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Vain, foolish youth!—to think thy mite of sense
Can cope with such-so consummate in wiles !-
Thy honest play, poor Boy! is poor pretence—
Those are but grins--that thou mistak'st for smiles !
Thou hast not half a chance !—t'escape unscath'd their


Is hopeless-as the captur'd mouse from feline claws.


A DUMBMY! verily they have in tow :

Thou see'st not when they filch thee of the deal!—

Cut as thou wilt, an honour lies below,

But thou no KNAVE canst on the board reveal!

Now they revoke! by thee unkenn'd: their spades

come in,

And all thy hearts are lost: Fool! dost still think to win?


What! four by honours !—and thy score at six !
Thy joyful look betides a certainty—

Thou art deceived-they'll win the game by tricks!
Despite thy honours, and thy chuckling eye.

Thou may'st as well attempt to guide the light of day,
As pit thy fancied science 'gainst their crafty play.


Thou hast no chance!-thy winning is in flight!

Break up-get home-thou 'st rubbers lost enow!
How can'st thou in such folly take delight?

Marring thy forehead, with a wrinkled brow

Unless thou dost repent, and change thy ways and


Thy life will be thy death, and Hell thy journey ends!


Avoid disputations; for much evil has been done to Christ's Church by weak disputants-the Logicians of this world do use subtleties-and do oftentimes confound the faithful-yea, sometimes bring into captivity the disciple that doth trust his own strength—

Do not seek them out—and if the Children of the Devil would seek thee out—send them to your Doctors.

JOB, chap. 30, v. 30.

I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.

PROV., chap. 3, v. 35.

But shame shall be the promotion of fools.


"Tis better keep at home, and ponder well-
Than search out casuists, to controvert-
His idiosyncracy is great!—who thinks to quell
A flaming Play-house-with a penny squirt!

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