, 554.
friendliest to sleep, 191.
I have had my, 227.
improve each shining, 254.
in a sunny, fall off, 456.
inevitable, await the, 328. lives its little, 516.
luckless, 228.
may lay it in the dust, 472.
now's the day and now 's the, 387.
of blind old Dandolo, 475.
of glorious life, 453.
of that Dundee, 412.
of virtuous liberty, 249. one self-approving, 272. pensioner of an, 262. some wee short, 385. this consecrated, 396. time and the, 90.
to hour we ripe and ripe, 43. torturing, 181, 326.
troublesome insects of the, 351. upon the stage, frets his, 100. watch the, 485.
when God sends a cheerful, 209. when lovers' vows, 482.
with beauty's chain, 460.
wonder of an, 472.
wraps the present, 333.
Hour's talk withal, never spent an, 31. Houris, lying with, 331.
Hours I once enjoyed, peaceful, 364. mournful midnight, 539. of bliss, winged, 442.
of ease, woman in our, 450. set apart for business, 307. seven, to law, 373.
six, in sleep, 10
steal a few, from the night, 458. unheeded flew the, 438.
waked by the circling, 191. wise to talk with our past, 263. House and home, out of, 63. appointed for all living, 590. babe in a, 555.
be divided against itself, 610. Beautiful, 213.
brawling woman in a wide, 597. clouds that loured upon our, 69. dark, and long sleep, 520. daughters of my father's, 50.
House, ill spirit have so fair a, 20. little pleasure in the, 367. man's, his castle, 9. mansions in my Father's, 612. moat defensive to a, 55. nae luck about the, 367.
of every one as his castle, 10.
of feasting, 600.
of mourning, better go to the, 600.
of my friends, 606.
of my God, 593.
of Pindarus, 208.
of prayer, God erects a, 239.
on another man's ground, 22.
one mind in an, 619.
prop of my, 40.
rejects him, fired that the, 280. return no more to his, 589.
set thine, in order, 604. shot mine arrow o'er the, 120. sole daughter of my, 473. this, is to be let for life, 159. to lodge a friend, 245.
you take my, when you take the prop, 40.
Household words, familiar as, 66. Houseless heads, 122. Houses fer asonder, 2.
plague o' both your, 81. seem asleep, 410.
thick and sewers annoy, 194. Housetop, corner of the, 597. Housewife that 's thrifty, 380. How are the mighty failen, 588. art thou fallen, 604. beautiful is night, 424. bitter a thing it is, 46. blest is he, 340.
can man die better, 523. dear to my heart, 464.
divine a thing, 408.
doth the little busy bee, 254.
few themselves in that just mirror
How the style refines, 278. the wit brightens, 278. use doth breed a habit, 21. wags the world, 43. we apples swim, 642. weary stale flat, 102. Howards, blood of all the, 272. Howe'er it be, 547.
Howls along the sky, 337. Hub of the solar system, 545. Huddle up their work, 361. Hue as red as the rosy bed, 542. cuckoo-buds of yellow, 33. flowers of all, 187. love's proper, 194.
of resolution, the native, 111. unto the rainbow, add another, 54.
Hues of bliss, 331.
were born in heaven, 498.
Hug the dear deceit, 310. Ilugged by the old, 513.
by the strumpet wind, 38. the offender, 226.
Huldy all alone, there sot, 566. Ilum, beehive's, 401.
midst the crowd the, 472. no voice or hideous, 207. of either army sounds, 66. of human cities torture, 474. of men, the busy, 205
of mighty workings, 503.
Human, all that is, must retrograde,
Humble, be it ever so, 503.
heart that was, 461. livers in content, 72. Port to imperial Tokay, 320. tranquil spirit, 166. wisdom is, 364. Humbleness, whispering, 37. Humility and modest stillness, 65. is a virtue all preach, 156. pride that apes, 425, 434. that low sweet root, 462. Humorous sadness, wraps me in, 45. sigh, very beadle to a, 32. Humour, career of his, 28.
of it, there's the, 22.
the only test of gravity, 631. void of wit and, 334.
was ever woman in this, won, 70. Humours, in all thy, 252.
turn with climes, 274. Huncamunca's eyes, 307. Hundred and fifty ways, 46.
isles, throned on her, 475. while one might tell a, 103. years are gone, when a, 568.
