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[blocks in formation]

to have loved and lost, 552.
to hunt in fields, 223.
to reign in hell, 179.

to sink beneath the shock, 479.
to wear out than to rust, C24.
trust all and be deceived, 542.
world, another and a, 577.
Bettered expectation, 27.
Bettering of my mind, 19.

Between the cradle and the grave, 299.
two blades, two dogs, two girls, 67.
two hawks, two horses, 67.
two stools, 637.

Bevy of fair women, 196.
Beware my lord of jealousy, 129.

of a man of one book, 624.
of desperate steps, 364.

of entrance to a quarrel, 104.
the fury of a patient man, 222.
the ides of March, 83.
Bewilder, leads to, 367.
Bezonian, under which king, 64.
Bias, rules with strongest, 276.
Bible, burdens of the, 532.

knows her, true, 356.

studie was but litel on the, 2.

Bibles laid open, 160.
Bid me discourse, 135.
Bidding, at his, speed, 208.
Bids expectation rise, 344
Biennial elections, 233.

Bier, waste sorrows at my, 505
Big manly voice, 44.

with the fate of Rome, 249.
with vengeance, 308.
Bigger, in shape no, 78.

than his head, seems no, 123.
Bigness which you see,
Bilbow, the word it was, 297.
Billing, amorous fond and, 220
Billows, bounding, 391.

distinct as the, 439.
foam, 481.

never break, where, 256.
swelling and limitless, 434.
trusted to thy, 478.

Bind, fast, fast find, 639.
safe, safe find, 6.

up my wounds, 71.
Binding nature fast in fate, 287.
Bird, Attic, 197.

by wandering, as the, 598.
each fond endearment tries, 340.
in the solitude, 482.

Bird, night with her solemn, 189.
of dawning singeth all night, 101.
of the air, 601.

on the wing, 561.

shall I call thee, 404.

that shunn'st the noise, 206.
Bird-cage in a garden, 167.
Birds, charm of earliest, 189.
confabulate, if, 359.

eagle suffers little, to sing, 77.
in habit a, 51.

in last year's nest, 536.
in their little nests agree, 254.
joyous the, 193.

melodious, sing madrigals, 17.
of the air have nests, 608.
time of the singing of, 602.
without despair to get in, 167.
Birnam wood, 100.

Birth, death borders upon our, 146.
dew of thy, 619.

frowned not on his humble, 330.
is but a sleep, 420.

nothing but our death begun, 265.
of that significant word, 299.
our Saviour's, is celebrated, 101.
place of my, 480.

repeats the story of her, 251.
revolts from true, 80.
smiled on my, 446.

Biscay, bay of, 394.

Biscuit, dry as the remainder, 43.
Bishop, church without a, 517.
Bishops, bench of heedless, 324.
Bit me, though he had, 124.
Bite, bark worse than his, 161.
recovered of the, 344.

the hand that fed them, 351.
Biteth like a serpent, 598.
Biting for anger, eager soul, 213.
Bitter as coloquintida, 127.

change, feels the, 183.
end, 624.

is a scornful jest, 312.
memory, wakes the, 186.
o'er the flowers, 471.

past, more welcome is the sweet, 48.
Bittern booming in the weeds, 521.
Bitterness, knoweth his own, 596.

of things, from out the, 419.
Bitterns, London an habitation of, 521.
Bivouac of the dead, 569.
Blabbing and remorseful day, 68.
eastern scout, 199.

Black and midnight hags, 98.
customary suits of solemn, 102.
despair, 538.

eye, a white wench's, 80.

eyes and lemonade, 462

hung be the heavens with, 67.

is not so black, 399.

Black it stood as night, 184.
let the devil wear, 113.
men of Coromandel, 522.
more, than ashbuds, 548.
or red, bokes clothed in, 1.
spirits and white, 580.
to red began to turn, 218.
white will have its, 582.
with tarnished gold, 396.
Blackberries, plentiful as, 659.
Blackbird to whistle, 215.
Blackguards both, 534.

Bladder, blows a man up like a, 59.
Bladders, boys that swim on, 73.
Blade, heart-stain away on its, 462.
notches on the, 580.

sheathes the vengeful, 398.
trenchant, Toledo trusty, 216.
Blades, our shining, 461
Spanish, 78.

two, of grass to grow, 246.
Blaize, lament for madam, 345.
Blame, in part to, is she, 150, 236.
Blameless vestal's lot, 286.
Bland, childlike and, 568.
Blandishments of life, 298.

will not fascinate us, 377.
Blank, creation's, 333.
misgivings, 420.
my lord, a, 50.

of Nature's works, 186.
Blasphemes his feeder, 202.
Blasphemy in the soldier, 25.
Blast, he died of
no, 230.

of that dread horn, 450.

of war blows in our ears, 65.
rushing of the, 516.
striding the, 92.

upon his bugle horn, 452.

