Nor sought the damps of: morn-as cotters " Nor rose -till Sol had gain'd meridian height! Time.-Thine oil has been impure !—thy knowledge frail To think that sloth and lux'ries could avail To foster health-thy system's morbid grown! And hale hilarity—for ever flown : Thy turbid blood flows at a drawling pace, And Apoplexy stalks upon thy face !— My mission's done!-poor soul! I must away To meet the sun—and usher in the day! Lady. While-yet awhile! Oh, tell me what to do! Time.-Reverse thy life—thy flitted hours review! Div. Cup.-Repent! whilst minutes last-thy hours are few. Hope still remains-here turn thy flooded eyes, And trust time flies! HUGO. Luxury is an enticing pleasure, a bastard mirth, which hath honey in her mouth, gall in her heart, and a sting in her tail. ANON. Mind ye how ye pass your hours, for life is the time of your probation-life is uncertain; therefore procrastinate not; what ye think is health ofttimes proves disease, and sickness ofttimes is your health. LUKE, chap. 6, v. 25. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep. 1 PETER, chap. 5, v. 8. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. EPIG. Tho' fair to view-th' Asphal'tean fruit accurst! EMBLEM VIII. ISAIAH, chap. 50, v. 11. You that walk in the light of your own fire; and in the sparks that ye have kindled, ye shall lie down in sorrow. I. WHAT dost thou there? Poor Boy, thou hast no chance Thou can'st not hope to win, from such companionment! II. Hast thou much gold to stake? they'll have it all, E |