EMBLEM V. PSALM 84, v. 1. How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts! I. OH love divine! Oh much abounding grace! To grant a glimpse to one so base Of bliss!to see and taste this ample store Delightful vision of immortal gifts! Raising the soul to airy clifts, From earthly. grovelings!-Lord! I long to part And adoration pay, A never-ending day, Amidst these fragrant flowers-and constant May! D II. Like to the Bee-from sweet to sweets I rove Tasting the bounties of thy love The thornless rose, the odorous violet And the white jessamine, with gentle twine Oh I would willing stay My lifelong day, Midst flowers that never fade-and constant May. III. Fond children of the World! did ye but know The chosen plants that here do grow— Did ye once taste the cooling quenching rills, That trickle from th' ethereal Hills Did ye once hear the melody that cheers The heart and fascinates the ears! Ye would not while with gaudy marigolds, Or drink of thirsty springs that Earth infolds! But quickly haste away To spend a day, Amidst these fragrant flowers-and constant May. IV. Ye laud the charms the changing world affords, And vainly think that wealth well spent May purchase heaven! although not give content. Alas! ye argue, but ye little know, Since reason's clogg'd by things below: Did ye once taste these rills, and hear, and see These heavenly sights-you'd raise your thoughts and flee From earth and things of clay To spend a day, Amidst these fragrant flowers—and constant May. V. Your thoughts, poor Worldlings! and the goods ye prize Are worthless in the Bridegroom's eyes: Your birds are tuneless, when compared with these That sing from everlasting trees: The waters ye call fair, and so much praise, Are turbid as your brightest days: To taste you've but to will-and to forego The 'witching World !—is but the World to know. Then prithee haste away To spend a day, Amidst these fragrant flowers—and constant May. S. BERNH. That is the true and chief joy, which is not conceived from the creature, but received from the Creator, which being once possest of, none can take from thee : whereto all pleasure being compared is torment, all joy is grief, sweet things are bitter, and all glory is baseness. MATT., chap. 7, v. 7, 8. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth. JOHN, chap. 6, v. 37. Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. PHILIP., chap. 3, v. 19. They mind earthly things; but our conversation is in heaven. EPIG. Hark! to the warning voice—it tells thee true, |