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him. 31. I have forgotten to pay you.
to me.
33. Tell him to go to my father.
35. Tell him to come Christmas Eve.

32. Do not neglect to write

34. Do not cease to work. 36. I have told him to come

the day after.




1. Many French verbs reach their object by means of prepositions, while the corresponding English verbs govern their object directly, that is, without intervening prepositions. Other French verbs reach their object through prepositions different from those used in English. We give here a few verbs coming under those two classes, commencing with the first.

2. Verbs which have a preposition before a noun, in French, but have none in English.

Abuser de, to abuse
S'approcher de, to ap-

Convenir à, to suit
Déplaire à, to displease
Désobéir à, to disobey
Douter de, to doubt
Échapper à, to escape

Jouir de, to enjoy

Plaire à, to please

Manquer à, to offend, to Se souvenir de, to remem fail

Médire de, to slander
Se méfier de, to mistrust
Obéir à, to obey

Pardonner à, to forgive


Se servir de, to use
Ressembler à, to resem-
Survivre à, to survive

3. Verbs reaching their object through different prepositions in the two languages.

S'affliger de, to grieve for Louer de, to praise for
Féliciter de, to congratu-

late on, or for

Profiter de, to profit by
Penser à, to think of

[blocks in formation]

Remercier de, to thank

Rire de, to laugh at
Rougir de, to blush at
Songer à, to think of


N'avez-vous pas abusé de notre patience?

Nous en avons abusé.

Vous avez désobéi à vos parents.
Vous pardonnerez à vos ennemis.
Vous penserez constamment à vos

Vous y penserez constamment.
Ne riez-vous pas de nos erreurs?
Nous n'en rions point.

Ne ressemble-t-il pas à son père?

Have you not abused our patience?

We have abused it.

You have disobeyed your parents.
You will forgive your enemies.
You will think constantly of your

You will think of them constantly.
Do you not laugh at our mistakes?
We do not laugh at them.
Does he not resemble his father.

[blocks in formation]

1. Cet arrangement vous convient-il? 2. Il ne me convient pas mais il convient à notre parent. 3. Cela ne déplait-il pas au peintre ? 4. Votre conduite lui déplait beaucoup. 5. Ne craignez-vous pas d'abuser de la patience de votre ami? 6. Je crains d'en abuser. 7. Ne pensez-vous jamais à vos devoirs? 8. J'y pense tous les jours. 9. Avez-vous pensé à votre frère aujourd'hui ? 10. J'ai pensé à lui, et je me suis souvenu de ses bontés. 11. A-t-il eu soin de son père, et lui a-t-il obéi? 12. Il lui obéit constamment. 13. Ne lui a-t-il jamais désobéi? 14. Il lui a désobéi plusieurs fois, mais il gémit de sa faute. 15. Ne les remerciez-vous pas de leur complaisance? 15. Je les en remercie de tout mon cœur. 17. Le sellier vous a-t-il félicité de votre succès? 18. Il m'en a félicité. 19. N'avez-vous pas ri de notre malheur? 20. Nous n'en avons pas ri, nous ne rions jamais des malheurs d'autrui. 21. Ne vous souvenez-vous pas des nouvelles que je vous ai apprises? 22. Je ne m'en souviens plus. 23. Votre père ne vous a-t-il pas défendu de médire de votre prochain? 24. Il me l'a défendu. 25. Nous nous sommes informés de toutes les circonstances de cette affaire.


1. Have you not abused your friend's kindness? 2. I have not abused his kindness, I have abused his patience. 3. Does not your conduct displease your parents? 4. My conduct does not please them. 5. Why have you not obeyed your father? 6. I have obeyed him (lui). 7. Have you not laughed at my mistakes? 8. I have not laughed at your mistakes. 9. Has the young man laughed at the painter's mistakes? 10. He has not laughed at his mistakes. 11. Has your saddler laughed at your cousin's misfortunes? 12. He has not laughed at his misfortunes. 13. Do you ever laugh at the misfortunes of others? 14. We never laugh at our neighbor's misfortunes. 15. Do you remember the lesson which you learnt yesterday? 16. I do not remember it (en). 17. Does that young lady resemble her mother? 18. She does not resemble her mother. 19. Have you thanked your friend for his kindness? 20. I have thanked him for it. 21. Has your mother forbidden you to read

that book? 22. She has forbidden it (me l'a). 23. Why do you not forgive your enemies? 24. I forgive them with all my heart. 25. Do you not think of your duties? 26. I think of them (y) every day. 27. Have you congratulated your friend? 28. I have congratulated him on his success. 29. Have you not slandered those gentlemen? 30. I never slander my neighbor. 31. Does that house suit you? 32. It suits me, but it does not suit my father. 33. Does that house suit the painter? 34. It suits him very well, but it is too small for me. 35. My father has forbidden my speaking to that





1. The regimen, or complement of an adjective, is generally a noun or a verb completing its signification. The regimen is usually connected with the adjective, by means of a preposition.

2. That preposition is often different, in French, from that connecting the corresponding English adjective with its regimen [§ 87, (1.) (3.)].

3. When an adjective follows the verb être, used unipersonally, the preposition de connects that adjective with its regimen [§ 87, (4.)].

Il est nécessaire de travailler pour It is nccessary to labor in order to vivre. live.

