Dismal tidings, conveyed the, 341. most almired, 97. sweet, in the dress, 165. Dispaires, comfortlesse, 13. Dispensary, Garth did not write his own, 278. Dispensations and gifts, 217. Disposer of other men's stuff, 143. other men's, 171. my right there is none to, 358. Dissembling nature, 70 Dissension between hearts, 456. Dissipation without pleasure, 355. Dissolve, great globe itself shall, 20. lends enchantment, 441. made more sweet by, 417. Distant prospects please us, 167. Trojaus never injured me, 290. Distemper, of no, diel, 23). in mind body or estate. 618. Distressful bread, crammed with, 63. stroke of my youth, 126. Distrest grief that harass the, 312. Distrusting, heart, 341. Ditch, both fall into the, 609. did hang a salt-fish, 132. Divers paces with divers persons, 45. Divide a hair, distinguishi and, 215. Sunday from the week, 101. Divided against itself, 610. duty, perceive a, 126. in death they were not, 588. we fall, united we stand, 527 Dividends, incarnation of fat, 199. Divi ling, his cares, 400. we fall by, 368. Divina natura dedit agros, 138. Divine, all save the spirit of man is,480. how, womau may be made, 408. to forgive, 278. vision and faculty, 421. Divineness, participation of, 140. Diviner air, 408. Diviner's theme, glad, 222. Do good by stealth, 282. if to, were as easy as to know, 37. it with thy might, 601. what has by man been done, 265. ye even so to them, 608. Dock the tail of rhyme, 545. Doctor, after death the, 161. dismissing the, 391. fee the, 223. Fell, I do not love thee, 240. silent, shook his head, 295. Doctors disagree, when, 275. Doctors of the Stoic fur, 202. INDEX. not for the, but the music, 277. orthodox, prove their, 216. sanctified by truth, 414. Doctrines plain, what makes all, 220. Doer and the thing done, 428. Doer's deed, place is dignified by, 48. Does well acts nobly, 263. Doff it for shame, 53. Dog and bay the moon, 88. circumcised, 132. faithful, his, 269. his Highness', at Kew, 287. in that town was found is thy servant a, 589. a, 343. is turned to his vomit, 617. it was that died, 344. let no, bark, 36. living, better than dead lion, 601. company, 269. something better than his, 548. to gain his private ends, 344. tongue of, wool of bat, 97. walking on his hind legs, 316. whose, are you, 287. will have his day, 120. word to throw at a, 41. Dogs bark at me, 70. between two, 67. delight to bark and bite, 254. of war, let slip the, 86. Doing or suffering, 178. whatever is worth, 298. Doit, beggarly last, 363. Dole, delight and, in equal scale, 102. happy man be his, 23. Doleful sound, from the tombs a, 255. Dollar, the Almighty, 468. Dolphin, dies like the, 476. Dolphin-chamber, in my, 63. Dolphins, pleased to see the, 203. Domain, o'er the hushed, 557. Dome, fired the Ephesian, 247. him of the western, 222. of many-coloured glass, 493. of thought, 472. Domestic happiness, 361. joy, smooth current of, 313. Dominations princedoms, 191. Dominions, sun never sets in, 467. Dominions, tithe or toll in our, 53. to death by slanderous tongues. 30. when it is, 91, with so much case, 221. Donned his clothes, he rose and, 117. Doom, had an early, 518. regardless of their, 325. the crack of, 98. Doomed for a certain term, 106. beside a human, 402. Doorkeeper in the house of my God, 593. Doors, death hath a thousand, 149. death hath so many, infernal, 185. men shut their, 82. 149. nor locks can shield you, 511. debt to pay, contrived a, 311. sure, I'll make assurance, 98. Doublet, carving the fashion of a, 28. feel ourselves alone, 449. one heart, than, 542. that the sun doth move, 108. the equivocation of the fiend, 100. to be once in, 129. to, would be disloyalty, 560. Doubtful, from the dark and, 382. Doubting in his abject spirit, 555. Doubts, our, are traitors, 24. saucy, and fears, 96. suspects yet strongly loves, 129. Dough, my cake is, 47. Douglas deals in red herrings, 501. in his hall, 449. like, conquer, 335. song of Percy and, 16. tender and true, 16. Dove, burnished, 548. found no rest, 586. gently as any sucking, 34. wings like a, oh that I had, 593. Dove-cote, eagle in a, 77. Doves, harmless as, 608. moan of, 551. hill that skirts the, 366. of darkness, the raven, 199. on your knees and thank heaven, 45. pillow hard, finds the, 134. story will not go, 649. thou climbing sorrow, 121. thrice driven bed of, 126 to the dust with them, 461. Downcast modesty, 302. Downs, all in the, 294. unhabitable, 245. Downward age, torrent of a, 302. the slow barge, 372. Dragon, evening, 