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4. The name of the material of which an object is composed follows always the name of the object; the two words being connected by the preposition de (d' before a vowel or an h mute). [§ 76, (11.)]

[blocks in formation]

1. Avez-vous la montre d'or? 2. Oui, madame; j'ai la montre d'or et le chapeau de soie. 3. Monsieur, avez-vous le livre du tailleur ? 4. Non, monsieur; j'ai le livre du médecin. 5. Ont-ils le pain du Doulanger? 6. Ils ont le pain du boulanger et la farine du meunier. 7. Avez-vous le porte-crayon d'argent? 8. Oui, monsieur; nous avons le porte-crayon d'argent. 9. Avons-nous l'avoine du cheval? 10. Vous avez l'avoine et le foin du cheval. 11. Qui a l'habit de drap du charpentier? 12. Le cordonnier a le chapeau de soie du tailleur. 13. Le tailleur a le soulier de cuir du cordonnier. 14. Avez-vous la table de bois? 15. Oui, monsieur; j'ai la table de bois du charpentier. 16. Ont-ils le couteau d'argent? 17. Ils ont le couteau d'argent. 18. Le frère du médecin a la montre d'argent. 19. La sœur du cordonnier a la robe de soie. 20. A-t-elle le soulier de cuir? 21. Non, madame; elle a le soulier de satin. 22. Avons-nous le bas de laine? 23. Non, monsieur; vous avez le bas de soie du tailleur. 24. Qui a le bas de coton? 25. Le médecin a le bas de coton. 26. La dame a le soulier de satin de la sœur du boulanger.


1. Have you the tailor's book? 2. No, sir; I have the physician's watch. 3. Who has the gold watch? 4. The lady has the gold watch

and the silver pencil-case. 5. Have you the tailor's shoe? 6. I have the tailor's cloth shoe. 7. Have we the wooden table? 8. Yes, sir; you have the wooden table. 9. Have they the silver knife? 10. They have the silver knife. 11. The lady has the silver knife and the gold pencil-case. 12. Has she the satin dress? 13. The physician's sister has the satin dress. 14. Who has the wood? 15. The carpenter's brother has the wood. 16. Have you the woollen stocking? 17. No, sir; but I have the cotton stocking. 18. Who has the baker's bread? 19. We have the baker's bread and the miller's flour. 20. Have we the horse's hay? 21. You have the horse's oats. 22. Have we the tailor's silk hat? 23. Yes, sir; you have the tailor's silk hat and the shoemaker's leather shoe. 24. Have you the cloth shoe of the physician's sister? 25. No, madam; I have the lady's silk dress.




1. The article, contracted with or preceded by the preposition de, according to Rules 1 and 2 of Lesson 5, is placed in French before words used in a partitive sense. Such words may generally be known in English when some or any is or may be prefixed to them. [§ 13, (10.) § 78, (1.)]

Du pain,

De la viande,

De l'argent,

Bread, or some bread;
Meat, or some meat;
Money, or some money.

2. The French numeral adjective, un, m. une, f. answers to the English indefinite article, a or an.

Un homme,

Une femme,

[§ 13, (4.) (11.)]

A man;
A woman.

3. The e of the preposition de is elided before un and une. [§ 146]

D'un livre, m.
D'une maison, f.

Of or from a book;
Of or from a house

4. When the nominative or subject of an interrogative sentence is a noun, it should be placed before the verb; and immediately after the verb, in simple tenses, and after the auxiliary in compound tenses, a pronoun must be placed, agreeing with the nominative in gender and number. [§ 76, (4.) (5.)] See also L. 56, R. 1.

Le médecin a-t-il de l'argent?
Le boucher a-t-il de la viande ?
Le libraire a-t-il du papier?
La dame a-t-elle de la soie?

Has the physician money?
Has the butcher meat?
Has the bookseller paper i
Has the lady silk?


Avez-vous du pain?
Vous avez du pain, du beurre, et du

Votre frère a-t-il une livre de beurre ?
Avez-vous le livre d'un libraire?
Non, j'ai le livre d'une dame.

Have you bread?

You have bread, butter, and cheese.

Has your brother a pound of butter?
Have you a bookseller's book?
No, I have a lady's book.

La sœur du médecin a-t-elle du pa- Has the physician's sister paper and pier et de l'encre ?


5. It will be seen by some of the above examples, that the article must be repeated before every noun used in a partitive sense.