Blasted, no sooner blown but, 209.
with excess of light, 326.
Blastments, contagious, 104.
Blasts from hell, 105.

of wind, hollow, 294.

Blaze, burst out into sudden, 203.
Liberty's unclouded, 499.
of noon, 197.
Blazed with light, 82.

Blazon, eternal, must not be, 106.
Blazoning pens, quirks of, 127.
Bleak our lot, though, 445.
Bleed, heart for which others, 257.
Bleeding country save, my, 441.
piece of earth, 86.

Blend our pleasure, 406.
Bless, none whom we can, 472.

the hand that gave the blow, 230.
thee Bottom, 35.

thee, hold fast till he, 310, 540.
Blessed, arise and call her, 590.
dejected, while another 's, 273.

[blocks in formation]

mood, that, 406.

more, to give, 612.

part to heaven, gave his, 74.
shall be thy basket, 587.

them unaware, 432.

three, chief among the, 534.
who ne'er was born, 243.
Blessedness, single, 33.
Blesses his stars, 249.
Blesseth him that gives, 39.
Blessing dear, makes a, 163.
health is the second, 158.
I had most need of, 93.
Lord, dismiss us with thy, 330.
no harm in, 297.

of the Old Testament, 137.

steal immortal, from her lips, 81.
that money cannot buy, 158.
Blessings be with them, 418.

brighten as they take their flight,

from whom all, flow, 235.

on him that invented sleep, 573.
wait on virtuous deeds, 257.
without number, 255.

Blest, never is, but always to be, 268.
I have been, 479.

it is twice, 39.

paper-credit, 275.

with some new joys, 229.
with temper,

Blight, bloom or, 564.

treason like a deadly, 455.
Blind bard, be that, 438.

be to her faults a little, 241.
dazzles to, 367.

eyes to the, feet to the lame, 590.
fury, comes the, 203.

girl comes from afar, 525.
guides, 609.

he that is strucken, 77.
his soul with clay, 551.

lead the blind, if the, 609.
love is, and lovers cannot see, 33.
love must needs be, 437.
man's erring judgment, 276.
none so, 233.

old man of Seio's isle, 480.
winged Cupid is painted, 34.
Blindly, loved sae, 387.
Blindness, or I all, 256.
Bliss, all that poets feign of, 68.
bowers of, 293.

centres in the mind, 339.
certainty of waking, 200.

[blocks in formation]

hues of, 331.

ignorance is, 326.
in possession, 439.
momentary, 325.

of paradise, thou only, 361.

of solitude, inward eye, 405.
source of all my, 342.
sum of earthly, 193.
that earth affords, 8.
to be alive, 423.

virtue makes the, 273, 335.
winged hours of, 442.
Blithe, no lark more, 354.
Block, chip of the old, 352, 638.
Blockhead, the bookful, 278.
Blood, beats with his, 551.
beauty fires the, 226.
burns, when the, 105.

clean from my hand, wash this, 94.
cold in, cold in clime, 479.
drenched in fraternal, 466.
drizzled upon the Capitol, 85.
dyed waters, 441.
felt in the, 406.

flesh and, can't bear it, 297.
flesh and, strong as, 417.
freeze thy young, 106.
Frenzy's fevered, 451.
glories of our, 153.

hand raised to shed his, 268.
her pure and eloquent, 144.
hey-day in the, 115.

in an old man's heart, 562.

in their dastardly veins, 461.

is very snow-broth, 24.
is warm within, 36.

know the gentle, 12.

of a British man, 123.

of all the Howards, 272.

of the martyrs, 624.

of tyrants, 577.
rebellious liquors in my,
so much, in him, 99.

spoke in her checks, 144.

stepped so far in, 97.

stirs to rouse a lion, 58.
summon up the, 65.
unreclaimed, 108.

was thin and old, 518.
weltering in his, 225.


whoso sheddeth man's, 586. will follow the knife, 267. Bloods, breed of noble, 84. Bloodshed, fear and, 418.

Bloody instructions, we but teach, 92. Mary, image of, 513.

Bloom, drives full on thy, 386. is shed, its, 384.

of young desire, 326. or blight, 564. sight of vernal, 186. that kill the, 403. Blooming alone, left, 458. Blossom as the rose, 604. in the dust, 153.

