Call a spade a spade, 624. back yesterday, 56. evil good good evil, 603. for the robin-redbreast, 168. it by some better name, 460. it holy ground, 495.
it not vain, 447.
me early mother dear, 548.
my brother back to me, 496. nothing but coach, coach, 244.
shapes that come not at an earthly, 408.
the breezy, 328.
the cattle home, 567.
these delicate creatures ours, 129. things by their right names, 397. to-day his own, 227.
us to penance, 181.
Candle, hold a, 297, 642. light such a, 580. not worth the, 161. of understanding, 606. out out brief, 100.
shall never be put out, 580. throws his beams, 41.
to the sun, 267, 657.
to thy merit, thy modesty's a,307. Candles are all out, £3.
night's, are burnt out, 81. of the night, 41.
Candy, glorified, 430.
Cane, conduct of a clouded, 279. Canker and the grief are mine, 486.
galls the infants, 104. Cankers of a calm world, 61. Cannibals that eat each other, 126.
you that backing your friends, 59. Cannon ball, brunt of, 216. Called, many are, 609.
the new world into existence, 3.9. Callen daisies in our toun, 4. Caller, him who calleth be the, 244. Calling, in his, let him nothing call, 244.
Calls back the lovely April, 135. Calm, here find that, 313.
lights of philosophy, 249.
on the bosom of thy God, 496. on the listening ear, 556. so deep, I never felt, 410. the troubled breast, 534. thou mayst smile, 373.
tracts of, from tempest, 554. Calmness, keeps the law in, 418. Calms after tempest, 127. Calumnious strokes, 104. Calumny, shalt not escape, 111. Calvinistic creed, 320.
Cambuscan bold, story of, 206. Cambyses' vein, 59.
Came I saw I conquered, 628.
prologue, excuse, 195. saw and overcame, 64
Camel, cloud in shape of a, 114. like a, indeed, 114. swallow a, 609,
through eye of needle, 609. to thread the postern, 56. Camilla scours the plain, 278. Camping-ground, fame's eternal, 569. Can any mortal mixture, 199.
imagination boast, 301. it be that this is all, 479. such things be, 97. this be death, 288.
Canadian hills, cold on, 372. Candid friend, the, 399.
where we can, be, 268. Candied tongue, let the, 113.
by our sides, 120.
to right of them, 555. Cannon's mouth, even in the, 44. Cannot come to good, 103.
tell how the truth be, 447. Canon 'gainst self-slaughter, 102. Canonized bones, 105.
Canopied by the blue sky, 483. Canopy, most excellent, the air, 1 9. under the, 76.
which love has spread, 402. Canst not say I did it, 96.
thou guide Arcturus, 591. Cant of criticism, 322.
of hypocrites, 322. Cantilena of the law, 454. Cants which are canted, 322. Cap, button on fortune's, 109.
of youth, riband in the, 118. whiter than driven snow, 324. Cap-a-pe, armed at point exactly, 103. Capability and godlike reason, 117. Capable of nothing but dumb-shows, 112.
Caparisons don't become a young woman, 378.
Capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, 60. Capital, Belgium's, 473.
Capitol, drizzled blood upon the, 85. who betrayed the, 237. Capon, lined with good, 44.
Captain, a choleric word in the, 25. becomes his captain's, 133. Christ, soul unto his, 56. ill, good attending, 136. jewels in the carcanet, 136. of complements, 82. Wattle, ever hear of, 381. Captive good, attending, ill, 136.
whose words all ears took, 48. Capulets, family vault of all the, 352. tomb of the, 352.
Car, drive the rapid, 372. Caravan, innumerable, 515. Carcanet, jewels in the, 133. Carcase is, wheresoever the, 610. of Robinson Crusoe, 337. Card, he's a sure, 230.
reason the, passion the gale, 270 speak by the, 118. this is a sure, 648.
Cards, old age of, 274.
patience and shuffle the, 573.
Care, begone dull, 581. beyond to-day, 325. disapproves that, 209. earliest latest, 321.
fig for, and fig for woe, 141. for me, if naebody, 387. for nobody no not I, 354.
his useful, was ever nigh, 312. I how chaste she be, 15. I how fair she be, 14.