198. St. George and the, 52. Dragon's tail, baited with a, 583. its slow length, 277. Drained by fevered lips, 507. Drama with the day, close the, 260. Drames go by conthraries, 524. judicious, 285 Drapery of his couch, 515. Draught, nauseous, 223. of cool refreshment, 507. slavery a bitter, 322. Draughts, shallow, 276. Draw men as they ought to be, 342. you with a single hair, 228. Drawers, chest of, by day, 341. of all who wrong, 541. of something after death, 111. the devil, bane of all that, 403. whence this secret, 250. Dreadful as the Manichean god, 363. reckoning, 294. thought, thou pleasing, 250. Dream, a hideous, 85. a shadowy lie, was thy, 560. life is but an empty, 535. not Homer nods but we, 276. of heaven and she was there, 223. of home, 462. of love melted away, in a, of things that were, 472. to sleep perchance to, 110. when one awaketh, 593. 510. which was not all a dream, 483. Dreamed that life was beauty, 560. Dreaming, ever of thee I'm, 510. past the size of, 134. Dreams and slumbers light, 450. of avarice, beyond the, 318, 323. of cutting foreign throats, 78. smooth or idle, 211. such stuff as, are made on, 20. that wave before the half-shut eye, 303. their own, deceive 'em, 242. true I talk of, 78. what, may come, 110. Dreamt I dwelt in marble halls, 527. Dreamt of in your philosophy, 108. daring in full, 455. fair undress best, 313. of thoughts, style is the, 298. Drest, still to be neat sti.. to be, 147. deep or taste not. 276. no more than a sponge, 572. who always, never taste. 241. with him that wears a hood, 7. ye to her that each loves best, 444. Drinking dancing laughing, 226. largely sobers us, 276. of Jehu, like the, 589. in for an after-loss, 136. into thy mother's lap, 196. last, in the well, 484. nor any, to drink, 432. of a bucket, 604. of allaying Tiber, 76. Dropped a tear, 322. from an angel's wing, 415. from the zenith, 181. manna, tongue, 182. Droppeth as the gentle rain, 39 Dropping buckets into wells, 361. continual, in a rainy day, 599. eye, an auspicious and a, 102. Drops, dear as the ruddy, 85, 327. from off the eaves, 207. his blue-fringed lids, 434. *Drope, like kindred, 380. the light drip. 474. what precious, are those, 229. wiped our eyes of. 43. Drought of March, 1. Drown, what pain it was to, 70. Drowned honour, pluck up. 58. Drowsiness clothe man in rags, 598. Drowsy man, dull ear of a, 53. syrups of the world, 124, Drowsyhed, land of, 33 Drudgery at the desk, 43), makes, divine, 160. Druid lies in yonder grave, 336. Drum ecclesiastick. 215. spirit-stirring, 13). was heard, not a, 504 Drum-beat, morning, 467. Drums, beat the, 235. in his ear. 78. like muffled, are beating, 535 quietly rested under the, 177. Drunk, gloriously, 362 hasten to be. 227. it is our pleasure to be. 307. though he never was, 392. Drunkard clasp his teeth. 149. Drunkenness identical with ruin, 397. Drury Lane for you, no. 426. Drury's, happy boy at, 518. Dry as summer dust, hearts, 421. as the remainder biscuit, 43. death, I would fain die a, 19. sun dry wind, 6. tree, done in the, 611. more is thy, than more than all, 90. Dues, render to all their, 613. the, did love me, 167. Dukedom, my library was, 19. product of a scoffer's pen, 421. Duller than the fat weed, 106 discourse, kind of excellent, 20. Dumb forgetfulness, a prey to, 330. Dumps, college joke to cure the, 246. is in his grave, 96. Dunce kept at home, 356. Dundee, single hour of that, 412. Dungeon dark, dweller in, 387. Dusk faces with turbans, 196. Dust and heat, not without, 211. hour may lay it in the, 472. must come to, 135. of Alexander, trace the noble, 119. of servile opportunity, 413. pays us with age and, 14. that is a little gilt, 76. the knight's bones are, 435. to dust ashes to ashes, 619. primal, shine aloft, 423. faithful below he did his, 381. Dwarf on a giant's shoulders, 162. Dwelling is light of setting suns, 407. among the untrodden ways, 403. Each in his narrow cell, 328. matin bell, 433. particular hair stand an end, 106. heart the kindlier hand, 553. Eagle eye, 337. flight, flies an, 82. he was lord above, 411. in a dove-cote, 77. like a young, 462. mewing her mighty youth, 211. stricken with a dart, 176. suffers little birds to sing, 77. having lately bathed. like, 60. dull, of a drowsy man, 53. give every man thy, 104. I was all, 201. in many a secret place, 405. jewel in an Ethiope's, 78. more meant than meets the, 206. not to the sensual, 503. of him that hears it, 33. voice in my dreaming, 444. |