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AUTOR scale paradisi.

Fear not, O Bride, nor despair; think not thyself contemned, if thy Bridegroom withdraw his face awhile.


If the Church hath true love towards Christ, time and absence will but make it more binding-for the Spirit doth sometimes appear to be absent, and the Church suffers persecutions that it may be tried—but the Bridegroom will not tarry long away: therefore be ye faithful to Martyrdom.

CANT., chap. 2, v. 14, 16.

Let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is lovely. My beloved is mine and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.

IB., chap. 3, v. 1.

By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but found him not.


The true True-lovers'-knot but firmer ties

The farther lovers part-hold thou but fast—
Tho' still earth-bound-thy Love beyond the skies!

The tie contracts-the union's sure to last.

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PSALM 119, v. 120.

My flesh trembleth for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy judgments.


How could I trust yon antic swain

With cap and bells and toy?

Some planet, sure, did turn my brain
To catch at such decoy :

With him to keep fools' holiday

I gambol'd far away

I followed where he led-he led astray


Thoughtless we pass'd Mount Sinai :

Loud thunderings smote my ear:

Fork'd lightnings glared my wanton eye,

But life was in the glare!

I took alarm--on feet of thought

Jordan's pure stream I sought;

I found a sterile country-parch'd with drought!


I turn'd my steps to Bethsaida,

But found no waters fair

No "pool!" no Ishmaelitish trader

Halted his camels there.

I fled-my antic snare pursued

And would again have woo'd—

I stopt my ears-and all his lures withstood.


I sought Bethesda's fount of fame,

But found its waters "still."

I watch'd-no friendly angel came

To agitate the rill—

Distracted o'er the earth I roam

I've dared the Ocean's foam !

Do tell me if thou canst-my pathway home!

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