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Le boucher n'a-t-il pas de la viande Has not the butcher fresh meat?

fraîche? (See note, page 38.)

Il en a, il n'en a pas.

Il en a beaucoup.

Il n'en a guère.

Il en a deux livres.

Amusant, e, amusing;
Américain,e, American;
Anglais, e, English;
Arabe, Arabian;
Aubergiste, m. innkeep-


Beaucoup, much, many;"
Belge, Belgian;

He has some, he has none.

He has much (of it).
He has but little (of it).
He has two pounds (of it).


Bijou, m. jewel;
Blanc, blanche, white;
Brave, brave, worthy;
Châle, m. shawl;
Couteau, m. knife;

Guère, French;

little, but little; Guitare, f. guitar;

Laine, f. wool;
Mademoiselle, f. Miss;
Monsieur, m. sir, Mr.,
Noir, e, black;
Parent, m. relation;
Soldat, m. soldier;
Terre, f. land.

1. Avez-vous une bonne guitare? 2. Oui, monsieur; j'ai une guitare excellente. 3. Avez-vous de bons habits? 4. Oui, madame; j'ai de bons habits noirs et de belles robes blanches. 5. Votre mère n'a-t-elle pas un châle de soie? 6. Oui, mademoiselle; elle en a un de soie et un de laine. 7. L'aubergiste a-t-il de bons chevaux anglais ? 8. L'aubergiste a des chevaux anglais, français, et arabes. 9. Il en a de superbes. 10. L'ami de votre frère a-t-il des bijoux d'or? 11. Oui, monsieur; il en a. 12. A-t-il aussi des bijoux d'argent? 13. Il en a aussi. 14. En a-t-il beaucoup? 15. Non, monsieur; il n'en a guère. 16. Votre ami a-t-il des parents? 17. Oui, monsieur; il en a. 18. Ce monsieur a-t-il une bonne plume d'acier, ou une belle plume d'or? 19. Il en a une d'acier, et nous en avons une d'or. 20. Le général n'a-t-il pas de bons soldats? 21. Il en a de très braves. 22. Les Américains n'ont-ils pas de bonne terre? 23. Ils en ont d'excellente. 24. Le marchand a-t-il des couteaux anglais ou français ? 25. Les couteaux du marchand ne sont ni anglais ni français, ils sont belges.


1. Has your brother Arabian horses? 2. Yes, sir; he has some. 3. Has he handsome ones? 4. Yes, sir; he has handsome ones. 5. Are the good Americans wrong? 6. No, miss (madam); they are not wrong, they are right. 7. Have you a French shawl?

8. Yes, sir; I have one, I have a handsome French shawl. 9. Has your innkeeper your silver knife or mine? 10. He has neither yours nor mine, he has his sister's handsome steel knife. 11. Has the Belgian a good guitar? 12. He has an excellent French guitar. 13. He has an excellent one. 14. Has the gentleman amusing books? 15. Yes, 16. Has the general French or Arabian horses?

sir; he has two.

17. He has French and Arabian horses, but he has no English horses. 18. Who has Arabian horses? 19. The Arabian has some. 20. Has the Englishman any? 21. The Englishman has some. 22. Has your friend's sister a good steel pen? 23. My friend's sister has one, but my relations have none. 24. Are you not wrong, sir? 25. Yes, madam; I am wrong. 26. Are those knives English? 27. No, sir; they are Belgian. 28. Have you relations? 29. I have two, and they are here (ici). 30. Has the English butcher meat? 31. Yes. sir; he has much. 32. Has he much money? 33. He has but little. 34. Has the Belgian general brave soldiers? 35. Yes, sir; he has good ones.




1. Adjectives and adverbs are always compared in French, as they often are in English, by means of adverbs.

Plus beau, plus souvent,

More beautiful, oftener.

2. The first part of the comparison for the degree in quality is made by:

Aussi, as, or as much;

Plus, more;

Pas aussi, pas si, not so, not as;
Moins, less;

Aussi grand, as tall.

