EPIG. To be well off-and feel so! sure is knowledge, To keep so-wisdom! seldom gain'd at College : Sound health requires but little care--much care To reinstate-and boxes of--Pilula fare. EMBLEM XI. GENESIS, chap. 1, v. 3. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. I. In vain thou striv'st, the Power that made, can rule, Can move, can fix- can delegate-resume The malign influence of thyself, and fool, No more shall mar the world or thought entomb— Behold! religion, peace, and science fair, Now reign where ignorance and superstition, Of sway—and hurried to perdition. Thou fail'st to move-yet hop'st to bear away I tell thee Mammon! that thy hope is vain! II. Dost thou not marvel that thy dainty master, Or is arrived the dread Millennium? And he got fast in mighty fetters: Where for a thousand years, Hell's Majesty Or rave and curse, or contemplate and sigh, |