I'm free from, 584. in heaven is there, 11. is an enemy to life, 49. keeps his watch, 80.
lodges where sleep will never lie, 80. make pale my cheeks with, 155. neither cauld nor, 395 not, I may although I, 13. of the main chance, 219. ravelled sleave of, 94.
that buy it with much, 36. the least as feeling her, 18. to our coffin adds a nail, 375. weep away the life of, 493. will kill a cat, 155. wrinkled, 204.
Cared not to be at all, 181. Career of his humour, 29. Careful of the type, 553. Careless childhood, 325 of the single life, 553. shoe-string, 165.
song now and then, 331. their merits or faults, 349. trifle, as 't were a, 90. Cares beguiled by sports, 338. depressed with, 294. dividing, 400.
ever against eating, 205. far from mortal, 446. fret thy soul with, 13. humble, and fears, 402. if no one, for me, 354.
nobler loves and, 418. that infest the day, 537.
Carols as he goes, 333. Carpet knights, 637. Carry Cæsar, you, 634. gentle peace, 74. Carrying three insides, 333. Cart, ballads from a, 223.
now traversed the, 242. Carved for many a year, 544. not a line, 504.
with figures strange, 433. Carver's brain, made out of the, 433. Casca, the envious, 87. Case, reason of the, 233.
stands, as the, 635.
when a lady is in the, 295. Casement slowly grows, 551. Casements, charmed magic, 502. Casius, old Mount, 183. Cassio, I love thee, 128.
Cassius has a lean and hungry look, 84. help me, or I sink, 83.
should I have answered, so, 88. Cast bread upon the waters, 601. of thought, the pale, 111. off his friends, 343.
set my life upon a, 72.
the darkness of the sky, 7. your pearls before swine, 608. Casting a dim religious light, 207. Castle, a man's house is his, 9. hath a pleasant seat, 91.
house of every one as his, 10 wall, bores through his, 56. Castled crag of Drachenfels, 474. Rhine, dwelleth by the, 533. Castle's strength will laugh a siege, 99. Castles in the air, 637.
in the clouds, 303.
Casuists, soundest, doubt, 275. Cat, care will kill a, 155.
endow a college or a, 275. harmless necessary, 39.
in the adage, like the poor, 2. monstrous tail our, has, 244. will mew, 120.
Catalogue, go for men in the, 95. Cataract, sounding, 406.
Cataracts, silent, 435,
Catastrophe, I'll tickle your, Catch ere she change, 274.
larks, hoped to, 572.
my flying soul, 286.
the conscience of the king, 110.
Caters for the sparrow, Cathay, cycle of, 549.
unvexed with all the, of gain, 295. Catechism, so ends
whose constant, 335.
Caress, wooing the, 485.
Carnage is his daughter, 413.
Carnegie, Johnnie lais heer, 242.
Cato, big with the fate of, 249.
give his senate laws, 281, 289.
Cato, heroic stoic, 489.
the sententious, 489. Cattle are grazing, 105.
call the, home, 567. thousands of great, 351.
upon a thousand hilis, 593. Caucasus, thinking on the frosty, 55. Caught by glare, maidens, 471.
my heavenly jewel, have I, 16 with his sweete perfections, 9. Cauld nor care, there 's neither, 395. Cauldron bubble, fire burn and, 97. Causæ sunt quinque bibendi, 571. Cause, beauty of the good old, 413. die in a great, 485.
effect defective comes by, 108. great first, 287. hear me for my, 86. his country's, 289, 291. how light a, 456
little shall I grace my, 125. magnificent and awful, 360. me no causes, 651.
of all men's misery, 18. of covetousness, 17.
of mankind, in the, 457.
of policy, turn him to any, 65. of this defect, 108.
of this effect, 108.
report me and my, aright, 121. that wit is in other men, 62. their, I plead, 332. when our, it is just, 491. Causes and occasions, 67.
offence from amorous, 279. which conspire, all the, 276. Caution, cold-pausing, 385. Caution's lesson scorning, 385 Cave, that darksome, 11.
vacant interlunar, 197. Cavern, misery's darkest, 312. Caverns measureless to man, 435. memory's, pure and deep, 508. Caves, dark unfathomed, 329. Caviare to the general, 109. Caw says he, 365.