4. The following adjectives, extracted from lists, § 88, 89, 90, reach their regimen through prepositions different in French and English.

Amoureux de, in love Mécontent de, displeased Propre à, fit for


Reconnaissant de, grate-
ful for

Chéri de, beloved by
Content de, pleased with
Désolé de, grieved for
Fâché de, sorry for
Inquiet de, uneasy about
Ivre de, intoxicated with Exact à, exact in

Rempli de, filled with
Bon à, good for
Cruel à, cruel towards

Rebelle à, rebellious towards

Bon pour, kind towards Insolent avec, insolent towards

Poli envers, polite to, or towards.


N'êtes-vous pas content de vos progrès ?

J'en suis fort content.

Votre domestique est-il exact à remplir ses devoirs ?

Are you not pleased with your pro-

I am very much pleased with it.
Is your servant exact in fulfilling
his duties?

Avez vous rempli de vin cette bouteille ?

Avez-vous rempli d'argent votre bourse?

Je l'en ai remplie.

Il est très facile de blâmer les actions d'autrui.

Il est glorieux de mourir pour sa patrie.

Il est plus agréable de voyager en été qu'en hiver.

Have you filled that bottle with wine?

Have you filled your purse with money?

I have filled it with it.

It is very easy to blame the actions of others.

It is glorious to die for one's country.

It is more agreeable to travel in summer than in winter.


Abatt-re, 4. ir. to cut Bois à brûler, m. fire- Nettoy-er, 1. to clean;

[blocks in formation]

1. Ce héros n'était-il pas amoureux de la liberté et de la gloire ? 2. Il en était amoureux. 3. Ce roi n'était-il pas chéri de son peuple? 4. Il en était chéri. 5. Ces négociants ne sont-ils pas contents de leur achat? 6. Ils n'en sont pas contents. 7. N'êtesvous pas chagriné de ne pouvoir nous accompagner? 8. J'en suis désólé. 9. Savez-vous de quoi l'aubergiste a rempli ce tonneau? 10. Il l'a rempli de vin. 11. De quoi ferez-vous remplir cette bouteille, quand vous l'aurez fait nettoyer? 12. Elle est déjà remplie d'encre. 13. N'êtes-vous pas bien fâché d'avoir fait abattre vos pommiers? 14. J'en suis bien content, car ils n'étaient bons à rien. 15. N'est-il pas nécessaire de faire arracher ces pruniers? 16. Il n'est pas nécessaire de les faire arracher. 17. Est-il possible de fendre ce morceau de bois ? 18. Il est possible de le fendre. 19. Êtes-vous exact à nettoyer vos habits? 20. J'y suis très exact. 21. De quoi avez-vous rempli votre bourse? 22. Je l'ai remplie d'argent. 23. Est-il nécessaire de faire scier votre bois à brûler? 24. Il est nécessaire de le faire scier. 25. N'êtes-vous pas reconnaissant des services qu'on vous rend? 26. J'en suis très reconnaissant.


1. Are you not grieved with having lost your money? 2. I am sorry that I have lost my purse. 3. With what will you fill that bottle? 4. I will have it filled with ink. 5. Is it not necessary to have our wood sawed? 6. It is necessary to have our fire-wood sawed. 7. Your garden is too small, is it not necessary to have some

plum-trees pulled out? 8. It is necessary to have some plum-trees cut down. 9. Have you filled your friend's purse with silver? 10. I have filled it with gold. 11. Are all your bottles filled with wine? 12. They are all filled with ink. 13. Are you sorry to have filled your bottles with ink? 14. I am glad to have filled them with ink, for I want ink. 15. Are you pleased with this book? 16. I am pleased with it. 17. Is that land good for any thing? 18. It is good for nothing. 19. Is that lady beloved by her children? 20. She is beloved by her friends, and by her children. 21. Are you grateful for those services? 22. I am grateful for them. 23. Is it not possible to split that piece of wood? 24. It is not possible to split it. 25. Is it agreeable to travel in winter? 26. It is not as agreeable to travel in winter as in summer. 27. It is easy to blame others. 28. Is it not glorious to die for one's country? 29. It is glorious to live and to die for one's country. 30. Have you filled the inkstand? (encrier). 31. I have filled it with ink. 32. Would it not be necessary to pull up all those trees? 33. It would not be necessary to pull them all up, for my garden is very large. 34. Henry the Fourth (quatre) was beloved by his people.




1. Some prepositions govern the nouns that follow them without the aid of other prepositions. Avant, before (at an earlier period); [(§ 142, (1.)] devant, before (opposite place); [§ 142, (1.)] derrière, behind; chez, at the house of; concernant, touching; excepté, except; outre, besides; selon, according to; voici, here is; voilà, there is, etc., [$ 139, (1.)]

2. Others, being rather prepositional phrases, govern their object by means of the preposition de :-hors de, out of; loin de, far from; à fleur de, even with; à force de, by dint of; à l'égard de, with regard to; à l'insu de, without the knowledge of, unknown to; à raison de, at the rate of; au deça de, this way of; au delà de, that way of, [§ 139, 2.].

3. Others take à-quant à, as far ; jusqu'à, as far as, etc. [§ 139, 3.]. 4. Two or more verbs, adjectives, or prepositions may in French have a regimen in common, provided they govern in the same manner or case [§ 92, (1.) (2.) § 140, and § 133.].

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