Hung be the heavens with black, 67.
over her enamoured, 190. with grooms and porters, 550. Hungarian wight, 22. Hunger, if thine enemy,
obliged by, 280.
Hungry as the grave, judges, 279.
lean-faced villain, 27. look, a lean and, 84.
Hunt for a forgotten dream, 406.
in fields for health unbought, 223. it in the dark, 358.
Hunter and the deer a shade, 381, 442. horn of the, 382.
mighty, prey was man, 287. Hunting the devil designed, 226. Hunts in dreams, like a dog, 549. Huntsman his pack, as a, 343. Hurly-burly's done, when the, 89. Hurra for the next that dies, 569. Hurt cannot be much, 81.
of the inside, 217.
past all surgery, 128.
that honour feels, 549.
sweareth to his own, 591.
Hurtles in the darkened air, 330. Husband cools, ne'er answers till a,
frae the wife despises, 384. lover in the, may be lost, 321.
such duty woman oweth to her, 47. truant, should return, 486. Husband's eye, lovely in her. 293. Husbanded and so fathered, 85.
Husbandry, dulls the edge of, 105.
in heaven there's, 93. Hush my dear lie still, 255. Hushed be every thought, 419.
in grim repose, 327. Huswife's wool, tease the, 202. Hut, he made him a, 337.
that dear, our home, 309. Huzzas, loud, 272. Hyacinthine locks, 188.
Hydras and Chimeras dire, 184.
Hymn affords, fineness which a, 161. its low perpetual, 566.
Hyperion to a satyr, 102. Hyperion's curls, 115. Hypocrisy is the homage, 575. Hypocrites, cant of, 322. Hyrean tiger, 97.
Hyssop, from the cedar to the, 520.
I am no orator, 87
am Sir Oracle, 36.
came I saw I conquered, 628. can fly or I can run, 202. care for nobody, 854.
could not love thee dear so much, 172.
do not love thee, Doctor Fell, 240. have nothing, 572.
know not I ask not, 459. love it I love it, 563.
only speak right on, 87. owe much, 572.
Jago, the pity of it, 130. Ice, be thou chaste as, 111.
fortune's, to virtue's land, 221. in June, 470. motionless as, 411. starve in, 184. thick-ribbed, 25.
to smooth the, 54.
Icicle, chaste as the, 76.
Icily regular splendidly null, 554. Icy hands, death lays his, 153. Idea, American, 543.
of her life shall sweetly creep, 29. possess but one, 316. teach the young, 301. Ideas, man of nasty, 247. Ides are come, 86.
of March, beware the, 83. Idiot, tale told by an, 100. Idie as a painted ship, 432.
brain, children of an, 78. hands to do, mischief for, 254. waste of thought, 426. whom the world calls, 351. wild and young, 445.
wind, pass by me as the, 88. wishes, stay in, 382. Idleness, penalties of, 285.
Idleness, polished, frivolous work of, 395.
Idler, busy world an, 361.
is a watch, 357.
Idly spoken, word so, 525. Idolatry, god of my, 79. Idols to the moles, 603. If all the world and love, 13. any speak, 86.
forever still forever, 482. is the only peacemaker, 46. it be now 't is not to come, 120. it were done when 't is done, 91. much virtue in, 46.
she be not so to me, 155. there be or ever were, 134. thy heart fails thee, 15. we do meet again, 89. we should fail, 92 Ignis aurum probat, 152. Ignorance, childish, 512.
distinguished for, 816.
is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise, 326. let me not burst in, 105. mother of devotion, 228, 642, of wealth, best riches, 840. our comfort flows from, 241. sedate in, 312.
Ignorant in spite of experience, 819. of what he's most assured, 25. Ignorantly read, blockhead, 278. Il embellit tout ce qu'il touche, 313. Iliad and Odyssey, 438.