Cease every joy, 442.
from troubling, the wicked, 589. rude Boreas, 337.
ye from man, 603.
Ceases to be a virtue, 348. Ceasing of exquisite music, 538. Cedar to the hyssop, from the, 520. Celebrated, Saviour's birth is, 101. Celestial rosy red, 194.
temper, touch of, 190. worth, promise of, 257. Cell, dwell on a rock or in a, 14. each in his narrow, prophetic, 207. so lone and cold, 558.
Cellar, born in a, 257. Cellarage, fellow in the, 108. Cellarer, old Simon the, 496. Celuy qui fuit de bonne heure, 346 Cement of the soul, 300. Censer, eye was on the, 545. Censure is the tax, 247.
mouths of wisest, 127. take each man's, 104. Cent, not one, for tribute, 392. Centre, faith has, every where, 552. may sit in the, 200. Centric and eccentric, 193. Centuries ago, 557.
Century for a reader, wait a, 153. Cerberus, not like, 378.
Cerements, burst their, 105. Ceremony, enforced, 87. that to great ones longs, Certain as a gun, 230. Certainty, sober, 200. to please, 400.
Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry
Cervantes' serious air, 284. C'est un verre qui luit, 340. Chaff, corn in, 470.
two bushels of, 36. Chaff-threshing churl, 573. Chain, beauty's, 460.
death broke the vital, 313. electric, striking the, 475. hanging in a golden, 185. lengthening, 338. of all virtues, 146. seldom weaves a, 457. slumber's, 460.
Chains and slavery, 371. at curfew time, 200. bound in those icy, 151. stagnant in, 461. untwisting all the, 205. Chair, my little one's, 564. one vacant, 539.
rack of a too easy, 285. Chalice, our poisoned, 92 Chaliced flowers, 134. Challenge double pity, 14. to his end, 169.
Chamber, come to the bridal, 500. get you to my lady's, 119.
in the silent halls of death, 515. where the good man meets his fate, 263.
Chambers, whisper softness in, 211. Champagne and a chicken, 296. Champion cased in adamant, 415. thou fortune's, 53. Champions four, fierce. 185. Chance, all, direction, 270. by happy, 423.
of thought and passion, 270. Chaos-like, crushed, 287.
Chapel, Devil builds a, 161, 239, 650. Chapels had been churches, 37. Chap-fallen, quite, 119. Chapter of accidents, 298. Character dead at every word, 379.
I leave behind me, my, 379. of Hamlet left out, 454. Characters from high life, 273 high, 163.
in dust, write the, 453. of hell to trace, 327.
Charge Chester charge, 450.
compulsive ardour gives the, 116. if it be in his, 2.
in peace, a, 227.
is prepared, the, 294.
to keep I have, 305.
Chariest maid is prodigal enough, 104. Chariots, brazen, raged, 191. Charitable intents, wicked or,
speeches, leave it to men's, 141. Charities that soothe, 423.
Charity, a little earth for, 74. all mankind's concern is, 271. covers multitudes of sins, 617. for all, malice towards none, 543. hand open as day for melting, 64. pity gave ere, began, 340. rarity of Christian, 514. Charm ache with air, 30. blest with that, 400. can soothe, what, 344, in melancholy, such a, 401. mutter and mock a broken, 434. no, can tame, 234.
no need of a remoter, 406.
nor witch hath power to, 101. of earliest birds, 189
of poetry and love, 415. one native, 341.
that lulls to sleep, 343.
to stay the morning star, 435. Charmed life, I bear a, 100.
with distant views of happiness, 167.
with the foolish whistling, 174. Charmer, hope the, 441.
sinner it or saint it, 274. were t' other dear, away, 294.
Charmers, hearken to the voice of, 593. like other, 485.
Charming, ever, ever new, 299
harp of Orpheus not more, 210. he saw her, 302.
is divine philosophy, 201. left his voice so, 192. never so wisely, 593.
Charms ear or sight, 436.
freedom has a thousand, 356. her modesty concealed, 302. music hath, to soothe, 257. solitude where are the, 358. strike the sight, 280.