Pas aussi grand, not as tall.

These adverbs come almost always before an adjective, a participle, or an adverb.

Plus grand, taller.

Moins grand, less tall, not as tall.

3. For the degree in quantity we use:

Autant de, as much, as many;
Plus de, more;

Pas autant de, not as much or as many;
Moins de, less, fewer;

Autant de livres, as many books.
Plus de ceux-ci, more of these.

Coming almost always before a noun, an adjective used substantively, or a possessive or demonstrative pronoun. Autant de bons, as many good ones. Moins des miens, less of mine.

4. The second part of the comparison is expressed by:

Que, as, than: when it does not precede a word expressing a quantity compared with the word following the first adverb of the comparison.

Autant de livres que votre frère,
Tout autant d'or que sa sœur,
Plus diligent que sa sœur,

As many books as your brother.
Quite as much gold as his sister.
More diligent than his sister.

Que de, as, than: before a word expressing a quantity compared with that expressed by the word following the adverb of the first part.

Plus de livres que de maisons,
Autant d'or que d'argent,

J'ai tout autant de sucre que de


Avez-vous autant de livres anglais, que de livres italiens?

J'en ai tout autant.

J'ai autant de ceux-ci que de ceux-

Il est aussi heureux que vous.
Avez-vous plus d'assiettes que de

J'ai plus de ceux-ci que de celles-là.
Est-il plus complaisant que ses
frères ?

Le Français a-t-il moins de légumes que de fruits?

Il a moins de livres que de manuscrits.

Il n'a pas autant de ceux-ci que de ceux-là.

En a-t-il moins que votre frère?

Il en a tout autant.

Bleu, e, blue;
Courage, m. courage;
Davantage,* more;
Drap, m. cloth;
Ennemi, m. enemy;
Espagnol, e, Spaniard;
Estampe, f. engraving;

More books than houses.

As much gold as silver.

I have quite (or just) as much suger as coffee.


Have you as many English books as
Italian books?

I have just as many.

I have as many of these as of those.

He is as happy as you.
Have you more plates than dishes?

I have more of these than of those.
Is he more obliging than his brothers?

Has the Frenchman fewer vegetables
than fruits?

He has fewer books than manuscripts.

He has not as many of these as of those.

Has he less (of them) than your brother?

He has quite as many.


Fer, m. iron;
Fromage, m. cheese;
Hollandais, m. Dutch-

Italien, ne, Italian;
Jardin, m. garden;
Manteau, m. cloak;

Manuscrit, m. manu-

Maréchal, m. blacksmith;
Modestie, f modesty;
Soie, f. silk;

Très, very;
Verre, m. glass.

2. Je suis aussi con

1. Êtes-vous aussi content que votre frère? tent que votre frère. 3..Votre père a-t-il autant de courage que de modestie ? 4. la moins de modestie que de courage. 5. Le libraire a-t-il autant de manuscrits que d'estampes? 6. Il a plus de celles-ci que de ceux-là. 7. A-t-il autant d'amis que d'ennemis? 8. Il a plus de ceux-ci que de ceux-là. 9. A-t-il autant de pain que de fromage? 10. Il a tout autant de celui-ci que de celui-là. 11. Le maréchal a-t-il plus de chevaux que votre frère? 12. Il en a plus que mon père, et plus que mon frère. 13. N'avez-vous pas

1 Davantage means more. It can never be placed before a noun; it may be used instead of plus, at the end of a sentence.

froid? 14. Non, monsieur; je n'ai pas froid, j'ai très chaud. 15. Avezvous deux manteaux de drap? 16. J'en ai un de drap et un de velours bleu. 17. N'avez-vous pas plus de verres que d'assiettes? 18. Nous en avons davantage. 19. Le maréchal a-t-il plus de fer que d'acier? 20. Il n'a pas autant de celui-ci que de celui-là. 21. Il a moins de celui-ci que de celui-là. 22. Les Hollandais ont-ils de beaux jardins? 23. Leurs jardins sont très beaux. 24. Les jardins des Italiens sont plus beaux que ceux des Espagnols.