Ilium, topless towers of, 18. Ill, better made by, 401.
blows the wind, 642.
can he rule the great, 12. deeds done, makes, 54.
fares the land, 340.
final goal of 552.
goodness thinks no, 186.
habits gather by unseen degrees, 228.
make themselves strong by, 96. nothing becomes him, 31.
nothing, can dwell in such a tem- ple, 20.
repressing, crowning good, 878 shapes of, 507.
spirit have so fair a house, 20. transmuted, 312.
where no ill seems,
wind turns none to good, 6. Ill-favoured faults, 28.
thing, but mine own, 46. Ill-used ghost, like an, 300. Ills, bear those, we have, 111. betide, resigned when, 809. cure for life's worst. 528. love on through all, 456. flood of mortal, 571.
Ills of life victorious, 834.
that men endure, of all, 174. the scholar's life assail, 311. to come, no sense of, 325. to hastening, a prey, 340. what mighty, 237.
Illumed the eastern skies, 546. lumine, what in me is dark, 178.
Illusion given, for man's, 461.
Illustrious acts high raptures do in- fuse, 175.
predecessor, 348.
spark, the parson, 358.
Ils n'emploient les paroles, 266. Image, cherished thine, 531.
of God in ebony, 212. of good Queen Bess, 513. twofold, we saw a, 423 Imagery appear in figure, 648. Images and precious thoughts, 423. in golden coats like, 60. Imaginary joys, 334.
Imagination, abhorred in my, 119. all compact, are of, 35. bodies forth the forms of things unknown, 35.
can boast, 301.
cold and barren, 348.
comparisons of a disturbed, 352. indebted to his, for his facts, 380. into his study of, 29. of a feast, bare, 55. so fair to fond, 412.
such tricks hath strong, 35. to sweeten my, 123.
trace the noble dust, 119. Imaginations are as foul, 113. Imagining fear in the night, 35. Imaginings, horrible, 90.
Imbower, high over-arched, 179. Imitated humanity so abominably, 112.
Imitates nature, art, 259.
Imitation is the sincerest flattery, 429. Immediate jewel of their souls, 128. Immemorial elms, 551.
Immortal scandals fly, on eagles' wings, 234.
sea, sight of that, 420. song, wanted one, 221. souls, such harmony in, 41. though no more, 472. verse, married to, 205, 423. with a kiss, make me, 18. youth, flourish in, 250. Immortality, born for, 415. longing after, 250. quaff, and joy, 191.
Immortals never appear alone. 435. Immovable, infixed to pine, 184. Imparadised in one another's arms,
Impartial laws were given, 293. Impeachment, own the soft, 378 Impearls on every leaf, 191. Impediment, marched on without, 71. Impediments, admit, 133. in fancy's course, 48.
to great enterprises, 137. Imperceptible water, 513. Imperfect offices of prayer, 421. Imperfections on my head, 107.
pass my, by, 394.
Imperial ensign high advanced, 180. fancy, his, 397.
theme, swelling act of the, 90. Tokay, humble Port to, 320. votaress passed on, 34. Imperious Cæsar dead, 119. Impious in a good man, 264. men bear sway, 250. Implied subjection, 188. Important day, the great the, 249. Importunate, rashly, 514 Importune, too proud to, 331. Imposes an oath, be that, 219. Impossibility, metaphysical, 506. Impossible, because it is, 628. she, that not, 169.
that is not physically, 379. to be cheated, 533.
to be soiled, truth is, 209. what's, can't be, 391.
Impotent conclusion, 127.
Impregns the clouds, 188.
Imprisoned in the viewless winds, 25. wranglers, set free the, 362. Imprisonment, penury and, 26.
Improbable fiction, condemn it as, 51. Improve each moment, 312.
each shining hour, 254. Impulse from a vernal wood, 416. slave of circumstance and, 454. In God is our trust, 491.
omni adversitate, 549.
pace ut sapiens, 368. Inaction, disciplined, 395.
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