[blocks in formation]

1. Avez-vous de la viande? 2. Oui, monsieur; j'ai une livre de viande. 3. Votre fils a-t-il un morceau de pain? 4. Oui, madame; il a un morceau de pain. 5. Le libraire a-t-il un livre? 6. Il a de l'encre et du papier. 7. Votre sœur a-t-elle une montre d'or? 8. Elle a une montre d'or et un dé d'argent. 9. Le boulanger a-t-il du vin ou de la bière? 10. Le boulanger a du thé et du café. 11. Votre frère a-t-il du fromage? 12. Il a du fromage et du beurre. 13. La dame a-t-elle une cuiller d'argent? 14. La dame a une cuiller et une fourchette d'argent. 15. Le boucher a-t-il de la viande aujourd'hui ? 16. Oui, monsieur; il a un morceau de bœuf. 17. Le charpentier a-t-il une table? 18. Oui, monsieur; il a une table d'acajou. 19. Avez-vous le livre du médecin? 20. Non, madame; mais j'ai le livre de votre sœur. 21. Qui a du café et du sucre? 22. L'épicier a du café et du sucre. 23. La sœur du libraire a-t-elle un gant? 24. Non, monsieur; mais elle a un livre. 25. A-t-elle une plume d'acier? 26. Non, monsieur; elle a une plume d'or. 27. Vous avez le porte-crayon du médecin.


1. Have you any tea? 2. Yes, madam; I have a pound of tea. 3. Who has bread? 4. The baker, has bread, butter, and cheese. 5. Has the tailor cloth? 6. The tailor has a piece of cloth. 7. Has the physician gold? 8. Yes, sir; the physician has gold and silver. 9. Has the lady a silver watch? 10. Yes, miss (madam); the lady has a silver watch and a gold pen. 11. Has your sister silk? 12. Yes, sir; she has silk and cotton. 13. Have you a knife? 14. Yes, sir; I have a steel knife and a silver fork. 15. Have you meat to-day, sir? 16. Yes, sir; I have a piece of beef. 17. Has your carpenter a mahogany table? 18. Yes, sir; he has a mahogany table. 19. Has your sister a glove? 20. Yes, sir; my sister has a silk glove. 21. Has the bookseller's son a gold pencil case? 22. Yes, sir; he has a gold pencil case and a steel pen. 23. Who has your sister's watch? 24. Your brother has the gold watch and the silk hat. 25. We have gold, silver, and steel. (See Rule 5.)




1. To render a sentence negative, ne is placed before the verb, and pas after it.

Je n'ai pas le cheval.

Vous n'avez pas la maison.

I have not the horse.
You have not the house.

2. When the verb is in a compound tense, [§ 45, (8.)] the first negative ne is placed before the auxiliary, and the second between the auxiliary and the participle.

Je n'ai pas eu le cheval.

Vous n'avez pas eu la maison.

I have not had the horse.
You have not had the house.

3. It will be seen in the above examples that the e of ne is elided, when the verb begins with a vowel. [§ 146.]

4. When the words ni, neither; rien, nothing; jamais, never; personne, no one, nobody, occur, the word ne only is used, and those words take the place of pas.

Je n'ai ni le livre ni le papier.
Avez-vous quelque chose?
Nous n'avons rien.
Personne n'a le livre. [§ 41, (6.)]
Vous n'avez jamais le couteau.

I have neither the book nor the paper.
Have you any thing?

We have nothing, or not any thing.
No one has the book.
You never have the knife

5. A noun used in a partitive sense (Lesson 6, Rule 1), and being the object of a verb conjugated negatively, should not be preceded by the article, but by the preposition de only.' [§ 78, (7.)].

Nous n'avons pas d'argent.
Vous n'avez pas de viande.

We have no money.
You have no meat.

6. Quelqu'un, some one, any one; [§ 41, (7.)] quelque chose, something, any thing; should only be used in an affirmative or interrogative sentence, or in a sentence which is negative and interrogative at the same time.

Avons-nous quelqu'un ?
Avez-vous quelque chose?

N'avons-nous pas quelque chose?

Have ive any one?

Have you any thing?
Have we not something?

7. In a negative sentence, ne- —personne, signifies nobody, not any body; and ne-rien, nothing, not any thing.

Je n'ai personne.
Vous n'avez rien.

I have no one, not any one.

You have nothing, or not any thing.


[blocks in formation]

Le tailleur a-t-il le bouton?
Le tailleur n'a pas le bouton.
Il n'a pas eu le drap.

Il n'a ni le bois ni le fer.

Ai-je de la viande ?

Vous n'avez pas de viande, (R. 5.)
Avons-nous quelque chose?

Nous n'avons rien.

Has the tailor the button?

The tailor has not the button.

He has not had the cloth.

He has neither the wood nor the iron.
Have I meat?

You have no meat.

Have we any thing?

We have nothing, or not any thing.

Nous n'avons jamais de café, (R. 5.) We never have coffee.

Vous n'avez pas de livre.

You have no (not any) book.

1 When however, the sentence is interrogative as well as negative, the article is sometimes used. In those cases, however, ne and pas are ren

dered by not instead of no.

Have we not money
Have you not meat?

N'avons-nous pas de l'argent?
N'avez-vous pas de la viande?

Without the article.

N'avons-nous pas d'argent?
N'avez-vous pas de viande ?

Have we no money?
Have you no meat?

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