Charter large as the wind, 43. of her land, 304. Chartered libertine, air a. 65. Charybdis your mother, 39. Chase a panting syllable, 358.
big round tears in piteous, 42. brave employment, 160. Chased with more spirit, 38. Chasm, horrid, disclosed, 292. Chasms and watery depths, 437.
Chaste and unexpressive she, 44.
as ice, be thou, 111.
as morning dew, 264.
as the icicle, 76.
as unsunned snow, 134. to me, if she seem not, 15. what care I how, she be, 15. Chasteneth whom he loveth, 616. Chastises whom most he likes, 243. Chastity my brother, 200.
Chastity of honour, 350.
so dear is saintly, 201.
Chatham's language, 360. Chatterton marvellous boy, 405. Chaucer, I will not lodge thee by, 148. learned, 168.
Cheap defence of nations, 350. fame then was, 229.
Cheat, life 't is all a, 229. Cheated, impossible to be, 533.
of feature by dissembling nature, 70.
pleasure of being, 219.
wat ye how she, me, 389. Check to loose behaviour, 252. Checkered paths of joy, 310. Cheek, changing, sinking heart, 480. feed on her damask, 50. he that loves a rosy, 154. o'er her warm, 326.
of night, hangs upon the, 78. tear down virtue's manly, 372. tears down Pluto's, 206. that I might touch that, 79. the roses from your, 323. upon her hand, 79.
Cheeks, blow winds crack your, 122. eloquent blood spoke in her, 144. famine is in thy, 82. make pale my,
of sorry grain, 202.
stain my man's, 122.
Cheer, be of good, 608.
but not inebriate, 260, 362. make good, play and, 6. small, and great welcome, 27. Cheered up himself, 217. Cheerful at morn he wakes, 338. countenance 597.
dawn, may-time and, 404. godliness, 413.
to-morrow, as to-day, 274. ways of men, 186. yesterdays, man of, 423. Cheers the tar's labour, 485. Cheese, moon made of green, 644. Cheese-paring, man made of, 64. Chelsea, dead as, 625. Chequered shade, 205. Cherish and to obey, 619.
heart something to, 540.
those hearts that hate thee, 74. to love and to, 618.
Cherries hang that none may buy, 142. those, fairly do enclose, 142, Cherry, like to a double, 35.
ripe, ripe, ripe, I cry, 165. ripe themselves do cry, 142. Cherry-isle, Julia's lips, 165. Cherub, sweet little, 381. Cherubim, horsed, heaven's, 92.
Cherubims, on cherubs and on, 7. Cherubins, young-eyed, 41. Cherubs and on cherubims, 7. Chest of drawers by day, 341. Chew the cud and are silent, 351. Chewed and digested, books to be, 138. Chewing the food of fancy, 46. Chi fa ingiuria non perdona mai, 229. Chian strand, on the, 438. Chicken and champagne, 296. Chickens, all my pretty, 98. count their, 219.
curses are like young, 525. hen gathereth her, 610.
Chief among the blessed three, 534. a rod, 272.
hail to the, 451.
Justice was rich, 521. octogenarian, 475.
of a thousand for grace, 530. Chief's pride, vain the, 284. Chiefs, scion of, 477.
Chiel's amang ye takin' notes, 387. Child, a curious, 422.
again, make me a, 568. a naked new-born, 373. a simple, 402. as yet a, 280. behold the, 271. happy Christian, 446. her innocence a, 224. in simplicity a, 289.
is father of the man, 402. is not mine as the first was, 563. like a three years', 423.
like a tired, 493.
meet nurse for a poetic, 448. of many prayers, 537.
of misery, baptized in tears, 372.
of our grandmother Eve, 31.
of suffering, 545.
of the skies, 390.
room of my absent, 53.
Rowland to the dark tower came, 123.
Shakespeare, fancy's, 205.
spake as a, 614.
spare the rod spoil the, 218, 648. sports of children satisfy the, 333. to have a thankless, 121. train up a, 598. when I was a, 614. where is my, 480. wise father knows his own, Childhood, careless, 325. fears a painted devil, 94. fleeted by, how my, 518. give me my, again, 568. in my days of, 480. scenes of my, 464. shows the man, 196.
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