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AUGUST, 1887.




I HAVE made up my mind that I will never be surprised at anything again," said Lady Brenda, as the party sat at their mid-day breakfast on the day after the events last recorded. She had been telling the rest about the King's visit.

"You are quite right," answered Augustus; "you are quite right, my dearly beloved mother-in-law. Surprise is nothing but a disturbance in the balance of the faculties. Now, when a woman possesses faculties like yours, it is a pity that they should not be always balanced."

"Really, Augustus

"Quite so, continued Chard imperturbably. "When once you have discovered that we are likely to meet dead men who talk very agreeably almost every day, it is as well to make the most of your opportunities. The phenomenon will probably be explained some day; meanwhile let us enjoy it as much as we can. It would be very pleasant if these charming people could dine with us, but I gather from various things that they do not dine at all, nor even breakfast. Who is going on the expedition this afternoon?"


We all are," said the three ladies with a unanimity as rarely found in the country when a walk is proposed, as it is general in town when there is a ball.

1 Copyright, 1887, by F. Marion Crawford. No. 334.-VOL. LVI.

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"It would be very amusing if some of our friends would walk with us," remarked Diana, as she picked her way over the rocks.

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Delightful," said Gwendoline, steadying herself with her stick upon the summit of a small boulder, and looking at the view.

"Dear me!' exclaimed Lady Brenda. "Who can that be? Do you see, Augustus? Such a very odd dress! Do they still wear threecornered hats in this part of the world, and brown coats with brass buttons?"

"He is a very big man," said Augus tus, eying the stranger who was coming down the rocks, and who was not more than a hundred yards from them. "A very big man indeed. He must be some old peasant. We will talk to him."

They walked on, and in a few seconds came up to the solitary pedes trian. Augustus spoke to him. He was a man of colossal size, with a huge head surmounted by a small wig and a three-cornered hat. He wore


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