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whirling body; for the reason that the rotation here is proportionally more active and intense, being impelled by the aggregated pressure and momentum of the more outward portion of the whirlwind as it converges from its larger area, on all sides, by increasingly rapid motion, into the smaller area of ascending rotation*. That this interior portion of the whirl resembles an inverted hollow cone, or column, with quiescent and more rarefied air at its absolute centre, may be inferred from the observations which have been made in the axial portions of the great cyclones. Into this axial area of the tornado the bodies forced upward by the vortex cannot fall, but will be discharged outward from the ascending whirl. The columnar profile of this axial area sometimes becomes visible, as in the water-spouts so called.

5. Accessions caused by circumjacent contact and pressure are constantly accruing to the whirling body, so long as its rotative energy is maintained. A correlative diffusion from its ascending portion must necessarily take place, towards its upper horizon; and this is often manifested by the great extent or accumulation of cloud which results in this manner from the action of the tornado. In other words, there is a constant discharge from the whirling body in the direction of least resistance.

6. The spirality of the rotation and its inclination to the horizon, in the great portion of the whirl which is exterior to its ascending area, is not ordinarily subject to direct observation. Nor is the outline or body of the more outward portion of the whirlwind at all visible, otherwise than in its effects.

7. In aqueous vortices the axial spiralities of the exterior and interior portions are in reverse direction to those in the atmosphere, the descending spiral being nearest to the axis of the vortex. Hence lighter bodies and even bubbles of air are often forced downward in the water, in the manner in which heavier bodies are forced upwards in the atmosphere.

The foregoing is simply a statement of results which I have derived from a long course of observation and inquiry. It does not include the partial and imperfect exhibitions of whirlwind action which often occur; nor the various movements and phænomena which are collaterally associated with tornadoes and whirlwinds, some of which are of much significance.-Silliman's American Journal for January 1857, p. 23.

* The law of increment in the velocity of the whirlwind, as it gradually converges into smaller areas by its spiral involution, is that which pertains to other bodies when revolving around interior foci towards which they are being gradually drawn or pressed nearer and nearer, in their involute course; the line of focal or centripetal pressure, thus sweeping equal areas in equal times, at whatever diminution of distance from the centre; except as the velocity may be effected in degree by the resistance of other bodies. Such resistance is of little effect in a tornado, because its revolving mass is mainly above all ordinary obstacles, such as orchards and forests, into which the spirally descending and accelerated blast, near the contracted extremity of the inverted and truncated cone of the whirl, penetrates with constant freshness and intensity of force, already acquired in the higher and unobstructed region.






APRIL 1857.

XXXV. On the Conservation of Force.
By Professor FARADAY, D.C.L., F.R.S.*

VARIOUS circumstances induce me at the present moment

to put forth a consideration regarding the conservation of force. I do not suppose that I can utter any truth respecting it that has not already presented itself to the high and piercing intellects which move within the exalted regions of science; but the course of my own investigations and views makes me think that the consideration may be of service to those persevering labourers (amongst whom I endeavour to class myself), who, occupied in the comparison of physical ideas with fundamental principles, and continually sustaining and aiding themselves by experiment and observation, delight to labour for the advance of natural knowledge, and strive to follow it into undiscovered regions.

There is no question which lies closer to the root of all physical knowledge than that which inquires whether force can be destroyed or not. The progress of the strict science of modern times has tended more and more to produce the conviction that "force can neither be created nor destroyed," and to render daily more manifest the value of the knowledge of that truth in experimental research. To admit, indeed, that force may be destructible or can altogether disappear, would be to admit that matter could be uncreated; for we know matter only by its forces and though one of these is most commonly referred to, namely gravity, to prove its presence, it is not because gravity has any pretension or any exemption amongst the forms of force

* From the Proceedings of the Royal Institution for February 27, 1857. Phil. Mag. S. 4. Vol. 13. No. 86. April 1857.


as regards the principle of conservation, but simply, that being, as far as we perceive, inconvertible in its nature and unchangeable in its manifestation, it offers an unchanging test of the matter which we recognize by it.

Agreeing with those who admit the conservation of force to be a principle in physics as large and sure as that of the indestructibility of matter, or the invariability of gravity, I think that no particular idea of force has a right to unlimited or unqualified acceptance that does not include assent to it; and also to definite amount and definite disposition of the force, either in one effect or another, for these are necessary consequences; therefore I urge that the conservation of force ought to be admitted as a physical principle in all our hypotheses, whether partial or general, regarding the actions of matter. I have had doubts in my own mind whether the considerations I am about to advance are not rather metaphysical than physical. I am unable to define what is metaphysical in physical science; and am exceedingly adverse to the easy and unconsidered admission of one supposition upon another, suggested as they often are by very imperfect induction from a small number of facts, or by a very imperfect observation of the facts themselves; but, on the other hand, I think the philosopher may be bold in his application of principles which have been developed by close inquiry, have stood through much investigation, and continually increase in force. For instance, time is growing up daily into importance as an element in the exercise of force. The earth moves in its orbit in time; the crust of the earth moves in time; light moves in time; an electro-magnet requires time for its charge by an electric current: to inquire, therefore, whether power, acting either at sensible or insensible distances, always acts in time, is not to be metaphysical; if it acts in time and across space, it must act by physical lines of force; and our view of the nature of the force may be affected to the extremest degree by the conclusions which experiment and observation on time may supply, being perhaps finally determinable only by them. To inquire after the possible time in which gravitating, magnetic, or electric force is exerted, is no more metaphysical than to mark the times of the hands of a clock in their progress; or that of the temple of Serapis in its ascents and descents; or the periods of the occultations of Jupiter's satellites; or that in which the light from them comes to the earth. Again, in some of the known cases of action in time, something happens whilst the time is passing which did not happen before, and does not continue after; it is therefore not metaphysical to expect an effect in every case, or to endeavour to discover its existence and determine its nature. So in regard to the principle of the conservation of