Blossomed the lovely stars, 538. Blossoms, arborett with painted, 11. hope's tender, 577.

in the trees, 269.

of my sin, cut off in the, 107.

Blot, art to, 283.

creation's, 333.
discreetly, 176.

not one line he could wish to, 321. on his name, no, 442. Blotted it out forever, 322. Blow bugle blow, 550.

deals the deadly, 398.
death loves a signal, 265.
hand that dealt the, 442.
hand that gave the, 280.
hand that gives the, 243.
liberty is in every, 388.
might be the be-all, 91.
on whom I please, 43.
perhaps may turn his, 399.
remember thy swashing, 77.
the horrid deed in every eye, 92.
themselves must strike the, 472.
thou winter wind, 44.

till they have wakened death, 127.
wind! come wrack, 100.

winds and crack your cheeks, 122. word and a, 81, 231, 651.

Blown, no sooner, but blasted, 209. with restless violence, 25.

Blows and buffets of the world, 95. apostolic, 216.

of circumstance, 553.

Blue above and blue below, 509.

and gold, clad in, 396.

bide by the buff and, 389.

darkly deeply beautifully, 425.

ethereal sky, 251.

eyes of unholy, 458.

heaven above us bent, 547.

meagre hag, 200.

presbyterian true, 216.

rushing of the Rhone, 474.

sky bends over all, 433.
sky, canopied by the, 483.

the fresh the ever free, 509 why does thy nose look so, 374. Blue-stocking, sagacious, 522. Blunder free us, frae monic a, 385. in men this, 376.

worse than a crime, 576.

Blunder, youth is a, 530.
Blunderbuss against religion, 316.
Blundering kind of melody, 223.
Blunders about a meaning, 280.
Blush of maiden shame, 516.

of modesty, grace and, 115.
shame where is thy, 116.
to find it fame, 282.
to give it in, 442.
unseen, born to, 329.

Blushed as he gave it in, 322.

the conscious water, 169.
we never, before, 173.
Blushes at the name, 526.
bear away those, 29.

man that, not quite a brute, 265.
Blushful Hippocrene, 502.
Blushing apparitions, 29.

honours, bears his, 73

like a Worcestershire orchard, 531.
like the morn, 193.
Blustering band, 227.
railer, 337.

Boards, ships are but, 37.
Boast, can imagination, 301.

he lives to build not, 300.
independence be our, 401.
not thyself of to-morrow, 599.
of heraldry, 328.

such is the patriot's, 333.
veil the matchless, 302.
Boastful neighs, high and, 66.
Boat is on the shore, 483

swiftly glides the bonnic, 397.
Boatman, take thrice thy fee, 578.
Boats should keep near shore, 311.
Bobbed for whale, 583.
Bobtail tike, 123.

Bocara's vaunted gold, 373.

Bodes some strange eruption, 101.
Bodied forth, softly, 477.
Bodies, conceit in weakest, 116.
ghosts of defunct, 215.
of unburied men, 168.
pressed the dead, 61.

princes like to heavenly, 138.
soldiers bore dead, by, 57.

Bodiless creation, 116.
Boding tremblers, 341

Bodkin, with a bare, 111.

Body, absent from the, 430.

absent in, 613.
cleanness of, 141.
clog of his, 213.

demd damp moist, 558.
distressed in mind, or estate, 618.
filled and vacant mind, 66.

form doth take, of the soule, 12.
is under hatches, 381.

nature is, 269.

nought cared this, 436.

Body of the time, very age and, 112.
one of a lean, 213.
pent, here in the, 440.
presence of, 431.
sickness-broken, 212.

so young with so old a head, 39.
than you have in your whole, 644.
thought, almost say her, 144

to that pleasant country's earth, 56.
with my, I thee worship, 619.
Body's guest, soul the, 14.
Bog or steep, 185.

Serbonian, 183.

Boil an egg, the vulgar, 284.

like a pot, maketh the deep, 591.
Bokes clothed in black or red, 1.
Bold bad man, 10, 72.

every where be, 12.

I can meet his blow, 399.
John Barleycorn, 384.
virtue is, 26.

Boldest held his breath, 443
Bolingbroke was a scoundrel 316.
Bolt of Cupid fell, where the, 34.
Bombastes, must meet, 306.
Bond, nominated in the, 40.
of fate, take a, 98.
't is not in the, 40.
Bondage, eternity in, 249.

out of the land of, 453
Bondman let me live, 418.

so base that would be a, 86.
Bondman's key, in a, 37.
Bondsmen, hereditary, 472.
Bone and skin, two millers, 297.
as curs mouth a, 353.
bites him to the, 308.
of manhood, 348.

