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Sleá makes imper. slýh or sléh; infin. sleán: thus also leán to blame, and pweán to wash ; p. past þwegen, pwogen. Stande sometimes has standest, standed.

XI. Conjugation III.

In the Third Conjugation the vowel remains the same in the present; but that of the imperfect is changed in the second person singular, and in the whole plural: the part. past has either the same vowel as these persons, or one near akin.

Examples:-bindan to bind, drífan to drive, clúfan

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In the First Class, i (y), e, eo, become a (o), ea, æ, in the imperfect, and these in the second person and plural are again changed to u: the part. past has

u or o.

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() G. rinne, rann, ge-ronnen; singe, sang, ge-sungen; trinke, trank;

schwelle, schwillt, schwoll, ge-schwollen, &c.

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Weordan(2) to be, to become, is thus conjugated:

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XIII.-Class II.

In the Second Class, í becomes in the imperfect á, and this in the second person, &c. i: the part. past has

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(') G. scheine, schien, ge-schienen; steige, stieg; greife, griff, gegriffen, &c.

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