force, I do not think that to admit it and its consequences, whatever they may be, is to be metaphysical; on the contrary, if that word have any application to physics, then I think that any hypothesis, whether of heat, or electricity, or gravitation, or any other form of force, which either wittingly or unwittingly dispenses with the principle of conservation, is more liable to the charge than those which, by including it, become so far more strict and precise.

Supposing that the truth of the principle of the conservation of force is assented to, I come to its uses. No hypothesis should be admitted, nor any assertion of a fact credited, that denies the principle. No view should be inconsistent or incompatible with it. Many of our hypotheses in the present state of science may not comprehend it, and may be unable to suggest its consequences, but none should oppose or contradict it.

If the principle be admitted, we perceive at once that a theory or definition, though it may not contradict the principle, cannot be accepted as sufficient or complete unless the former be contained in it; that however well or perfectly the definition may include and represent the state of things commonly considered under it, that state or result is only partial, and must not be accepted as exhausting the power or being the full equivalent, and therefore cannot be considered as representing its whole nature; that, indeed, it may express only a very small part of the whole, only a residual phænomenon, and hence give us but little indication of the full natural truth. Allowing the principle its force, we ought in every hypothesis either to account for its consequences, by saying what the changes are when force of a given kind apparently disappears, as when ice thaws, or else should leave space for the idea of the conversion. If any hypothesis, more or less trustworthy on other accounts, is insufficient in expressing it or incompatible with it, the place of deficiency or opposition should be marked as the most important for examination, for there lies the hope of a discovery of new laws or a new condition of force. The deficiency should never be accepted as satisfactory, but be remembered and used as a stimulant to further inquiry; for conversions of force may here be hoped for. Suppositions may be accepted for the time, provided they are not in contradiction with the principle. Even an increased or diminished capacity is better than nothing at all; because such a supposition, if made, must be consistent with the nature of the original hypothesis, and may therefore, by the application of experiment, be converted into a further test of probable truth. The case of a force simply removed or suspended, without a transferred exertion in some other direction, appears to me to be absolutely impossible.

If the principle be accepted as true, we have a right to pursue it to its consequences, no matter what they may be. It is, indeed, a duty to do so. A theory may be perfection, as far as it goes, but a consideration going beyond it is not for that reason to be shut out. We might as well accept our limited horizon as the limits of the world. No magnitude, either of the phænomena or of the results to be dealt with, should stop our exertions to ascertain, by the use of the principle, that something remains to be discovered, and to trace in what direction that discovery may lie.

I will endeavour to illustrate some of the points which have been urged, by reference, in the first instance, to a case of power which has long had great attractions for me, because of its extreme simplicity, its promising nature, its universal presence, and its invariability under like circumstances; on which, though I have experimented* and as yet failed, I think experiment would be well bestowed: I mean the force of gravitation. I believe I represent the received idea of the gravitating force aright, in saying that it is a simple attractive force exerted between any two or all the particles or masses of matter, at every sensible distance, but with a strength varying inversely as the square of the distance. The usual idea of the force implies direct action at a distance; and such a view appears to present little difficulty except to Newton, and a few, including myself, who in that respect may be of like mind with him.

This idea of gravity appears to me to ignore entirely the prin ciple of the conservation of force; and by the terms of its definition, if taken in an absolute sense "varying inversely as the square of the distance," to be in direct opposition to it; and it becomes my duty now to point out where this contradiction occurs, and to use it in illustration of the principle of conservation. Assume two particles of matter, A and B, in free space, and a force in each or in both by which they gravitate towards each other, the force being unalterable for an unchanging distance, but varying inversely as the square of the distance when the latter varies. Then at the distance of 10 the force may be estimated as 1; whilst at the distance of 1, i. e. one-tenth of the former, the force will be 100; and if we suppose an elastic spring to be introduced between the two as a measure of the attractive force, the power compressing it will be a hundred times as much in the latter case as in the former. But from whence can this enormous increase of the power come? If we say that it is the character of this force, and content ourselves with that as a sufficient answer, then it appears to me we admit a creation of power, and that to an enormous amount; yet by a change of *Philosophical Transactions, 1851, p. 1. † See Note, p. 232.

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