Bones are coral made, of his, 19.
canonized, 105.

cover to our, paste and, 56.
dice were human, 485.

fill all thy, with aches, 19.

full of dead men's, 610.

good oft interred with their, 86.

his honoured, 208.

made no more, 644.

misery worn him to the, 82.

mutine in a matron's, 116

rattle his, over the stones, 543.
sit in my, 427.

tell all my, 592.

to lay his weary, among ye, 74.
weave thread with, 50
Bononcini, compared to, 297.
Booby son, father craves a, 266.

who'd give her, 295.

Book, adversary had written a, 590.
and heart must never part, 585.
and volume of my brain, 107.
beware of a man of one, 624.

Book containing such vile matter, 81. | Bootless bene, good for a, 418.
dainties bred in a, 32

face is as a, 91.

good kill a man as kill a good, 210.
half a library to make one, 317.
I'll drown my, 20.

in breeches, Macaulay is a, 427.
in gold clasps, 77.

in sour misfortune's, 82.
is a book, 470.

note it in a, 604.

of fate, heaven hides the, 268.
of human life, 540.

of knowledge fair, 186.

of nature short of leaves, 514.
of songs and sonnets, 22.
only read perhaps by me, 404.
or friend, with a religious, 143.
so fairly bound, 81.

the precious life-blood, 211.
when a nobleman writes a, 318.
who reads an American, 428.
Bookes, out of old, 4.
Bookful blockhead, 278.

Bookish theoric, 124.

Books and money placed for show, 220.
are a substantial world, 417.
are each a world, 417.

assume the care of, 266.
authority from others', 31.

by which the printers lost, 212.
cannot always please, 382.
deep versed in, 197.

else appear so mean, all, 236.
forefathers had no other, 68.
in originals, 534.

in the running brooks, 42.
like proverbs, 234.

must follow sciences, 138.
next o'er his, 284.

not in your, 27.

of honour razed from the, 135.
of making many, 602.

or work or healthful play, 255.
preserved and stored up in, 211.
quit your, 416.

some, to be tasted, 138.

speaks about his own,
spectacles of, 231.


talismans and spells, 334.
tenets with, 274.

that nourish all the world, 32.
they read, their, 530,

to hold in the hand, 318.
toil o'er, 295.

upon his head, so many, 397.
were woman's looks, 459.
which are no books, 431.
wiser grow without, 363.
you need, Homer all the, 233.
Booted and spurred, 236.

Boots displace, dares this pair of, 306.
it at one gate, 197.
Bo-peep, played at, 164.
Border, let that aye be your, 386.
Borders, death, 146.

Bore a bright golden flower, 201.
without abuse, 554.
Boreas, cease rude, 337.
Bores and bored, the, 490.

through his castle wall, 56.
Born, better ne'er been, 453.
better to be lowly, 72.
blessed who ne'er was, 243.
for immortality, 415.
for the universe, 342.
great, some are, 50.
how happy is he, 143.
in Arcadia, I too was,
in a cellar, 257.
in bed in bed we die, 574.
in the garret, 482.
or taught, happy is he, 143.
that ever I was, 108.

to be a slave, 356.

to blush unseen, 329.
to die, were not, 500.
to set it right, 108.
to the manner, 105.


under a rhyming planet, 30.
Borne away with every breath, 484.
down by the flying, 449.

like thy bubbles, onward, 478.
Borrow, to beg or to, 235.
Borrowed wit, wings of, 155.
Borrower, bettered by the, 209.
nor a lender be, 105.
of the night, 95.

servant to the lender, 598.
Borrowing dulls the edge, 105.

such kind of, 209.

who goeth a, goeth a sorrowing, 6
Bosom, cleanse the stuffed, 99.

come rest in this, 459.
confidence in an aged, 319,
of God, her seat is the, 18.
of his Father and his God, 330.
of the ocean, buried in the, 69.
of the sea, 68.

of thy God, calm on the, 496.
on thy fair, silver lake, 516.
sleep in Abraham's, 71.
swell, with thy fraught, 130.
third in your, 80.

thorns that in her, lodge, 107.
was young, when my, 444.
what, beats not, 289.
wife of thy, 587.

wring his, 344.

Bosom's lord sits lightly, 82.
1 Bosomed deep in vines, 285.

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