1. Are you more attentive than your sister? 2. I am not as attentive as your brother. 3. Have you more courage than my brother? 4. I have quite as much. 5. Has the blacksmith as much money as iron? 6. He has more of the latter than of the former. [L. 10, R. 5.] 7. Has he more modesty than the Spaniard? 8. He has more. 9. He has more than your friend's sister. 10. Are you not cold, sir? 11. No, sir; but I am afraid and sleepy. 12. Has the Dutchman more cheese than the Italian? 13. He has more cheese and more money. 14. Have you as much English silk as Italian silk? 15. I have more of this than of that. 16. Who has more friends than

the Spaniard? 17. Your friend has more. 18. Has the Spaniard as much of your money as of his? 19. He has less of mine than of his. 20. Have we more silk cloaks than cloth cloaks? 21. We have more of these than of those. 22. Have you good cloaks? 23. Yes, sir; I have good cloaks, good hats, and good leather shoes.

24. Have you more plates than dishes? 25. I have not more plates than dishes, but I have more glasses than plates. 26. Are you not very cold? 27. No, sir; I am neither cold nor warm. 28. Has your carpenter wood? 29. Yes, sir; he has wood, money, cheese and meat. 30. Who has more money than the carpenter? 31. The Dutchman has more. 32. Who has more engravings than books? 33. The bookseller has more of these than of those. 34. Are you as attentive as your friend? 35. I am more attentive than my friend.




1. The superlative absolute is formed by placing très, fort, or bien, very, before the adjective. [§ 14-2, (11.)]

Ces chandeliers sont très utiles.
Notre tailleur est bien obligeant.

These candlesticks are very useful.

Our tailor is very obliging.

2. The superlative relative is formed by adding the article le, la, les, to a comparative. [§ 14-2, (9.)]

Votre neveu est le plus savant de tous. Your nephew is the most learned of all. 3. Encore is used in French in the sense of more, some more, any more, still,—used affirmatively and interrogatively, but not negatively.

Avez-vous encore du café?
J'ai encore du café.

J'en ai encore.

Have you any more coffee?

I have more (or some more) coffee.
I have some more, or some left.

4. Ne-plus is used in the sense of not any more, and no more, or none left.

Je n'ai plus de livres.

Je n'ai plus de chocolat.

I have no more books.

I have no chocolate left.

5. Ne-guère means but little, but few.

Je n'ai guère d'amis.

Je n'en ai guère.

I have but few friends.

I have but few—but little.

6. The pronouns moi, toi, lui, eux, are used instead of the nominative pronouns je, tu, il, ils, after the que of a comparison, when the verb is understood.

Vous êtes plus heureux que moi.
Vous avez plus de mérite que lui.


Votre marchand est bien obligeant.
Voilà le meilleur de ces garçons.
Nous avons encore des amis.
Vous avez encore du crédit.
Avez-vous encore une piastre?

Le maçon a-t-il encore des briques?
Il n'en a plus.

Il n'a plus de briques.

Il n'en a guère.

Il n'en a plus guère.
Je n'ai guère de livres.
Avez-vous plus de courage que lui?
Il a moins de courage que moi.
Combien de piastres avez-vous en-

Correct, e, correct;
Courage, m. courage;
Crédit, m. credit;
Beaucoup, much;
Boyer, Boyer;

Jardin, m. garden;

You are happier than I.
You have more merit than he.


Your merchant is very obliging.
That is the best of those boys.
We have some more (or still) friends.
You have still (or yet) credit.
Have you a dollar left?

Has the mason more bricks?
He has no more-he has none left.
He has no more bricks.

He has but few.
He has but few left.
I have but few books.

Have you more courage than he?
He has less courage than 1.
How many dollars have you still, or
have you left?

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